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Product Review

Lactose Intolerance Products Review (Lactase Enzyme Supplements and Lactose-Free Milks)

Choose the Best Lactase Enzyme Supplement and Lactose-Free Milk. Find a CL Approved Lactose Intolerance Product.

Lactase Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Probiotic Supplements Review (Including Pet Probiotics)

Probiotics: See What They Really Contain and Our Top Picks

Product Review

Protein Powders, Shakes, and Meal Replacements Review

Find Out Which Protein Products Passed or Failed Our Tests

Product Review

Plant-Based Milks Review (Almond, Cashew, Coconut, Flax, Hemp, Macadamia, Oat, Pea, and Soy)

Find the Best Non-Dairy Milk Alternative. ConsumerLab Tests Reveal What's Really In Plant-Based Milks.

Plant Based Milks reviewed by

Product Review

Digestive Enzyme Supplements Review

Big Differences in Strength Found Among Digestive Enzyme Supplements. CL Tests Reveal Which Are Best.

CL Answer

Which supplements or OTC medications help reduce flatulence (gas), and are there any that make it worse?

Find out which supplements may help reduce flatulence (gas), and learn which supplements or foods may worsen symptoms of flatulence.

Older woman sitting on her bed and holding her stomach due to gas and bloating

CL Answer

What is the best protein supplement for vegetarians and vegans?

Find out which protein supplements for vegetarians and vegans are best, including those made from whey, casein, soy, rice, pea, and hemp.'s answer explains.

Protein Powder Scoop

News Release

May 15, 2019

ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Big Differences in Digestive Enzyme Supplements

White Plains, New York, May 15, 2019 — Digestive enzyme supplements can help improve digestion and the absorption of nutrients, and may reduce symptoms of indigestion. But to work, they must provide a certain amount of enzyme activity.

CL Answer

Which supplements can cause diarrhea?

Can supplements like magnesium cause diarrhea? Find out which supplements may cause diarrhea, such as vitamin B12, curcumin, magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil.

Which supplements can cause diarrhea? -- Woman with gastrointestinal pain

Product Review

Nutrition Bars & Cookies Review (For Energy, Fiber, Protein, Meal Replacement, and Whole Foods)

Find the Best Nutrition Bar or Cookie. ConsumerLab Tests Reveals Not All Nutrition Bars and Cookies Contain What They Claim.

Nutrition Bars Reviewed by (Energy, Fiber, Meal Replacement, Protein, and Whole Food Bars)

CL Answer

What is Noopept? Can it really improve memory and cognition, and is it safe?

Learn more about Noopept, including results from clinical studies on cognition, safety, and dosage.

CL Answer

I take levothyroxine (Synthroid), a thyroid hormone to treat hypothyroidism. Are there supplements or foods I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Is taking certain supplements and hypothyroidism medications bad? Learn which supplements can interact with thyroid hormone medications like levothyroxine (Synthroid), thyroid hormone levels, and laboratory tests.

Levothyroxine (Synthroid) Supplement Interactions

CL Answer

Do diamine oxidase (DAO) supplements for histamine intolerance really work?

DAO supplement info for histamine intolerance, including diamine oxidase safety, evidence from clinical studies, and dosage.

Person in Pink Shirt Scratching Arm

News Release

June 15, 2016

28% of Protein Powders and Drinks Fail's Tests of Quality

White Plains, New York, June 15, 2016 — Protein powders and drinks can help build and maintain muscle when combined with exercise and can also help with blood sugar control. However, recent ConsumerLab.

CL Answer

Which supplements are important after bariatric surgery (i.e., weight loss or stomach-reducing surgery)? Are there any I should avoid?

Find out which supplements may help after weight loss or stomach reducing surgery, including iron and calcium, and which should be avoided.

Bypass Surgery Sign

CL Answer

Supplements That May Be Needed When Following a Gluten-Free Diet

Find out if supplements such as folate, vitamin B-12, niacin, thiamin, iron, vitamin D, and/or fiber are needed when following a gluten-free diet. Also learn how to find gluten-free supplements on

Woman holding her hand in front of a slice of bread to signify a gluten free diet

Recalls & Warnings

September 23, 2024

Lactaid Milk Recalled Due to Allergen

On September 20, 2024, HP Hood LLC voluntarily recalled five SKUs of refrigerated Lactaid Milk due to the product potentially containing trace amounts of almond, which is not declared on the label. No illness has been reported to date.

CL Answer

Which supplements can help with indigestion and/or heartburn?

Information on supplements for heartburn that can help relieve gastrointestinal symptoms - heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux.

Supplements for Indigestion and Heartburn -- man with heartburn pain

Clinical Update


DAO for Histamine Intolerance?

Can diamine oxidase (DAO) supplementation improve gastrointestinal symptoms of histamine intolerance? Find out what the most recent evidence suggests in our updated CL Answer about DAO for histamine intolerance.

Clinical Update


Best DAO Supplement for Histamine Intolerance?

Which DAO supplements are most like what has been used in clinical studies to reduce symptoms of intolerance to histamine-rich foods like cheese, sausage, beer and wine? Find out in our updated article about DAO Supplements & Histamine Intolerance.

