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Coronavirus Information Center

Coronavirus Information Center

Protect yourself! See our reviews of masks, air purifiers, virus and antibody tests, pulse oximeters, and information about vitamins and supplements.

Coronavirus Information Center

Search term may appear only in full report available to members. Join now for full access.

CL Answer

Can I get the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from supplements from China?

Information about catching the coronavirus from supplements from China, plus info on contamination with heavy metals like lead and more.

Coronavirus Risk With Supplements from China? -- 'Coronavirus' written on paper surrounded by supplements capsules and tablets

CL Answer

Since the COVID-19 drug, Paxlovid, works by blocking a protease enzyme, should I be concerned about taking digestive enzymes that contain proteases?

Find out if taking digestive enzyme supplements that contain proteases might interact with medications that work by blocking a protease enzyme, including the COVID-19 drug Paxlovid.

Digestive enzyme supplements placed on a table between a fork and knife

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with COVID-19? Do supplements like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?

Find out if natural remedies & supplements for coronavirus such as zinc, vitamin C, garlic, or elderberry help to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Supplements for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? -- mask and pills

CL Answer

At-Home COVID Tests: How They Compare and What You Need to Know

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tests: Where to get COVID-19 tests, including information about free testing, home testing and more. Information about SARS-CoV-2 virus tests, antibody tests and FDA authorized tests.

Home Test COVID

CL Answer

How are you staying healthy during the coronavirus pandemic?

Tips for staying healthy during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Tips from ConsumerLab members for maintaining physical health, mental health and social well-being during COVID-19.

Staying Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic -- Couple at Home, Looking Out the Window

CL Answer

Do UV light sanitizing wands and boxes kill coronavirus (COVID-19)?

UV light is promoted as an effective and convenient alternative to chemical disinfectants, but can it work against the coronavirus? Learn the the pros and cons and see our reviews and comparisons of popular UV devices on the market.

UV Light to Kill Coronavirus (COVID-10)? -- UV Light, Medical Mask and Stethoscope

CL Answer

Does heat kill coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can it disinfect face masks and packages?

Find out if heat kills the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 infection. Learn what temperature kills the coronavirus and more. ConsumerLab explains.

Does Heat Kill Coronavirus? -- Women Receiving Food Delivery

CL Answer

I read that famotidine (Pepcid) may help treat COVID-19. Is this true? Might a proton pump inhibitor, like Prilosec, help?

Pepcid (famotidine) was reported to improve outcomes in people with COVID-19 in China. But is there evidence that Pepcid really helps to treat COVID-19?

Can Pepcic (famotidine) Treat COVID-19? -- Box of Pepcid and Handout About COVID-19

Product Review

Elderberry Supplements Review

Find the Best Elderberry Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Elderberry Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Elderberry Supplements Reviewed by

CL Answer

Room Carbon Dioxide Monitors: A Good Way to Assess Room Ventilation and Reduce COVID Spread?

Learn about carbon dioxide monitors, including how they work, what to look for when buying a device, tips for using them, limitations, and which device is our Top Pick.

Monitor on a table

CL Answer

Does Z-Stack multivitamin work to boost the immune system, and is it safe?

Find out about Z-Stack, including if it can help boost the immune system and if it is safe to use at the suggested dose.

A bottle of Z-Stack capsules

Product Review

Quercetin & Rutin Supplements Review

Quality's a Concern With Quercetin and Rutin Supplements -- Only 17% of Claimed Amount In One

Product Review

Potassium Supplements Review

Be Careful with Potassium Supplements! Problems Found. Tests and Reviews of Potassium Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Potassium Supplements reviewed by

CL Answer

How Should You Take Care of Yourself After You’ve Had COVID-19?

Find out the best way to care for yourself when recovering from COVID-19, including how long you should quarantine, whether you should get vaccinated, when it is safe to undergo a surgery, and how to spot and, possibly, improve lingering symptoms.

Man in wheelchair talking with doctor after recovering from COVID

CL Answer

Do any drugs prevent or treat COVID-19?

Learn more about drugs for preventing and treating COVID-19, including who can receive these treatments, when the treatments should be initiated, and which appear to be effective against Omicron variants.


CL Answer

COVID-19 Vaccines for 2023-2024: What You Should Know

Learn how the updated COVID-19 vaccines for 2023-2024 (Moderna, Novavax, and Pfizer-BioNTech) differ from each other, who should get them, what the recommended dosing schedules are, and possible side effects.

Older man in gray t-shirt getting vaccinated for COVID-19

Clinical Update


Surprising Role of Potassium in COVID-19

New research out of China suggests that many patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are low in potassium. For details see the information about Potassium in our answer to the question: What are natural remedies for coronavirus (COVID-19)? Do supplements like zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?

Clinical Update


Andrographis for COVID-19?

Despite early evidence suggesting a benefit, andrographis does not appear to help patients with COVID-19, according to a recent report. Get the details in our updated answer to the question: Do any supplements help with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Product Review

Calcium and Bone Health Supplements Review (Including Vitamins D & K, Magnesium and Boron)

See Which Bone Health Supplements Are Top Picks and Which Fail

Calcium Review 2024

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID?

Does high-dose vitamin D help people hospitalized with COVID? See what a recent study showed in the COVID section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Do any supplements help with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Death From COVID

Some research suggests that low blood levels of vitamin D increase the risk of death from COVID, but a new study suggests that high levels also increase risk. Get the details in the COVID section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Do any supplements help with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

CL Answer

How do the COVID-19 vaccines compare in terms of efficacy, safety and side effects? How, when and where do I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Find out how the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna compare and learn how when and where you can get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Older woman getting an injection

Clinical Update


L-Arginine for COVID?

Did L-arginine supplementation help people with severe COVID-related pneumonia? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of our L-Arginine Supplements Review.

Also see: Do any supplements help with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID-19 Risk

Vitamin D deficiency was associated with an increased risk of testing positive for coronavirus according to a recent study. For details see the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Product Review

Vitamin K Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium & Boron)

Find Out If It's Worth Taking Vitamin K and Which Products Are Best

Vitamin K Review 2024

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Coronavirus

Studies are linking low blood levels of vitamin D to higher risk of testing positive for the coronavirus and/or developing more severe disease. Find out what blood levels appear to be protective, as well as the results of the most recent study, in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Fraudulent COVID-19 Tests

Several unauthorized COVID antigen tests have been sold recently in the U.S., according to the FDA. Get the details in our answer about testing for coronavirus.

Clinical Update


Sleep, Drink, and COVID Hospitalization Risk

Lack of sleep and frequent consumption of certain beverages may each increase the risk of being hospitalized if you get COVID-19, according to a recent study. Get the details in our updated answer to the question: How are you staying healthy during the coronavirus pandemic?

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of black cumin seed (black seed) oil?

Find out if black seed oil has health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure or cholesterol, asthma, weight loss, and others. Dosage, forms, including black seed oil and black seed powder, safety information, using black seed oil in foods and more.'s answer explains.

Black seed oil benefits -- bowl of black cumin seeds and bottle of oil

CL Answer

Mullein Tea: Possible Health Effects and Safety

Mullein tea is often promoted for relieving symptoms of lung conditions, including coughing, hoarseness, sore throat, and shortness of breath. Find out if there is evidence to support these uses, and learn about possible side effects of mullein.

a cup of mullein tea on a table next to mullein flowers and leaves

Clinical Update


Hand Sanitizer vs. Soap

How do hand sanitizers or disinfectant hand wipes compare to washing hands with soap and water to remove microbes without causing skin dryness and redness? Find out what a recent study showed in the Hand sanitizer section of our answer to the question: Does heat kill coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Clinical Update


Omicron Lasts on Surfaces

The Omicron variant of the coronavirus was recently shown to last on surfaces longer than the original (Wuhan) virus. Get the details and possible implications in our answer about COVID-19 disinfection.

CL Answer

What face shield is best to protect from COVID-19 and when should I wear one?

Review of face shields and information about face shields to help protect against coronavirus (COVID-19). If properly made and worn, face shields provide extra protection for close interactions with individual who may be infected.

Face Shield to Protect From Coronovirus (COVID-19) -- Woman Wearing Face Shield, Mask and Gloves

Product Review

Zinc Supplements, Lozenges, and Melts Review

Find the Best Zinc Supplements, Including Lozenges for Colds.

Zinc Review 2024

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of andrographis? Can it treat colds, help with joint pain, or other conditions, and is it safe?

Learn about the health benefits of andrographis, whether it can help relieve cold symptoms, reduce pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, decrease symptoms of ulcerative colitis, or slow the growth of cancer. See the clinical evidence for the branded andrographis extract ParActin. Plus, learn about dosage, side effects and drug interactions with andrographis.


Product Review

Melatonin Supplements Review

Trouble Sleeping? See CL's Tests of Melatonin Supplements and Top Picks.

Melatonin Review 2024

CL Answer

Which is the best pulse oximeter for home use?

Best pulse oximeter for home use (COVID-19, asthma and COPD). Differences between home use and FDA-approved medical pulse oximeters.

Best Pulse Oximeter for Home Use -- Pulse Oximeter

Product Review

L-Lysine Supplements Review

Read L-Lysine Labels Carefully. Some Can Fool You.

CL Answer

Is it safe to fly and how can I avoid getting COVID when flying?

How to fly safely and avoid COVID-19. Tips to help you stay safe and protect others while flying during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is it safe to fly and how can I avoid getting COVID-19? -- Man on Airplane With Mask and Hand sanitizer

Clinical Update


At-Home COVID Test Recalled

Certain lots of a popular at-home COVID test sold by CVS and Amazon has been recalled due to bacterial contamination. Get the details in our article about testing for coronavirus.

CL Answer

Which is the best mask to prevent COVID-19 and how do cloth, disposable, N95, and KN95 masks compare? How can I stop glasses from fogging?

See our Top Picks for masks. Learn how to make COVID-19 masks from materials at home that can be almost as effective as surgical mask and N-95 masks.

