Our Members Asked:
Does silica have health benefits? What is BioSil, and can it really increase collagen production and strengthen hair, skin, nails and bones?

Silica (silicon dioxide) is a form of the element silicon that is used as a food additive to keep ingredients flowing during manufacture. It is also the building block of quartz and is abundant in sand.
A bioavailable form of silicon, known as orthosilicic acid (or OSA, which is, essentially, silica with attached water molecules) is naturally found in a variety of foods and beverages and is a key ingredient in BioSil, a dietary supplement that includes choline and has been promoted as "clinically proven to increase collagen formation, increase skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, thicken and strengthen hair, increase bone collagen formation, and increase bone mineral density." However, the evidence supporting these claims has weaknesses, and there is a possible safety concern with one of the compounds in BioSil.
Products sold as "silica supplements" typically contain either orthosilicic acid or natural plant ingredients that contain it or other natural chemical forms of silicon.
Sign in as a member to the full answerfor details about silica, orthosilicic acid, and Biosil, including the evidence for and against their use as supplements for skin and wrinkles, hair, bone health and inflammation and bone loss related to dental implants.
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