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Chuchuhuasi for Inflammation & Back Pain? -- Woman With Back Pain Sitting, at Desk Drinking Tea


Chuchuhuasi is a tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest and other parts of South America. The bark and roots are commonly used in South American folk medicine for joint pain and inflammation (Sanz-Biset, J Ethnopharmacol 2009).

Chuchuhuasi contains several chemicals called triterpenes that have shown anti-inflammatory effects in laboratory studies. One specific chemical found in chuchuhuasi has been shown to reduce joint inflammation in an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis (Malanik, Molecules 2019). However, chuchuhuasi has not been clinically studied in people for any condition nor has its safety been clinically evaluated, so it would not seem appropriate to take chuchuhuasi for back pain at this time.

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