Four masks shown for comparison

Clinical Update


COVID and Flu Home Tests Compared

There are now 38 different COVID-19 home antigen tests (7 that also test for flu), but we found big differences in how well they detect COVID (ranging from 59.7% to 96.6% sensitivity) and avoid false negatives. See our comparison chart and learn our Top Picks for testing for COVID and COVID/Flu.

Also, every U.S. household is now eligible to get 4 at-home COVID-19 tests. Find out how (unfortunately, you can’t choose the brand).

Clinical Update


A Probiotic for COVID-19?

Did supplementing with a popular probiotic reduce the risk of developing COVID-19 symptoms among people exposed to a household member with COVID-19? Find out in the COVID-19 section of our Probiotic Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among probiotics.

Clinical Update


When New Boosters Are Most Helpful

The updated Pfizer and Moderna boosters appear to help protect against symptomatic COVID-19, particularly among people who haven’t had a COVID-19 shot in several months, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Updated COVID-19 Boosters section of our CL Answer about COVID-19 vaccines.

Recalls & Warnings

May 28, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of CBD, Colloidal Silver, Essential Oils, and More Promoted to Treat Coronavirus

On May 26, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to four companies for selling products such as CBD, essential oils, colloidal silver, and vitamins with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Clinical Update


Probiotic for COVID?

Did a probiotic promoted to support immune defenses against COVID-19 help prevent or treat COVID-19? Find out in our Probiotics Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among probiotics.

Also see: Do any supplements help with COVID-19? Do supplements like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?

Clinical Update


Melatonin & COVID

Can supplementing with melatonin help prevent death among people hospitalized with COVID-19? See what a recent study found in the COVID-19 section of our Melatonin Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for melatonin.

Also see our answer to the question: Do any supplements help with COVID-19?

Clinical Update


Reduced "Long" COVID-19 Risk with Vaccination

Getting vaccinated before or even after having COVID-19 has been linked with reduced risk of "long" COVID.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccination and Menstruation

Does COVID-19 vaccination affect menstruation? Find out what is known in our article about COVID-19 Vaccines.

Clinical Update


Booster After COVID?

If you recently had COVID, can you delay getting the new booster? Find out in the Updated COVID-19 Boosters section of our CL Answer about COVID-19 vaccines.

Also, find out if the updated boosters are available without cost.

Clinical Update


Melatonin to Prevent COVID?

Does taking melatonin help prevent COVID-19? Find out what a study found in the COVID-19 section of our Melatonin Supplements Review.

Also see our article about Supplements for COVID.

Clinical Update


Melatonin for COVID-19?

Can melatonin reduce the duration of symptoms in people with COVID-19? Get the details in the COVID-19 section of our Melatonin Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for melatonin.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID-19

Many preliminary studies have linked adequate vitamin D levels with reduced risk of COVID-19 or less severe disease. However, a recent study did not find a benefit among people who had been supplementing with amounts generally above the recommended daily intake requirement for vitamin D. See the details in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID-19

Can taking vitamin D after getting sick with COVID-19 reduce the risk of death? Find out in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin C for COVID-19?

Does high-dose vitamin C help people critically ill with COVID-19? Find out what a new report showed in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin C Supplement Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin C.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID-19

Can high doses of vitamin D help COVID-19 patients recover? Find out what two new studies showed in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin C for COVID-19?

Does high-dose vitamin C help in people with severe COVID-19? See what a new study showed in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin C Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID-19 Patients

A study evaluated the effects of giving vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin B12 to COVID-19 patients. See the results in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Low Potassium in COVID-19 Patients

Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have often been found to have low potassium levels. Should you be concerned? Learn more in the COVID-19 section of the Potassium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among potassium supplements.

Clinical Update


Low Vitamin D & COVID-19 Risk

Studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of COVID-19 infection. The most recent study suggests this risk may be greater among certain ethnic groups. Learn more in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


A Role for Calcium in COVID-19?

A preliminary study suggests a possible role for calcium supplementation in treating COVID-19. See the details in the COVID-19 section of the Calcium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among calcium supplements.

Clinical Update


Probiotics for COVID-19 Symptoms?

Can a probiotic help resolve COVID-19 symptoms? Learn what a recent study showed in the COVID-19 section of our Probiotic Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


COVID-19 and Hair Loss?

Can COVID-19 cause hair loss? Find out in How to You Take Care of Yourself After You’ve Had COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Gromwell Root for COVID-19?

Can gromwell root (an ingredient in the supplement Tollovid) help treat or prevent COVID-19? See what the latest research shows in our article about supplements for COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Managing COVID-19 Rebound

Some people experience COVID-19 recurrence after being treated with the antiviral drug Paxlovid. Find out what is recommended when this happens in our updated CL Answer about COVID-19 treatments.

Clinical Update


New Vaccine Authorized

The FDA has authorized the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, which will likely be made available next week. Find out how it differs from the other COVID-19 vaccines, learn about its effectiveness against COVID-19, and get details about possible side effects.

Clinical Update


Paxlovid & COVID-19 Rebound

Does Paxlovid treatment put one at higher risk for COVID-19 rebound than non-treatment? Find out in the Paxlovid section of our article about COVID-19 treatments.

Clinical Update


Paxlovid May Reduce Risk of Long COVID

Taking Paxlovid after testing positive for COVID-19 reduced the risk of long-term symptoms. For details, see our CL Answer about COVID-19 treatments.

Clinical Update


Paxlovid COVID Rebound?

A recent study sheds light on what may account for COVID-19 "rebound" among people treated with Paxlovid. Get the details in our updated CL Answer about treatments for COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID-19?

A recent study suggested that supplementing with high-dose vitamin D could improve clinical outcomes for people hospitalized with COVID-19. Learn more in the COVID section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Travel Requirements Updated

The CDC no longer requires that travelers show a negative COVID-19 test or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before boarding a flight into the U.S. Get the details about what is still recommended in the Travel section of our article about COVID vaccines.

Clinical Update


Caution with Vitamin C for COVID

Taking very high-dose vitamin C doesn’t seem to provide protection against COVID-19 and it may increase the rate of kidney stones, according to recent data. Get the details in the Vitamin C section of our CL Answer about Supplements and COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Curcumin for COVID?

Does curcumin supplementation reduce symptoms such as cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath in people with mild to moderate COVID-19? See what a recently published study found in the What It Does section of our Turmeric and Curcumin Supplements and Spices Review.

Also see our article about other supplements proposed to help prevent or treat COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Best COVID Vaccine for Breast-Feeding Women?

For women who are breast-feeding, find out which COVID-19 vaccines are most likely to result in antibodies against COVID-19 in breastmilk.

Clinical Update


Paxlovid for COVID-19?

How well does Paxlovid reduce risk of hospitalization or death due to COVID-19 in people who are unvaccinated? Find out in our updated answer about COVID Treatments.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID Severity

Another study suggests a link between having an adequate level of vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 in patients. For details, see the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Deficiency & COVID Death Risk

A new study suggests a link between vitamin D deficiency and higher risk of death in COVID-19 patients. For details, see the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Zinc and Risk of COVID Death

A recent study found low blood levels of zinc to be associated with a greater chance of severe symptoms and death in COVID-19 patients. Does this mean that people should supplement with zinc or use zinc lozenges? Find out in the COVID-19 section of our Zinc Supplements and Lozenges Review. Also see our Top Picks for zinc supplements and lozenges.

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D for COVID?

Elderly nursing home residents given high-dose vitamin D had much better survival rates from COVID-19 than other residents, according to a new study. However, the dose given has potential risks. Get the details in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin K & Risk of COVID Death

A marker of low vitamin K levels has been linked to a higher risk of death in people with COVID-19, according to a new study. Get the details in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin K Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Tests to Detect COVID Variants?

Can standard COVID-19 tests identify which variant caused an infection? Find out in our updated CL Answer about tests for COVID-19.

Clinical Update


COVID-19 Vaccines and Menstruation

Do COVID-19 vaccins affect menstrual periods? Find out what a recent study suggests.

Clinical Update


COVID-19 and Menstrual Cycles

Do COVID-19 vaccines affect menstrual cycles? Find out what the latest research shows.

Clinical Update


Vaccines & Long COVID

Are COVID-19 vaccines helpful with long COVID? Find out.

Clinical Update


Supplement for Post-COVID Fatigue?

Did supplementing with oxaloacetate reduce symptoms in people with post-COVID fatigue in a recent study? Find out in the Strategies for managing long COVID section of our article about How to Take Care of Yourself After You’ve Had COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Zinc & COVID

Can taking zinc and vitamin C after being diagnosed with COVID-19 boost antibody production? Find out what a recent study found in the COVID section of our Zinc Supplements Review.

Also see our article about Supplements for COVID.

Clinical Update


Medicine Helps Prevent COVID Symptoms

An FDA-authorized medicine was shown to reduce the risk of developing symptoms of COVID when given early to people testing positive for COVID. Get the details in our answer to the question: Do any treatments reduce the risk of infection after you've been exposed to someone with COVID-19?

Clinical Update


COVID Risk of Death

Which factors increase the risk of death from COVID-19 among adolescents?

Clinical Update


Asymptomatic COVID & Transmission

Can you spread COVID-19 if you are asymptomatic?

Clinical Update


COVID Transmission Among Vaccinated?

Can you catch COVID from someone who is vaccinated if you are vaccinated? Find out what data suggests in our article about COVID-19 Vaccines.

Clinical Update


Vaccination in People Who've Already Had COVID

How much protection do vaccines provide to people who've already had COVID? See what a recent study suggests in our article about COVID-19 Vaccines.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Risk of COVID Death

A recent study in the U.S. found that people hospitalized with COVID had much lower rates of death with certain blood levels of vitamin D. Get the details in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Check Your Area’s COVID Risk

You can now check if your area in the U.S. is at High, Medium, or Low risk for COVID and the CDC's mask recommendations for your area. Check your community's COVID-19 level.

