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Older man with dry eye rubbing his eyes while holding his glasses


Certain supplements have shown some benefits in alleviating symptoms of dry eye. These include those containing flaxseed oil, maqui berry extract (MaquiBright or BrightSight), and possibly curcumin from turmeric (including Blink NutriTears). However, more studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

Fish oil does not seem to help prevent or treat dry eye when used alone, although it might have some benefit when used with other fatty acids or vitamins. There is no strong evidence that supplementing with caffeine or drinking coffee is beneficial for dry eye.

For details, including formulas and doses that have shown benefit, and to find out if drinking extra water, following a gluten-free diet, or using eye drops containing castor oil, N-acetylcarnosine or aloe seems to help, sign in as a member.

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