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Latest Posted June 17, 2024

Do Not Consume Diamond Shruumz Products, Warns CDC and FDA

On June 12, 2024, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and America’s Poison Centers warned consumers not to buy or consume Diamond Shruumz chocolate bars, cones, and gummies. The agencies are investigating reports of illness from consumers, including nausea, vomiting, low and high blood pressure, and seizures, after ingesting Diamond Shruumz chocolate bars, cones, and gummies. Twelve illnesses, including 10 hospitalizations with several requiring intubation or admission to an intensive care unit, have been reported in eight states throughout the U.S. The cause of illness remains unknown.

Diamond Shruumz products are labeled as containing a proprietary blend of mushrooms such as reishi and lion’s mane, are promoted to provide an “experience” of “pleasure” and “peace of mind.” They are sold nationwide through the company’s website as well as other online retailers and shops that typically sell hemp-derived (e.g., cannabidiol [CBD], delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol [THC]) and smoke/vape products.

(See ConsumerLab’s Reviews of CBD & Hemp Extract Supplements, Lotions, and Balms, Dark Chocolate, Lion’s Mane and Chaga Supplements, and Reishi Mushroom Supplements for more about the differences between CBD and THC, and our tests of CBD, dark chocolate, and mushroom products. ConsumerLab testing has also identified quality issues with gummy supplements, possibly because gummy products can be particularly difficult to manufacture. See ConsumerLab’s Review of Multivitamins for more information and tests of related products.)

The CDC has advised consumers to discard and destroy any product. The agency also warned consumers not to consume any products claiming to produce feelings of euphoria, hallucinations, or psychedelic effects and to store edibles and other products that contain mushrooms, THC, or CBD safely away from children as they may mistake some edibles for candy.

The CDC, FDA, and Poison Centers are continuing to monitor reports of illness nationwide. Consumers experiencing adverse effects after ingesting Diamond Shruumz brand products should seek immediate help and report the effects to the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222.

For more information, use the link below.

Severe Illness Potentially Associated with Consuming Diamond ShruumzTM Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies

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