Clinical Update


Don't Throw Out Expired COVID Tests

The shelf-lives of home COVID-19 tests have been extended by 3 to 7 months based on tests showing that many are still good past their printed expiration dates. Get the details for specific brands of tests in our article comparing COVID tests.

Clinical Update



Does taking GABA help with COVID? Find out what’s been shown in our updated answer to the question: Do any supplements help with COVID-19?

Clinical Update


Blood Type & Long COVID

People with a particular blood type appear more likely to experience long COVID, according to a recent study. Get the details in our answer to the question: How Should You Take Care of Yourself After You've Had COVID-19?

Clinical Update


COVID Booster for Young Children

Children as young as 6 months may be able to get an updated COVID booster. Get the details about who is eligible for which vaccines in our CL Answer about COVID-19 vaccines.

Clinical Update


Vitamin C & COVID

Did large, frequent doses of vitamin C help people hospitalized with COVID? Find out in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin C Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin C.

Clinical Update


Creatine for Post-COVID Fatigue?

Does supplementing with creatine reduce fatigue or other symptoms in people with post-COVID fatigue syndrome? Find out what a recent study showed in the Creatine - What It Does section of our Muscle & Workout Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for creatine.

Also see: How Should You Take Care of Yourself After You’ve Had COVID-19?

Clinical Update


Fish Oil for Long COVID?

Does taking fish oil improve symptoms of long COVID such as shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, lack of taste, or loss of smell? Find out what a recent study showed in the COVID-19 section of our Fish Oil Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for fish oil.

Clinical Update


Andrographis Health Effects

Find out if andrographis helps with conditions such as cancer, COVID-19, and multiple sclerosis in our article about the health benefits and safety of andrographis.

Also see: Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse of multiple sclerosis?

Also see: Do any supplements help with COVID-19?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & COVID-19

Did supplementing with vitamin D reduce symptoms or improve outcomes among people hospitalized with COVID-19? Find out what a recent study showed in our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see if zinc helped in the same study.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccines: What to Know

Learn about the new COVID-19 vaccines including who should get them, who shouldn’t, and potential side effects.

Clinical Update


When Paxlovid is Most Helpful

Paxlovid can reduce the risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19, but new data indicates for whom it is most helpful. Get the details in our updated CL Answer about medications for preventing or treating COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Updated Booster for Younger Kids

The updated COVID-19 boosters are now authorized for younger age groups. Get the details in our article about COVID-19 vaccines.

Clinical Update


Problem With a Preventive Drug

EVUSHELD (tixagevimab with cilgavimab) is the only product authorized for the pre-exposure prevention of COVID-19, but evidence shows it may provide less protection against Omicron variants compared to earlier strains. Get the details in our CL Answer about treatments for COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Is It Okay to Take Pain Relievers After COVID-19 Vaccination?

A recent study looked at whether taking OTC pain relievers after vaccination reduced antibody responses to the vaccines. See what the study showed in the Can Pain Relievers / Fever Reducers Be Taken to Lessen Side Effects section of our CL Answer about COVID-19 vaccines.

Clinical Update


Quercetin and Antivirals

Be aware that quercetin might reduce the effectiveness of some antivirals, including an antiviral in Paxlovid used to treat COVID-19. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Quercetin Supplements Review, which includes information about other potential interactions with quercetin, as well as our Top Picks among quercetin supplements.

Also see our CL Answer about Supplements for COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & COVID

Does vitamin D boost immune response to COVID-19 vaccines? Find out.

Clinical Update


Duration of EVUSHELD Protection

How long does the medicine EVUSHELD protect against COVID-19? Find out what recent data showed in our article about medicines to prevent and treat COVID-19.

Clinical Update


How Many Times Should You Test?

After exposure to COVID-19, how many times should you test? It may be more times than you think, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Antigen Tests section of our CL Answer about COVID-19 Testing.

Clinical Update


Omicron BA.5 On the Rise

A new Omicron subvariant, BA.5, has become the dominant SARS-CoV-2 strain in the U.S. Find out how well this virus escapes protection from vaccination or previous infection, and learn if it causes more severe COVID-19 infection, in the Omicron section of our CL Answer about COVID-19 vaccines.

Clinical Update


How to Get Paxlovid Without a Medical Doctor

Pharmacists can now directly prescribe Paxlovid for people with COVID-19, but there are limitations. Find out what you need to bring to the pharmacy to get Paxlovid if you've tested positive and are at risk for severe COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Reinfection Risks

Learn how soon after COVID-19 you can get infected again with the Omicron BA.5 variant, which is now dominant in the U.S. and, as we have reported, is more transmissible than earlier variants.

Be aware that getting COVID-19 more than once has been associated with increased risk of developing a variety of health problems, according to recent research.

Clinical Update


COVID-19 Tests for Sight Impaired

People with blindness or low vision can now order more accessible COVID-19 tests from the government. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Protection Due to Infection?

How well does a previous COVID-19 infection protect against BA.4/BA.5 infection? It depends on which COVID-19 variant caused the initial infection, according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


Vaccination After COVID Infection

Getting vaccinated after COVID-19 appears to drastically reduce the risk of reinfection, according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


Timing Vaccines Around COVID Drugs

Learn how long you need to delay vaccination after receiving drug therapy for COVID-19, including antivirals (such as remdesivir and Paxlovid) and antibody treatments.

Clinical Update


Rapid COVID-19 Tests At No Charge

People in the U.S. can now order 4 at-home rapid COVID-19 tests at no charge. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Is Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivated By COVID-19 Vaccines?

Do COVID-19 vaccines cause reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus? Find out.

Clinical Update


COVID Home Test Limitations

COVID-19 home tests, like the 15-minute Abbott BinaxNOW, have significant limitations in real-world use according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


Herbal Treatment

Are traditional Chinese medicines, such as astragalus, helpful in treating or preventing COVID-19? Find out what reviews of the research have concluded in our article about Supplements and COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Selenium & COVID-19

Selenium-deficient people were more likely to die from COVID-19 than those who were not deficient according to a recent study. For details, see the What It Does section of the Selenium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Pick for selenium.

Clinical Update


Melatonin and COVID-19

Can melatonin supplementation reduce the risk of death in people with severe COVID-19? See what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Melatonin Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for melatonin.

Clinical Update


A Role for Vitamin K in COVID-19?

A new study showed a link between vitamin K and the development of COVID-19. Learn what this means in the What It Does section of our Vitamin K Supplements Review. Also see our Top Pick among vitamin K supplements.

Clinical Update


Do Zinc Lozenges Help?

Several individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 began using zinc lozenges after they became sick. Find out if this was reported to help or not in the COVID-19 section of the Zinc Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for zinc supplements and lozenges.

Clinical Update


COVID + Flu Shot Timing

Find out if you can get a flu shot and COVID-19 shot at the same time and how this may affect side effects.

Clinical Update


Flu Shot and Risk of COVID Complications

Getting a flu shot may actually reduce the risk of serious complications if you get COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Fibromyalgia After COVID

How common is fibromyalgia (widespread musculoskeletal pain) after COVID-19? Find out what a study showed.

Clinical Update


Low-Dose Prednisone and COVID Vaccines

Find out if taking low-dose prednisone reduces immune response to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Clinical Update


Flu & COVID Vaccines

Additional research indicates that it's safe to get flu and COVID-19 vaccines together. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Protection from Past COVID Infection?

Find out if past COVID-19 infection protects against re-infection 12 months later based on two recent studies.

Recalls & Warnings

December 02, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of Unapproved COVID-19 Tests, CBD Products

On November 23 and November 30, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to Industry Lab Diagnostic Partners and Avazo-Healthcare, LLC, respectively, for selling unapproved, adulterated, and misbranded tests for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Clinical Update


COVID + Flu Vaccines

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine along with a flu shot seems to slightly increase the risk of side effects, according to a recent study. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Do Eyeglasses prevent COVID?

Did wearing eyeglasses or sunglasses in public reduce the risk of getting COVID-19? Find out what a recent study showed in our CL Answer about face shields.

Clinical Update


Paxlovid Interaction With Supplements

Paxlovid is strongly recommended for COVID treatment, but be aware that it may interact negatively with certain supplements, as well as many drugs. Get the details in CL Answer about COVID-19 treatments.

Clinical Update


Caution Reading Rapid Tests

Many people incorrectly read rapid home tests for COVID-19, according to a recent study. Find out how to avoid the biggest mistake in our article about COVID tests.

Clinical Update


Black Seed for COVID?

Can supplementing with black seed help improve symptoms or prevent severe disease among people with COVID-19? Find out what research suggests in our answer to the question: What are the health benefits of black cumin seed (black seed) oil?

Clinical Update


Quercetin & COVID

Find out if quercetin helped people with early-stage COVID-19 in a recent study. Details are in the Viral Infections section of our Quercetin Supplements Review, which includes our test results and Top Picks among quercetin supplements.

Clinical Update


Quercetin for Severe COVID?

Does quercetin help people with severe COVID-19? See what a recent study suggests in the Viral Infections section of our Quercetin Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for quercetin.

Clinical Update


Biotin Interference With COVID Tests

Be aware that taking biotin (vitamin B-7) may interfere with COVID-19 antibody tests. Learn which tests are affected. Also find out about other laboratory tests (including thyroid and cardiovascular tests) that can be affected by biotin.

Clinical Update


Booster for Fully Vaccinated People Who've Had COVID?

Should fully vaccinated people who had COVID-19 get a booster? Find out.

Clinical Update


COVID Infectiousness

Be aware that even without symptoms, people with COVID-19 can emit high amounts of virus as aerosols, according to recent research. Get the details and find out what researchers recommend to help protect yourself when indoors.

Clinical Update


CBD To Reduce COVID Risk?

Use of a prescription formula was associated with lower risk of COVID-19 infection in a recent analysis, but there are important caveats to this finding. Get the details in the Colds, Flu, and Viral Infections section of our Review.

Clinical Update



More information highlights why ivermectin should be used for COVID-19 only within clinical trials. Get the details.

