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Is it better to get vitamins from foods or supplements, and are natural vitamins better than synthetic vitamins?

Learn more about the benefits of getting vitamins from food versus supplements, natural versus synthetic vitamins, and more.

Getting Vitamins and Minerals from Food vs. Supplements -- fruits, vegetables, and a spoon containing supplements on a table

What is magnesium stearate, what is it made from, and is it dangerous?

Learn more about magnesium stearate and its safety, based on evidence from clinical studies.

Is magnesium stearate safe? -- woman looking at ingredients on supplement label

I'm over 50 and looking to take a vitamin B-12 supplement. Many contain a form of vitamin B-12 called cyanocobalamin, yet I read on the Internet that this form is toxic. Should I be concerned?

Looking to see if the cyanocobalamin form of vitamin B-12 is safe? Read research and safety information on ConsumerLab's report.

Vitamin B-12

I am curious why some probiotics do not require refrigeration even though they contain some of the same bacteria in probiotics that require refrigeration? Which probiotics need to be refrigerated?

Refrigerating certain probiotic pills and other probiotic supplements is important. Get tips on how to store probiotics properly.

Do probiotic pills require refrigeration? -- Probiotic supplement

Lovaza, a prescription omega-3 fish oil, is very expensive. Can I get the same omega-3 oils from a supplement that costs less?

Lovaza fish oil (prescription) vs. over the counter fish oil supplements. Understand the differences in cost and benefits before you buy.

The Difference Between Prescription Lovaza and Over the Counter Fish Oil - Omega-3 Supplements

Can biotin supplements really strengthen nails or improve hair? Can other supplements help?

Learn more about strengthening brittle nails with vitamin B-7 (biotin), based on clinical evidence.

Supplements for Brittle Nails -- healthy nails

Will 7-keto DHEA help me lose weight?

Learn more about 7-keto DHEA supplements for weight loss, including clinical results.

7-Keto DHEA for Weight Loss? -- supplement and pills on scale

How likely are Americans to be deficient in vitamins or minerals?

Read info based on the CDC about vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E, folate, and iron in the United States.

Vitamin Deficiency in Men and Women -- doctor's clipboard with information about vitamin deficiency

Are antioxidant supplements good or bad for you?

Learn more about whether antioxidants like astaxanthin, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, curcumin, resveratrol, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E are safe and if they help prevent chronic diseases.

Can Antioxidants Cause You to Die Sooner? -- antioxidant supplements and carrots

Which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately?

Find out the best way to take vitamins and minerals and which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately for proper absorption. ConsumerLab answer explains the best way to take vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins & Minerals That Should Be Taken Together or Separately -- various vitamins in spoons
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