CL Answer

I bought a lactose-free milk that is "calcium-fortified" and provides 50% of the Daily Value for calcium. Is that too much calcium?

Find out if one cup of calcium fortified lactose-free milk provides too much calcium, the Daily Value for calcium, and how much you should be getting based on your age.'s answer explains.


News Release

November 06, 2015

Some Surprising Results from Tests of 43 Probiotic Supplements and Kefir Drinks

White Plains, New York, November 6, 2015 — How many beneficial organisms are in probiotic supplements and kefir drinks? Are any contaminated with pathogens, such as E. coli, and do those labeled as "gluten free" or "99% lactose-free" live up to their claims? To find out, ConsumerLab.

Clinical Update


Supplement for Histamine Intolerance?

Is Histamine Block, a DAO (diamine oxidase) supplement promoted for treating histamine intolerance, similar to what has been used in clinical research? Find out in our updated CL Answer about DAO Supplements.

CL Answer

Is the probiotic "Milk Test," as described on many websites, really an effective way to test the quality of the bacteria in probiotic supplements at home?

Is the probiotic "Milk Test" an effective at-home test of the quality of the bacteria in probiotic supplements?

Milk and Probiotics Against White Background

CL Answer

I enjoy oat milk in my coffee, but how healthy is it for me?

Is oat milk healthy? Information about oat milk contents, how much sugar and calcium is in oat milk, and if it is a healthy alternative to cow milk.

Is oatmeal milk healthy? -- glass of oatmeal milk and oats in a spoon

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Dizziness When Rising?

Can vitamin D reduce symptoms of orthostatic intolerance (low blood pressure when standing up)? Find out what a new study in adolescents showed in the What It Does section of Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


CoQ10 for Statin-Intolerance

Many people experience muscle pain from taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. CoQ10 can help reduce this pain, according to a new study. Get the details in the What It Does section of the CoQ10 Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among CoQ10 supplements.

CL Answer

Are There Supplements That Help Treat POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)?

Find out which supplements and lifestyle changes may be helpful for people with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).


CL Answer

I developed a rash after taking an iron supplement and then realized the supplement contained soy, to which I am allergic. Can your reports help me avoid soy and other allergens in supplements?

Learn how to avoid supplements with soy, and other allergens, for those with allergies.

Woman Taking Pill While Reading Bottle

News Release

October 31, 2011

Supplements for lactose intolerance vary in strength and cost, and some offer no benefit, according to

White Plains, New York — October 31, 2011 — Can lactose-free milks and lactase enzyme supplements provide help to the millions of Americans with lactose intolerance.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

IBS supplements may help reduce irritable bowel symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and constipation. Supplements include probiotics, melatonin, and flaxseed.

Supplements for IBS? -- Women With Stomach Pain

CL Answer

Are there vitamins or supplements that can reduce my risk of breast cancer? Do any increase cancer risk?

Find out if certain vitamins, supplements and foods such as fish oil, olive oil, vitamin C and others, can help reduce the risk of breast cancer.'s answer explains.

Supplements & Breast Cancer Risk -- doctor holding pink breast cancer awareness ribbon

Clinical Update


Side Effects of Lactase Enzyme

Lactase supplements (such as chewable pills or liquids) are promoted to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms when consuming lactose in dairy products. Although uncommon, side effects can occur. Learn about these in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Lactase Supplements and Lactose-Free Milks Review. Also see which lactase supplements passed or failed our tests.

Recalls & Warnings

August 03, 2018

Vanilla Almond Breeze Almond Milk Recalled

On August 2, 2018, HP Hood LLC issued a recall of half-gallon (1.89 L) cartons of refridgerated Vanilla Almond Breeze almond milk because the product may contain milk, an allergen not listed on the label.

Clinical Update


Non-animal Whey

How do “non-animal” whey protein products such as V-Whey and Mooless compare to regular whey protein, and are they suitable for people sensitive to lactose or with milk allergies? Find out in our Protein Powders Review.

Also see our Top Picks among protein powders.

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2022

Natural Organics Keto Capsules Recalled Due to Gluten

On March 6, 2022, Natural Organics, Inc. issued a recall of four lots of NaturePlus Keto Living Sugar Control Capsules that were found to contain gluten.

Recalls & Warnings

October 24, 2012

Manufacturer of Green Tea, Vitamin E, Omega-3 and Cranberry Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations, Misbranding and Drug Claims

On October 16, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement manufacturer Advanced Nutritional Technology Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

March 06, 2015

Most Milk Free of Drug Residue, FDA Study Shows

On March 5, 2015, the FDA announced that more than 99% of milk samples tested in the U.S. were found to be free of drug residues of concern.

Recalls & Warnings

February 01, 2013

Lactase Enzyme Supplement Recalled

On November 13, 2012, Cardinal Health issued a voluntary recall of specific lots of Dairy Aid Lactase Enzyme Supplement 3,000 FCC Unit caplets because they are incorrectly labeled as 9,000 FCC Unit caplets.