Clinical Update



Find out why ivermectin is generally not recommended for COVID-19 outside of clinical trials, despite some research suggesting a benefit.

Clinical Update


Vaccines Compared: Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J

See which vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J) now appears to provide greatest protection against COVID-19-related hospitalization.

Clinical Update


J&J Booster Vaccine

Data suggests that a booster dose of the J&J vaccine can significantly boost immune protection against COVID-19. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Vaccines, Blood Pressure, and Thyroid Symptoms

Find out if COVID-19 vaccines increase blood pressure or worsen symptoms of thyroid conditions.

Clinical Update


Reinfection From Omicron

Be aware that if you had COVID-19 before Omicron, you’re a lot more likely to get reinfected now.

Clinical Update


At-Home Tests

You can now order 8 more COVID-19 antigen tests from the government. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Vaccines and Appendicitis

Do COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of appendicitis? Find out.

Clinical Update


More Home Tests Without Cost

Starting this week additional COVID-19 tests are available to U.S. residents without cost. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Booster Benefit

Getting a second booster can significantly reduce the risk of COVID-19 hospitalizations among people 50 and older, according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


COVID-19 Vaccination for Young Children

Find out how the newly authorized vaccinations for young children differ from each other in terms of dosing and number of doses.

News Release

February 24, 2022

Consumers Returned to Pre-Pandemic Supplement Usage in 2021, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2022 —A survey of 8,049 people who use dietary supplements shows many supplements that declined in use in 2020 began bouncing back in 2021, such as magnesium (+2.4 percentage points), and CoQ10 (+2.7 pts).

Clinical Update


Is Quercetin Safe?

Quercetin has been proposed as a treatment for a range of medical conditions, including COVID-19, but is it safe? Find out what studies have found, including results of a recent, small clinical trial, in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Quercetin Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for quercetin.

Clinical Update


Zinc Concern

Zinc is a popular supplement right now due to COVID-19, but be aware that taking large doses of zinc for a long period of time can suppress the immune system by causing or exacerbating copper deficiency. Certain people may be more at risk for this. Get the details in the Cautions and Concerns section of the Zinc Supplements and Lozenges Review.

Clinical Update


COVID-19 Booster Shots: Who is Eligible?

Anyone over age 18 is now eligible for a booster six months after full mRNA vaccination or two months after the J&J vaccine, but find out which people are specifically encouraged to get a booster.

Clinical Update


COVID-19 Booster Shots & Antibodies

How much antibody boost does a booster give? Much more than a second vaccine dose, a previous infection, or both, according to recent findings.

Clinical Update


Fiberglass HEPA Filters

Are HEPA filters made out of fiberglass safe to use inside a home? Find out in our updated answer to the question: Which air purifiers are best for reducing the spread of COVID-19?

Clinical Update


Air Purifiers for Odor Removal?

Can air purifiers that remove virus particles from the air also eliminate odors? Find out in the Technologies for Removing Odors section of our answer to the question: Which air purifiers are best for reducing the spread of COVID-19?

Also see our Top Picks among air purifiers.

Clinical Update


Rapid, Home PCR Tests Compared

Should you use a home PCR test for COVID-19 instead of a home antigen test? Find out and learn which of three authorized home PCR tests is our Top Pick.

Clinical Update


Testing After Isolation?

The CDC and American Medical Association have differing views on whether you should test negative before ending isolation due to COVID-19 infection.

Clinical Update


N95 Mask Quality Problem

Federal approval was recently revoked for all N95 masks made by a certain manufacturer. Get the details in our article about the Best Masks to Prevent COVID-19.

Clinical Update


AstraZeneca Vaccine Efficacy & Side Effects

Find out how effective the AstraZeneca vaccine (not currently available in the U.S.) is at preventing COVID-19. Also learn the most common side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Clinical Update


Shelf-Lives of Home COVID-19 Antigen Tests

If you’re storing a test for future use, be aware that shelf-lives range from just 5 ½ months to 12 months from time of manufacture. See how shelf-lives of popular brands compare.

Also see our Top Picks among antigen tests based on their accuracy and other features.

Clinical Update


What To Do If You Test Negative, or Positive

We’ve summarized the latest information about when to use a home test and what to do if you get a negative, or a positive result. It’s all in the Antigen Tests section of our comprehensive article about testing for COVID-19.

Clinical Update


Supplement Interactions with Paxlovid

Certain supplements may interact with Paxlovid, the antiviral pill authorized for COVID-19 patients at high risk for severe disease. Find out which may interact.

Clinical Update


Omicron-Targeting Boosters

The FDA has now authorized updated Pfizer and Moderna boosters. Find out who is eligible to get these shots and when, and learn who can still get the original boosters, in our updated CL Answer about COVID-19 vaccines.

Clinical Update


Who Benefits Most from Paxlovid?

The efficacy of Paxlovid against severe COVID-19 infection may largely depend on the person's age, according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


How Long Are You Contagious?

If you test positive on a rapid antigen test after a 5-day isolation, how likely are you to still be contagious? Find out in our CL Answer about COVID-19 testing.

Clinical Update


Is 5-Day Isolation Enough?

More evidence suggests that isolating after a positive COVID-19 antigen test result for just 5 days may be too short.

Clinical Update


Pfizer Booster for Children

A Pfizer vaccine booster for children is now authorized by the FDA. Get the details in our updated article about COVID-19 Vaccines.

Clinical Update


2nd Booster Recommendations

The CDC has strengthened its recommendation for the 2nd booster for people 50 and older and those 12 and older who are immunocompromised. Find out what prompted this change in our updated CL Answer about COVID-19 vaccines.

Clinical Update


Disinfectants With Hypochlorous Acid

Are disinfectants with hypochlorous acid, such as Force of Nature and CleanSmart effective alternatives to harsher cleaning chemicals? Find out in our article about COVID-19 and Disinfecting.

Clinical Update


Home PCR Test Recall

Certain lots of an over-the-counter PCR test have been recalled, affecting over 11,000 tests shipped to consumers. Get the details in our answer about COVID-19 tests.

Recalls & Warnings

February 02, 2023

DoTerra Sellers Ordered to Pay $15,000 for Deceptive COVID-19 Claims

On January 30, 2023, the website reported that the U.S.

CL Answer

What is TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid)? Does it have any proven health benefits, and is it safe?

TUDCA information, including its potential health benefits, safety, possible interactions, and cost.

What is Tudca - white capsules poured out of container

Recalls & Warnings

February 24, 2022

Seller of Essential Oils Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On February 22, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to My Natural Treatment following a review of the company’s website and Facebook page, which found statements about the company’s thyme, black seed, eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint oil products to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

May 08, 2023

SD Biosensor Pilot At-Home COVID-19 Tests Recalled Due to Bacterial Contamination

On May 4, 2023, the FDA warned consumers and health care providers not to use certain lots of Roche Diagnostics’ SD Biosensor, Inc. Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Tests due to bacterial contamination in the test kit’s liquid solution.

Clinical Update


How Long Does Coronavirus Last On Surfaces?

We've added new information about how long the coronavirus might last on packaging, and how this varies greatly depending on the package material, in our answer to the question: Can I get the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from supplements from China?

Recalls & Warnings

March 30, 2023

Seller of Tollovid Supplements Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On November 7, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Todos Medical Ltd, aka Todos Medical USA Inc, following a review of the company’s websites, social media, and Amazon storefronts, which found statements about the company’s Tollovid 3CL Protease Inhibitor Delayed Release ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 08, 2024

Razer, Inc. to Pay Over $1.1 Million Settlement for Zephyr Face Mask ”N-95” Claims

On April 29, 2024, the FTC announced it will be returning over $1.1 million to consumers who purchased Zephyr face masks after the company promoted its Zephyr face masks as N95-grade despite never submitting for testing to the FDA for approval of such claim.

Recalls & Warnings

April 27, 2022

FDA Warns Manufacturer of Topical Antiseptic Products for COVID Claims

On April 19th, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Kleenhanz, LLC following a review of the company’s website and social media which found statements about the company’s Kleenhanz Towelettes topical antiseptic products to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2022

FDA Warns Seller of Magnesium, CBD, Herbal Extracts & More

On February 9, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Bea Lydecker’s Naturals, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2023

"Dr. Rima Recommends" Nano Silver Recalled

On March 7, 2023, Natural Solutions Foundation issued a recall of Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10ppm Dietary Supplement, which was promoted to prevent and/or treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

February 01, 2022

Complaint Submitted to FTC for doTerra Essential Oil COVID Claims

On January 28, 2022, the website submitted a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against doTerra International, LLC. following a series of Zoom calls from the company titled "Protocols for the Current Climate.

Recalls & Warnings

April 23, 2021

FDA Warns 5 Sellers of Unapproved COVID-19 Tests

Between March 18 and April 6, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling unapproved, adulterated, and misbranded tests for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

March 16, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Essential Oils

On March 12, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ravenscroft Apothecary, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

April 02, 2021

FDA Warns Sellers of Prostate, Reishi, Immune Products, and More

On March 16, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to two companies following reviews of their websites which found statements made about the companies' products to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2021

CBD Seller Warned for Drug and COVID-19 Claims

On March 1, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Cannafyl following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about the company's products Balance CBD Drops, Relief CBD Drops, Relax CBD Drops and Relief CBD Salve to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

March 05, 2021

Seller of Earth Tea Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On February 18, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to B4B Corp. following a review of the company's website by the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which found the company promoted Earth Tea Extra Strength with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

March 02, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Vitamin C, Silver Spray

On March 1, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ageless Global, LLC following a review of the company's websites for selling Immunoral, Immune Plus, MD Immune Support Spray, and MD CVK-365 Mouth Spray with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

June 08, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of "CoronaBox" Containing Vitamin D, Probiotics & More for Unsupported Claims

On May 24, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Everything Health LLC following a review of the company's website by the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which found the company promoted its CoronaBox (which contains cordyceps, vitamins, and K2, magnesium, ginger, probiotics ...

