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Is Folic Acid the Same Thing as Folate?

There are important differences between folic acid and folate, including how well these forms of vitamin B-9 are absorbed, dosage, and how much is too much. Get the details, including what to look for on supplement labels, in our article about folic acid and folate.

Folic acid vs folate

Do detox supplements work and are they safe?

Detox supplements are promoted for removing toxins such as heavy metals from the body, but does research support their use and are such supplements safe?

Woman holding detox supplements in the palm of her hand over various fruits and vegetables on a table

What are the health benefits of chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, and are they safe?

Chlorophyll supplements are promoted for reducing body odor, preventing cancer, removing toxins from the body, improving digestive conditions and other uses, but do they work and are they safe? Find out and learn if such supplements actually contain chlorophyll.

Woman adding drops of liquid chlorophyll to glass of water

Do detox foot pads or ionic foot baths remove heavy metals or other toxins from the body?

Detox foot pads and ionic foot baths are promoted for removing heavy metals and other toxins from the body. Find out if there is evidence to support these claims.

Woman lying in bed wearing detox foot pads

I am 70 a year male in relatively good health. I plan on walking the Camino in France (500 miles). I am looking for a multivitamin that would best supply me with my needs during this walk/hike. What would be the best product or combination of products to use?

Find out if older adults who walk or hike should take a multivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, or other supplements, like electrolytes, when hiking. Plus, see our advice for choosing a good sunscreen.

Hiking 8

What is lumbrokinase, does it have heart benefits, is it safe, and what should you look for, or avoid, in a lumbrokinase supplement?

Lumbrokinase is marketed as promoting healthy circulation and supporting heart health. Find out how and if lumbrokinase supplements actually work, possible safety concerns, and what to consider when choosing a lumbrokinase supplement.

Capsules of lumbrokinase poured onto a black table

Does coffee have brain benefits?

People commonly drink coffee to increase alertness, counteract fatigue, and boost cognition, but does it really improve memory and cognitive function? Find out, and learn about risks linked with drinking too much coffee.

Silhouette of mans head with coffee beans in place of brain

COVID-19 Vaccines for 2023-2024: What You Should Know

Learn how the updated COVID-19 vaccines for 2023-2024 (Moderna, Novavax, and Pfizer-BioNTech) differ from each other, who should get them, what the recommended dosing schedules are, and possible side effects.

Older man in gray t-shirt getting vaccinated for COVID-19

Where to Safely Buy Real Water Filters Online, Not Fakes or Counterfeits

ConsumerLab explains how to avoid counterfeit water filters when shopping online on Amazon,, and other sites. Learn to identify authorized sites and sellers and avoid fake filters. Use the brand-by-brand guide to protect yourself from risk.

Counterfeit Water Filters

Are fruit and vegetable “washes” more effective than water for cleaning produce and removing pesticides? Are they safe?

Fruit and veggie washes was such as Fit Organic Spray are often promoted for cleaning, reducing bacteria that can cause food poisoning, and removing pesticides from produce. Vinegar and baking soda are sometimes also recommended. But are they any more effective than rinsing with water, and are they safe? Find out.

Fruits 3
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