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To help absorb the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, the oil is emulsified (broken into smaller droplets) in the small intestine by bile (which is secreted into the intestine when a fatty/oily meal is eaten). Coromega Max is a fish oil (sold in squirt packets) that is already emulsified. This helps explains why a clinical trial found that one of the omega-3s in it was better absorbed than that from a regular fish oil capsule, although not 300% better. The total amount of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA + DHA, however, were not better absorbed from Coromega than from the fish oil capsule. The study was also performed in a way that could favor Coromega. Based on this study, the claim does not appear to be true.

More details about this are found in the How to Take section of the Fish Oil (Omega-3) Supplements Review, which also describes how to maximize absorption and minimize side effects when taking fish oil and other omega-3 oils. Also see information in the Review about Forms of Fish Oil — Natural Triglycerides, Ethyl Esters or Re-esterified Triglycerides.

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