Recalls & Warnings

December 01, 2022

FTC Takes Action Against Company Promoting “COVID Resist” Supplement to Treat COVID-19

On November 22, 2022, the FTC filed a complaint in a U.S. district court against California-based company Precision Patient Outcomes, Inc. for promoting its COVID Resist and VIRUS Resist supplements to prevent and treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

April 20, 2021

Chiropractor Who Claimed Vitamin D and Zinc Work Better Than COVID Vaccines Charged by FTC

On April 15, 2021, the FTC charged St.

Recalls & Warnings

January 12, 2023

FDA Warns Two Sellers Promoting CBD to Treat COVID-19

On January 10, 2023, the FDA issued warning letters to two companies following a review that found statements made on the companies’ websites to be drug claims because they promoted the cannabidiol (CBD) products to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

July 14, 2022

FDA Warns Seller of Unauthorized COVID-19 Tests

On June 30, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to W.H.P.M, Inc. for distributing COVID antigen tests without approval, clearance, or authorization from the FDA while claiming to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people.

Recalls & Warnings

August 08, 2022

Woman Pleads Guilty for Selling and Promoting Products to Treat COVID-19

On July 27, 2022, Diana Daffin, owner of Savvy Holistic Health pleaded guilty to selling products with claims they could treat COVID-19 and promised “Immunity for Humans.” The products were sold under the HAMPL brand name.

Recalls & Warnings

January 10, 2023

Seller of CBD Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On January 5, 2023, the FDA issued a warning to PharmaCanna after review of the company’s website and social media, which found statements about the company’s cannabidiol (CBD) product, CBDefense 2000, to be drug claims because they promoted the products to prevent or treat ...

CL Answer

Do any supplements or lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of tinnitus? Is it true that some supplements can cause tinnitus?

Learn which supplements can ease tinnitus, including melatonin and pine bark extract. Understand which may actually cause tinnitus.

Word blocks spelling out “tinnitus”

Recalls & Warnings

November 03, 2022

Seller of CBD Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On November 1, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Alternative Health Distribution LLC (d/b/a CannaAid) following a review of the company’s website, which found statements about the company’s cannabidiol (CBD) products to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

August 08, 2022

Seller of CBD Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On August 4, 2022, the FDA sent a warning letter to FluxxLab LLC following a review of the company’s website and social media which found statements about the company’s Covid-19 Immune Support Tincture and CBDA+CBD Oil Tincture products to be drug claims because they ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 04, 2022

FTC, FDA, and DOJ Take Joint Action Against Herbal Tea Companies for COVID Claims

On March 3, 2022, the FDA, FTC, and DOJ sued a New York-based marketer of herbal tea, in attempts to permanently block deceptive ads that claim Earth Tea is clinically proven to treat, cure, and prevent COVID-19.

News Release

February 26, 2021

COVID Changed Supplement Popularity in 2020, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2021 — A survey of 9,647 people who use dietary supplements shows that the supplements which experienced the greatest growth in popularity in 2020 were those being promoted to prevent or treat infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

October 11, 2023

Family Sentenced to Over 12 Years in Prison for Selling Dangerous “Bleach” Miracle Mineral Solution as “COVID Cure”

Four Florida men who distributed the toxic bleach solution Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as a cure for COVID-19 and other serious medical conditions have been sentenced to 5 to 12 years in prison for conspiring to defraud the United States.

Recalls & Warnings

September 29, 2020

FDA Warns Consumers about Fraudulent Tests, Vaccines, and Treatments for COVID-19

On September 21, 2020, the FDA released a statement warning consumers not to buy or use "questionable products" that claim to help diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 12, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of "COVID-19 Cough Syrup"

On May 8, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Seanjari Preeti Womb Healing, L.L.C. for selling its product COVID-19 Cough Syrup with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

July 03, 2020

Seller of "COVID Supplement Protection Pack" Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On June 30, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Center for Wellness and Integrative Medicine for selling the products COVID Supplement Protection Pack (also referred to as the COVID Household Value Pack), Thymosin-Alpha, and Methylene Blue Capsules with unsupported ...

Recalls & Warnings

June 23, 2020

North Isle Wellness Center Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On June 19, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to North Isle Wellness Center for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

October 12, 2020

Griffo Botanicals Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On October 7, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Griffo Botanicals for selling various herbal products, including BaseCamp, Gan Mao, Febris, Fortifend, Xiao Chai Hu, HuBei #1, Qing Fei Pai Du, Solis, and WuHan #2, with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus ...

Recalls & Warnings

October 30, 2020

Seller of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Ashwagandha, and More Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On October 23, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Predator Nutrition for selling the products Elixir, Salidroside, Unbreakable, Vitamin C + Bioflavonoids & Rosehip, Vitamin D3, and Ashwagandha with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

October 30, 2020

Seller of Elderberry and Honey Products Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On October 23, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Beepothecary LLC for selling the products BEEHive Delight, BEEbread, and Elderberry, Honey & Propolis Syrup with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

October 30, 2020

Simple Silver Cannot Be Promoted to Prevent or Treat COVID-19

On October 23, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Peterson Research Laboratories LLC for selling the product Simple Silver with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

September 11, 2020

Seller of "COVID PACK" Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On September 9, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Pharmacy Plus, Inc. dba Vital Care Compounder for selling COVID PACK and COVID 'POSITIVE' PACK products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 12, 2020

Plum Dragon Herbs Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On May 8, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Plum Dragon Herbs, Inc. for selling Chinese medicine products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 19, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of CBD, Kratom, Vitamin C, and More for Coronavirus Claims

Between May 11 and May 14, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling products such as vitamin C, immune boosters, kratom, and CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

July 07, 2020

Sellers of Essential Oils, Hand Sanitizers and More Warned for Coronavirus Claims

The FDA recently issued warning letters to five companies for selling products such as essential oils, homeopathic products, and Chinese herbal products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

October 02, 2020

Tonic Therapeutic Herb Shop & Elixir Bar Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On September 29, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Tonic Therapeutic Herb Shop & Elixir Bar for selling various herbal products, including Tonic Therapeutic Herb Shop & Elixir Bar, with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

August 13, 2020

FDA Warns Three More Companies Selling Unapproved COVID-19 Tests

Between July 23 and 24, the FDA issued warning letters to three companies for marketing unapproved, adulterated or misbranded antibody tests for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

October 12, 2020

Prairie Dawn Herbs Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On October 7, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Prairie Dawn Herbs for selling various herbal products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

July 17, 2020

Sellers of Immune Boosters, Vitamin C Warned for Coronavirus Claims

The FDA recently issued warning letters to two companies for selling products such as immune boosters, vitamin C, and zinc with unsupported claims that they can treat COVID-19 (use the links below to read the full warning letter):

Recalls & Warnings

August 18, 2020

Colloidal Silver Seller Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On August 14, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to SilveryGuy for selling colloidal silver products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2022

$149 Million in Refunds from AdvoCare Settlement

On May 5, 2022, the FTC announced it will be returning more than $149 million to individuals who sold AdvoCare supplements as distributors through the company’s multi-level-marketing (MLM) plan.

Recalls & Warnings

September 15, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Unapproved "COVID-19 test package"

On June 29, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Pomegranate Consulting, LLC, Pomegranate Consulting, Ltd. dba Glorious One-Pot Meals for selling COVID-19 test package, an unapproved, adulterated, and misbranded antibody test for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

December 01, 2020

Niagen Cannot Be Promoted to Prevent or Treat COVID-19, Warns FDA

On November 17, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to the sellers of Niagen and Nadovim, supplements that contain different forms of niacin, for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

October 19, 2020

Seller of Thrive "Anti-Viral" Supplements Settles with FTC for Unproven Coronavirus and Cancer Claims

On October 19, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approved an administrative consent order to settle charges that marketer Marc Ching was making unsubstantiated claims that the supplement Thrive can treat, prevent, or reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

December 11, 2020

Seller of "Dr. Hotze's Immune Pak" Products Warned for COVID-19 Claims

Seller of "Dr. Hotze's Immune Pak" Products Warned for Coronavirus Claims 

Recalls & Warnings

August 13, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Chaga for Coronavirus Claims

On August 6, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Canadian Chaga for selling 124 Chaga Capsules, Chaga Tea, and Canadian Chaga Tincture with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

June 29, 2020

Seller of Chinese Herbal Medicines Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On June 26, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to SuperHealthGuard and Loyal Great International Ltd. for selling traditional Chinese medicine products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 17, 2020

The Art of the Cure Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On April 15, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to The Art of the Cure for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 03, 2020

FDA Warns Pure Plant Essentials for Essential Oil Coronavirus Claims

On April 1, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Health Mastery Systems DBA Pure Plant Essentials for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 03, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Homeopathic Medicine for Coronavirus Claims

On April 1, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Homeomart Indibuy for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

September 15, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Unapproved "Wondfo Novel Coronavirus Antibody Detection Kit"

On June 29, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Epro E-Commerce Limited dba DealExtreme and for selling Wondfo Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Antibody Detection Kit, an unapproved, adulterated, and misbranded antibody test for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

June 20, 2020

FDA Warns Companies Selling Unapproved COVID-19 Tests

On June 17, the FDA issued warning letters to three companies for marketing unapproved, adulterated or misbranded antibody tests for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

June 23, 2020

KBMO Diagnostics Warned for Unapproved COVID-19 Test

On June 17, the FDA issued a warning letter to KBMO Diagnostics, LLC for selling the product COVID-19 Fingerstick Test Kit, an unapproved, adulterated and misbranded antibody test for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

July 10, 2020

Seller of Hand Sanitizer "Alternative" Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On July 7, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ionogen, LLC for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 02, 2020

Hopewell Essential Oils Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On April 27, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Hopewell Essential Oils for selling its essential oils with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 02, 2020

Seller of Botanical and CBD Oil Patches Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On April 27, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Santiste Labs LLC for promoting its transdermal patches containing botanical oils and/or CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 14, 2020

FTC Warns Companies Selling Immune "Boosters," Vitamin C and More for Coronavirus Claims

On April 14, 2020, the FTC announced that it has sent warning letters to ten companies for selling products such as immune boosters, silicone facial brushes, air purifiers, and intravenous vitamin C with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

June 23, 2020

Seller of CBD Tinctures and "Immune Boost Packs" Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On June 18, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Project 1600 Inc. for selling CBD products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

June 05, 2020

Seller of Silver and Vitamin C Lozenges & More Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On June 1, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Dr.

