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Can drinking coffee weaken bones or make arthritis worse?

Learn about the effects of coffee intake on bone mineral density, risk of osteoporosis, and risk of fracture. Also, find out if drinking coffee might increase the risk of arthritis or worsen symptoms.

Can fluoride in toothpaste, mouth rinses or drinking water cause attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children?

Find out if community water fluoridation increases the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, and learn what the American Dental Association recommends when using fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouth rinses in children.

Small amount of toothpaste being applied to a toothbrush with a glass of water in the background

What is the best sunscreen based on safety and efficacy?

Two different carcinogens, benzene and benzophenone have been found in popular sunscreens. These cancer-causing compounds are not listed on labels. Get the details and find out which sunscreens have been found to contain benzene and benzophenone.

Carcinogens in Sunscreens - Bottle of sunscreen with a question mark

How Should You Take Care of Yourself After You’ve Had COVID-19?

Find out the best way to care for yourself when recovering from COVID-19, including how long you should quarantine, whether you should get vaccinated, when it is safe to undergo a surgery, and how to spot and, possibly, improve lingering symptoms.

Man in wheelchair talking with doctor after recovering from COVID

Do any supplements help with fatty liver disease? Are some diets more beneficial than others?

Find out if supplements such as vitamin E, fish oil, milk thistle, curcumin, choline, probiotics, vitamin D, reishi mushroom, or extra virgin olive oil are beneficial for fatty liver disease and learn which diet (Mediterranean, ketogenic, DASH, or fasting diets) seems to have greatest benefit.

Overweight man holding his right side near his liver
All CL Answers

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