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of Essential Oils, CBD, Vitamins, and More Promoted to Treat Coronavirus

Between May 7 and May 8, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to seven companies for selling products such as essential oils, CBD, hand sanitizers, and vitamins with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 17, 2020

Earth Angel Oils Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On April 14, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Earth Angel Oils for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 03, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of FullerLifeC60 for Coronavirus Claims

On March 30, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to FullerLifeC60, LLC, for selling a product with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

August 25, 2020

Seller of CBD and NAC Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On August 19, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Living Senior, LLC for selling CBD and NAC products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Clinical Update


COVID Symptoms in Breakthrough Cases

Fully vaccinated people who get COVID are much less likely to experience symptoms, as well as long-COVID, than unvaccinated people with COVID to according to a recent study. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Long COVID Symptoms Not Due to COVID?

A recent study suggests that "long COVID" symptoms reported by some people may not be due to COVID. Find out why this is of concern.

Clinical Update


Who's Most Likely to Get Severe COVID?

Among people who were vaccinated but later got COVID, a new analysis shows who’s mostly likely to get severe COVID depending on vaccine brand, age, medications taken, and health conditions. See the details in our article about COVID vaccines.

Recalls & Warnings

December 31, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin D & More

On December 21, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Sparrow Health & Performance LLC for selling the products Organic Liposomal Vitamin C, Nanoemulsified D3K2 (also called Liquid Liposomal Vitamin D3 with K2 or Liposomal Vitamin D3) and Immune Support ...

Recalls & Warnings

June 09, 2020

Six More Multi-Level Marketing Companies Warned for Coronavirus and Deceptive Earnings Claims

On June 5, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to six multi-level marketing companies for selling products such as immune system boosters and probiotics with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19) and/or for misrepresenting potential earnings people who have ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 26, 2020

Seller of Vitamin and CBD "NoronaPak" Warned for Coronavirus Claims

On May 21, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Apollo Holding LLC for promoting a kit containing vitamins and CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

August 10, 2020

Seller Indicted for Promoting Silver Product as Coronavirus Cure

On July 28, 2020, Utah resident Gordon Pedersen was indicted by a federal grand jury for posing as a medical doctor to sell an unapproved treatment for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 11, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of CBD, Colloidal Silver & Natural Remedies Promoted to Treat Coronavirus

Between April 7 and April 9, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling products such as CBD, colloidal silver, and natural treatments with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2020

Federal Court Orders Seller to Stop Promoting Silver Product as Coronavirus Cure

On April 29, 2020, a federal court in Utah announced that it has obtained a temporary restraining order preventing Gordon Pedersen and his companies, My Doctor Suggests LLC and GP Silver LLC, from promoting fake treatments for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

July 10, 2020

Seller of Thrive "Anti-Viral" Supplement Barred from Making Unproven Coronavirus and Cancer Claims

On July 10, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) barred marketer Marc Ching from making unsubstantiated claims that the supplement Thrive can treat, prevent, or reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19). Thrive consists mainly of vitamin C and herbal extracts.

Recalls & Warnings

April 11, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Products Promoted to Treat Coronavirus in Pets and Humans

On April 7, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Savvy Holistic Health dba Holistic Healthy Pet for selling products intended for pets and humans with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of Essential Oils, Colloidal Silver & Teas Promoted to Treat Coronavirus

On March 9, 2020, the FDA and FTC announced they have issued joint warning letters to seven companies for selling products such as essential oils, teas and colloidal silver with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

January 12, 2022

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use LuSys Laboratories COVID Tests Due to False Results

Update: (03/09/22) On February 17, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to LuSys Laboratories, Inc.

News Release

June 06, 2020

Best Vitamin C Supplements Revealed by ConsumerLab

White Plains, New York, June 6, 2020 — Due to its role in maintaining immune system health, vitamin C has been promoted to help prevent and treat COVID-19, as well as other viral infections such as colds.

Clinical Update



Each U.S. household can now order a set of four at-home COVID tests from the government. Get the details in our article about the best COVID tests.

Clinical Update


Best At-home COVID Tests -- Updated

Find out which at-home COVID tests are most accurate, easy to use, and currently available in our updated article, which includes performance comparisons and our Top Picks among at-home COVID tests.

Clinical Update


Four More Days to Get COVID Tests

If you haven't already ordered yours, you have only until September 2 to receive at-home COVID tests from the U.S. government without cost. These may be particularly useful if cases rise in the fall and winter. Get the details in our article about Finding the Best COVID Tests.

Clinical Update


Fish Oil for COVID?

Does taking concentrated fish oil reduce hospitalizations or deaths in people with COVID? Find out what a study showed in the COVID section of our Fish and Marine Oil Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


COVID Booster & Risk of Spreading Infection

A booster reduces the amount of virus you produce if you get COVID, according to a recent study. This should help reduce the risk of spreading infection if you get COVID.

Clinical Update


Antibody Levels: Having Had COVID vs. Being Vaccinated

How does having had COVID compare to being vaccinated in terms of antibody levels? See what a recent study found, as well as the effect of vaccination after having had COVID.

Clinical Update


Chances of COVID Reinfection with Omicron Variant

If you've had COVID, be aware that the chance of getting COVID a second time is much higher with the Omicron variant than with previous variants, according to recent data.

Clinical Update


Flu Vaccine & COVID

Learn if you need to time your flu vaccine around your COVID vaccine and how the flu vaccine may affect you if you later get COVID. Also find out when kids should get a flu shot.

Clinical Update


Resveratrol for Mild COVID?

A recent study gave resveratrol to people with mild COVID. Find out if it reduced hospitalization, ER visits or pneumonia in the What It Does section of our Resveratrol Supplements Review.

See information about the use of other supplements for COVID.

Clinical Update


Risk of Infecting Others

While vaccines are good at keeping you from getting severely ill from COVID, be aware that if you get COVID, you may be as infectious as a non-vaccinated COVID patient, according to several recent reports.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & COVID

What vitamin D levels are associated with the lowest risk of getting severe COVID?

Does raising vitamin D levels shorten the duration of COVID symptoms? See what a recent study found.

Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Recalls & Warnings

April 21, 2020

CanaBD Warned for CBD Coronavirus Claims

On April 16, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Nova Botanix LTD DBA CanaBD for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

January 25, 2021

Washington Resident Arrested for Selling Illegal COVID-19 Vaccine

On January 21, 2021, 55-year-old Washington resident Johnny T. Stine was arrested for selling and administering illegal, home-made COVID-19 vaccines to Americans.

Recalls & Warnings

December 11, 2020

Colloidal Silver Seller Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On December 2, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Heavenly Natural Products for selling various Carbon 60 and colloidal silver products, including AVOCADO C60 ANTI-VIRAL COMBO — VIRUS PREVENTION (made with C60 WITH AVOCADO and Heavenly Silver) with unsupported ...

Recalls & Warnings

April 01, 2020

NeuroXPF CBD Warned for Making Coronavirus Claims

On March 31, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to NeuroXPF for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 03, 2020

Gaia's Whole Healing Essentials Warned for Colloidal Silver Coronavirus Claims

On April 1, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Gaia's Whole Healing Essentials, LLC, for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 14, 2020

Herbs of Kedem Warned for Making Coronavirus Claims

On April 10, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Herbs of Kedem for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

November 02, 2020

Silver Cannot Be Promoted to Prevent or Treat COVID-19

On October 30, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Spartan Enterprises Inc. dba Watershed Wellness Center for selling the silver product Dissolve BioActive Silicate with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

August 15, 2020

FTC Warns 20 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On August 14, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 20 companies for selling products such as vitamin C, hydrochloroquine, omega 3, and melatonin with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

July 31, 2020

FTC Sues Golden Sunrise for Marketing Deceptive $23,000 Coronavirus Cure

On July 31, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged Golden Sunrise Nutraceutical, Inc., a California-based company, with deceptively advertising a $23,000 treatment plan as a scientifically proven way to treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

December 31, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Flu Immune

On December 21, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Riverstone LLC for selling the products Flu Immune Drops, L-Lysine, Lysine Extra, and Monolaurin with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

March 29, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Nasal Spray Promoted for Coronavirus

On March 26, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

February 17, 2021

FDA Warns Dr. Paul's Lab for COVID-19 Claims

On February 16, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Dr. Paul's Lab following a review of the company's website by the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for selling COVID-Aid Tincture with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

August 18, 2020

Seller of Immune Shot Criminally Charged With Making Coronavirus Claims

On August 10, 2020, prosecutors in Georgia charged Matthew Ryncarz and his company Fusion Health and Vitality, LLC d/b/a/ Pharm Origins with selling the misbranded product Immune Shot.

Recalls & Warnings

February 16, 2021

Seller of BioCBD+ Products Warned for COVID-19 and Drug Claims

On February 11, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Evolved Ayurvedic Discoveries, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

March 29, 2020

Seller of "Immune Tonic" Warned for Making Coronavirus Claims

On March 26, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Carahealth for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

December 22, 2021

Unauthorized Rapid Antigen Test Gets FDA Warning

On December 1, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter for DermaCare Biosciences, LTD.

News Release

April 28, 2020

Best and Worst Multivitamins Revealed by ConsumerLab -- Problems Found With 44% of Multis Tested

White Plains, New York, April 28, 2020 — Multivitamin/multimineral supplements are among the top five most popular supplements, but with so many different formulas on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one.

Clinical Update


Shingles Vaccine & COVID

Does getting a shingles vaccine reduce COVID risks?

Recalls & Warnings

April 28, 2020

Ten Multi-Level Marketing Companies Warned for Coronavirus and Deceptive Earnings Claims

On April 24, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to ten multi-level marketing companies for selling products such as essential oils and immune system boosters with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19) and/or for misrespresenting potential earnings people ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 20, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Vitamin D, Curcumin and CoQ10 Promoted for Treating COVID-19

On December 28, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Smarter Nutrition, Inc. following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about the company's products Smarter Curcumin, Smarter Ubiquinol, and Smarter Vitamin D3 to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2020

FTC Warns 45 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On May 7, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 45 companies for selling products such as herbal products, immune system boosters, and vitamin C with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

March 13, 2020

State of Missouri Sues Jim Bakker Show for Selling False Coronavirus Cure

On March 12, 2020, the Missouri Attourney General announced that it sued the Jim Bakker Show for selling a fake coronavirus (COVID-19) cure called Silver Solution.

Recalls & Warnings

December 02, 2020

Seller of Vitamin C, Elderberry, Silver, and More Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On November 10, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Sage Woman Herbs, Ltd.

Recalls & Warnings

December 11, 2020

FDA Warns for Promoting Supplements as COVID-19 Treatments

On December 10, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to for promoting the sale of various vitamins and supplements on with claims that they can mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

December 29, 2021

Natural Solutions Foundation Banned From Selling "Nano Silver" as COVID Treatment

On December 28, 2021, the United States Department of Justice announced that Natural Solutions Foundation has agreed to stop selling its nano silver products, in order to settle a suit brought against the company by the FDA for claiming the product could that the company claimed could prevent, ...

Clinical Update


Home COVID Test Recalled

Certain lots of a popular home COVID test have been recalled after they were discovered to provide inaccurate results.

Clinical Update


Substance Abuse & COVID

People with substance use disorders, particularly regarding cannabis, may be at increased risk for COVID infection, according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


Kidney Injury and COVID

Kidney injury appears to be more common in some people who have had COVID, according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


Adolescents & COVID: Myocarditis vs. Hospitalization

How does the risk of myocarditis from vaccination compare to the risk of hospitalization from COVID among adolescents?

Clinical Update


Off-Label Use of COVID Vaccine?

Find out why vaccine administrators may decline to give COVID shots for off-label use.

Clinical Update


15-Minute Home COVID Tests

Demand for 15-minute home tests for COVID is increasing. Learn when and how to use these tests.

Clinical Update


At-Home COVID Testing

Best time to take an at-home COVID test? It may be sooner than you think.

Clinical Update


Booster After COVID?

Find out if you should get a booster after getting COVID.

Clinical Update


At-Home COVID Tests Without Charge

Find out where to get COVID tests without charge in your area and how to get reimbursed for buying at-home antigen tests (which starts tomorrow).

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccines & Shingles

Do COVID vaccines activate shingles? Find out what research suggests.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccination During Pregnancy

Vaccination is now recommended during pregnancy. Get the latest details in our article about COVID Vaccines.

Clinical Update


Two More Home COVID Tests Compared

We've added information about tests from Celltrion and Indicaid to our comparisons of 12 home antigen tests for COVID.

Recalls & Warnings

April 21, 2020

U.S. Attorney's Office Bars Chiropractor from Selling Fake Coronavirus Cures

On April 17, 2020, the United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Texas announced that it has obtained a temporary restraining order preventing a chiropractor from promoting fake treatments for coronavirus (COVID-19). Dr. Ray L.

Recalls & Warnings

March 05, 2021

FTC Takes Further Action Against Deceptive CBD Claims

On March 5, 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it has approved final administrative consent orders against six companies for selling CBD products with unsupported and deceptive health claims that they can treat a variety of conditions, including cancer, heart disease, ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 21, 2021

Federal Court Bars Fusion Health From Promoting Vitamin D for COVID-19

On January 8, 2021, the United States Department of Justice announced a permanent injunction has been entered, barring dietary supplement marketer Matthew Ryncarz and his companies Fusion Health and Vitality LLC dba Pharm Origins and Fusion Ionz LLC dba Pharm Origins from making claims that their ...

Recalls & Warnings

June 20, 2020

FTC Warns 30 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On June 18, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 30 companies for selling products such as immune system boosters, colloidal silver, vitamin C, and CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

January 31, 2023

Over $973,000 Returned to NutraClick Consumers

On January 25, 2023, the FTC announced it will be returning over $973,000 to over 17,000 consumers who lost money after NutraClick LLC allegedly automatically enrolled them in unwanted membership programs for supplements and beauty products.

Clinical Update


Low-dose Lithium for Long COVID?

Did taking low-dose lithium improve symptoms of long COVID? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Low-Dose Lithium Review, which includes our Top Picks for low-dose lithium.

Clinical Update


Don’t Throw Out Expired COVID Tests

The shelf-life for some at-home COVID antigen tests was recently extended by several months - so don't throw them away! Get the details by brand.

Clinical Update


May 11 Deadline for Tests

Until May 11, U.S., households are eligible to receive four at-home COVID tests from the government if not already ordered this year. Get the details in our article about COVID Tests, which includes our Top Picks among at-home rapid antigen tests.

Clinical Update


Caution: Many Still Positive After 5 Day Isolation

People with COVID must isolate for 5 days, but many are positive on antigen tests for up to 9 days. Find out who is most at-risk for this, in our updated answer about COVID Tests.

Clinical Update


How to Get COVID Treatment Quickly

Antivirals work against COVID if given early. Some pharmacies can now give you antiviral medication without a prescription from your doctor if you test positive, saving valuable time. Learn how and find the location nearest you.

Clinical Update


No-Cost COVID Vaccine Eligibility Ending?

Take note: After April 4, some people in the U.S. may no longer be able to get a COVID vaccine without paying out of pocket.

Clinical Update


CoQ10 for Post-COVID Fatigue?

Can CoQ10 supplementation reduce physical and mental fatigue in people experiencing prolonged COVID symptoms? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our CoQ10 Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin C or Melatonin for COVID?

Find out if supplementing with vitamin C or melatonin reduced symptoms in people with mild to moderate COVID in a recent study.

Clinical Update


New COVID Treatment

An antibody treatment that works against Omicron infection was recently authorized for people at high risk of progression to severe disease, but it needs to be used early. Learn more about it and other treatments in our answer about COVID treatments.

Clinical Update


High-Dose Fish Oil for COVID?

A two-week course of high-dose, high-concentration fish oil was reported to reduce inflammation and symptoms in COVID patients in a preliminary study. See the details in the What It Does section of the Fish Oil Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for fish oil supplements.

Clinical Update


Flu Shot + COVID Booster?

Find out if it's okay to get a flu shot at the same time as a COVID booster based on recent evidence.

Clinical Update


More About Shingles Vaccines & COVID

We recently reported that getting a shingles vaccine was linked to lower COVID risk. A CL member asked us if this association applied to Shingrix, Zostavax or both vaccines. See the answer.

Clinical Update


Home COVID Tests

Details are still being worked out, but see the latest information about how the U.S. government intends to make COVID self-tests freely available or reimbursable depending whether you are insured, uninsured, or covered by Medicaid or Medicare. Also see our Top Pick among 7 brands of home tests.

Clinical Update


Best Rapid Home Test for COVID

The FDA has authorized many 15-minute home tests for COVID, but some are better than others at identifying positive samples. See our Top Pick among rapid home tests and how brands compare.

Be aware that these home tests, which can be bought without a prescription, are best used within six days of the start of symptoms. It is likely that they can detect the new Omicron variant. The cost of buying these tests may soon be covered by insurance.

Clinical Update


Home Pulse Oximeter Use Decreases Risk of COVID Death

Using a pulse oximeter at home to monitor blood oxygen levels was associated with a significant decrease in risk of death among people with COVID, according to a new study. Get the details and see our Top Pick among pulse oximeters.

Clinical Update


More COVID Home Tests Reviewed — See If They Made Our Cut

The FDA recently authorized many more over-the-counter rapid (antigen) home tests for COVID, but there are significant differences in their accuracy.See how 7 widely sold brands compare, where we've set the bar between the best and the rest, and our Top Pick. Just yesterday, we added information about four more tests.

Clinical Update


Six or Eight Months for mRNA COVID Booster?

Will mRNA booster vaccines be given as early as 6 months after the first dose, or at 8 months as had been officially announced? Find out in our article about COVID Vaccines.

Clinical Update


Delta Variant Accounts for Most COVID Cases

Be aware that the Delta variant, which is more transmissible than other variants, now accounts for more than 98% of COVID cases in the U.S. See the latest numbers.

Clinical Update


Risk of Hospitalization With COVID

If you are unvaccinated, how much more likely are you to be hospitalized with COVID than if you were vaccinated? See what recent data shows.

Clinical Update


Home Device May Reduce Risk of COVID Death

New evidence suggests that using a pulse oximeter when home with COVID may reduce the risk of death. We've added information about this to our answer to the question: Which is the best pulse oximeter for home use?

Clinical Update


Antibody Therapy for COVID

Due to a shortage in supply, there has been a change in how antibody therapies for COVID are being distributed in the U.S. Find out how this may affect your ability to access these therapies.

Recalls & Warnings

June 25, 2020

"Anti-Viral" Supplement Recalled for Unsupported Coronavirus Claims

On June 23, 2020, Golden Nutrition Inc. issued a recall of four lots of Anti-Viral Immune Enhancement Capsules because the label makes unsupported health claims to "help fight corona virus and influenza.

Recalls & Warnings

May 23, 2020

FTC Warns 50 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On May 21, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 50 companies for selling products such as herbal products, immune system boosters, and vitamin C, with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

April 26, 2021

Family Indicted for Selling Dangerous "Bleach" Miracle Mineral Solution As "COVID" Cure

Four Florida men have been indicted by a Miami federal grand jury on charges of fraudulently marketing and selling the toxic bleach solution Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as a cure for COVID-19 and other serious medical conditions, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, autism, malaria, ...

Recalls & Warnings

July 10, 2020

FTC Charges Seller With Falsely Promising Consumers Next Day Shipping of Face Masks and Other PPE

On July 8, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged the online marketer, Inc. and its owner, Kevin J. Lipsitz, with falsely promising consumers next-day shipping of facemasks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to use during the coronavirus pandemic.

Recalls & Warnings

June 04, 2020

FTC Warns 35 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On June 4, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 35 companies for selling products such as herbal products, immune system boosters, and vitamin C with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 04, 2023

FDA Warns MedoLife for Promoting Homeopathic Products to Treat COVID-19, Cancer

On April 19, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Medolife Rx D/B/A MedoLife Corp., AELIA Inc. and Queanta Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

July 14, 2020

Sellers of Miracle Mineral Solution Criminally Charged With Making Coronavirus Claims

On July 8, 2020, federal prosecutors charged the sellers of Miracle Mineral Solution, a toxic bleach solution marketed as a cure for coronavirus (COVID-19), with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, and criminal contempt.

Recalls & Warnings

July 06, 2021

CBD Products Were Promoted to Treat Cancer and Alzheimer's Without Proof, Says FTC

On July 6, 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it has approved a final administrative consent orders against Kushly Industries LLC and the company's owner, Cody Alt, for allegedly making unsupported health claims about its CBD products.

Recalls & Warnings

July 21, 2022

UV Light Wands That May Cause Injury, According to the FDA

The FDA recently warned consumers of potential exposure to unsafe levels of ultraviolet-C (UV-C) radiation associated with the use of certain brands of ultraviolet (UV) wands, as found from testing conducted by the agency.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccine and Anemia

Should people with anemia get vaccinated?

Clinical Update


Which Immunosuppressants Reduce Vaccine Protection?

Find out which immunosuppressants may reduce vaccine protection in our article about COVID Vaccines.

Clinical Update


Hospitalization or Death in Vaccinated People

How likely is hospitalization or death from COVID in vaccinated people? See what recent data shows.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccine for Women Who Are Pregnant

Learn why vaccination is now recommended for women who are pregnant or who can become pregnant.

Clinical Update


Mu Variant

What is the Mu variant and how prevalent is it in the U.S.? Find out in our article about COVID Vaccines.

Clinical Update


Myocarditis Risk

Find out how the risk of myocarditis from vaccination compares to the risk of myocarditis from COVID.

Clinical Update


Are COVID Booster Doses Different?

Are third dose vaccines (for immune-compromised individuals) different from the first two doses?

Clinical Update


Huge Boost from Booster Vaccines

New data showed a huge reduction in symptomatic COVID cases with the Pfizer booster Get the details.

Clinical Update


Myocarditis After COVID Boosters

Myocarditis appears to be much less common with boosters than with 2nd doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines according to new data.

Clinical Update


Boosting Vaccine Response

Exercising around the time of a COVID vaccine may help boost immune response, according to a recent study.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccines and Monoclonal Antibody Therapy

For people who received monoclonal antibody therapy: Find out if you need to delay vaccinations.

Clinical Update


New Recommendations for Quarantine

The CDC has issued new recommendations about what actions should be taken if you’re exposed to someone with COVID.

Recalls & Warnings

December 29, 2020

FDA Warns Five Sellers of CBD for Claims of Treating Arthritis, Alzheimer's and More

On December 22, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to five sellers of CBD following reviews of the companies' websites, which found statements made about the companies' products to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

April 24, 2021

Durisan Recalls Hand Sanitizer Due to Microbial Contamination

On April 10, 2021, Durisan announced a recall expansion of Durisan Antimicrobial Hand Sanitizer, NonAlcohol to include non-expired products because they may be contaminated with the bacterium Burkholderia contaminans.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccination in People With Neurologic Conditions

Should people with neurologic conditions – including dementia, Alzheimer's disease, MS, and epilepsy – get vaccinated? Find out what experts recommend.

Clinical Update


Pfizer vs. Moderna for Breakthrough Delta Infections

A recent study suggests that Pfizer and Moderna are not equal in protecting against Delta infection. See the details in our article about COVID Vaccines.

Clinical Update


COVID Risk & Immune Disease

Are people with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, and other immune diseases at higher risk of severe re-infections? See the latest findings.

Clinical Update


Withdrawal of CDC COVID PCR Test?

Is it true that the current PCR tests for the virus are not accurate and the CDC is withdrawing its own PCR test? Get the facts.

Clinical Update


Pfizer COVID Vaccine for Children

The Pfizer vaccine is now authorized for use in children ages 5 to 11. Get the details about its effectiveness as well as side effects and safety in children. Also, find out why availability of the vaccine may initially be limited.

Clinical Update


Home Pulse Oximeters for anemia?

We recently reported that use of inexpensive home pulse oximeters may reduce the risk of death in people with COVID. But are they useful for other conditions, such as anemia? A member recently asked us about this. Find out in our updated answer the the question: Which is the best pulse oximeter for home use? which includes our Top Picks among home pulse oximeters.

Clinical Update


Mouth v. Nose Swabs for COVID Antigen Testing

Some evidence suggests that samples from the mouth or throat may be better than from the nose but the FDA advises against this with current antigen tests.

Clinical Update


Hunter HP800 Air Purifier Review

See our review of the Hunter HP800 Multi-Room Large Console Air Purifier, as well as our Top Picks among air purifiers, in our article about the Best Air Purifiers for Reducing the Spread of COVID.

Clinical Update


LG PuriCare Mini Air Purifier Review

See our review of the LG PuriCare Mini Air Purifier, as well as our Top Picks among air purifiers, in our article about the Best Air Purifiers for Reducing the Spread of COVID.

Clinical Update


Vaccine-Related Myocarditis in Young Men

See whether Moderna or Pfizer has been linked to a greater risk of myocarditis among young men. (Note: The risk of myocarditis remains much higher from getting COVID than from either vaccine.)

Clinical Update


Sanitizer Warning

Consumers are being warned not to use a specific hand-held UV sanitizing wand that could cause skin or eye injury within seconds of use. Details are in our updated article about UV Light Sanitizers and COVID.

Clinical Update


Vaccines and Shoulder Injury

Shoulder injury from vaccination is not common but can happen. Find out what steps you can take to help avoid it. Also learn about "COVID arm."

Clinical Update


At-Home COVID Testing for Medicare Beneficiaries

In early spring of 2022, eligible Medicare beneficiaries will be able to receive 8 at-home rapid tests per month at no charge. Get the details.

Clinical Update


How Good Are COVID Tests From the Government?

Readers have started to receive rapid antigen tests, such as iHealth, from the government. See how this compares to other antigen tests and our Top Picks.

Let us know which test you received by mail from the U.S. government – we'll review it if we haven't already.

If you need to order tests at no charge, here's how.

Clinical Update


CDC Mask Guidelines

Be aware that, this week, the CDC advised that properly fitted N95 and KN95 respirators provide the highest level of protection against COVID. So it’s best to use these masks in place of cloth masks. It was also announced that N95s will soon be made available at no charge at community centers and retail pharmacies across the U.S. Get the details.

Clinical Update


Vaccine Protection Against Omicron

How well do vaccines protect against Omicron? See how three vaccine doses compared to two doses, or to previous COVID infection, in protecting against symptomatic Omicron infection, based on a recent study.

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccine: Will There Be a Second Booster?

The FDA has received requests from Pfizer and Moderna for a 2nd booster. Find out who might be eligible for a 2nd booster and when.

Clinical Update


Do You Need a Pulse Oximeter at Home?

When home with COVID, a recent study showed that actively monitoring for breathing symptoms may be as or more important than having a pulse oximeter. For details, see our article about pulse oximeters.

Clinical Update


Biotin Caution With Lab & At-Home Tests

High doses of biotin from supplements can interfere with a wide range of laboratory and at-home tests, including those for pregnancy, doping, COVID, and heart attacks. Get the details in the Biotin section of our B Vitamin Supplements Review.

Also see: Which vitamins and supplements should be stopped before getting blood work and laboratory tests?

Clinical Update


Hold On To Those Tests

The shelf lives of several at-home COVID antigen tests were recently extended by 3 to 11 months. Get the details in our article about tests, which includes our Top Picks based on performance and price.

Clinical Update


Novavax Booster

The FDA and CDC now allow the Novavax vaccine, which is protein-based rather than mRNA-based, as a booster. Find out who's eligible to get this booster in the Protein-based vaccine section of our article about COVID vaccines.

Recalls & Warnings

February 06, 2023

FDA Warns Companies Promoting Products to Treat Monkeypox, COVID-19, & Other Viruses

On January 30, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to four companies following review of the company websites, which found statements about company products to be drug claims because they were promoted to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure viruses such as monkeypox.

Recalls & Warnings

April 13, 2023

Bountiful to Pay $600,000 to Settle Charges of Amazon “Review Hijacking”

On April 10, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced it has approved a final consent order against The Bountiful Company (formerly NBTY), whose brands include Nature’s Bounty and Sundown, after the agency charged Bountiful with using deceptive practices to sell its products on ...

Recalls & Warnings

July 20, 2023

FTC Files Complaint Against Company Promoting “Sobrenix” Supplements for Alcohol Cravings

On July 19, 2023, the FTC filed a complaint against Rejuvica and the company owners for promoting its Sobrenix supplements, which contain ingredients such as vitamin B6, thiamin, milk thistle, Chanca Piedra, and dandelion root, to reduce and eliminate alcohol cravings and consumption.

Recalls & Warnings

November 11, 2024

FTC Sends Refunds to Customers Who Purchased Sobrenix

On November 7, 2024, the FTC announced it is mailing 56,686 checks totaling more than $536,000 to customers who bought Sobrenix, a supplement sold and marketed by Rejuvica to reduce and eliminate alcohol cravings and consumption.

Recalls & Warnings

February 24, 2023

Bountiful Charged with “Review Hijacking,” False Advertising of Nature’s Bounty Supplements on Amazon

On February 16, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged The Bountiful Company (formerly NBTY), whose brands include Nature’s Bounty and Sundown, with deceptively using Amazon reviews and badges (such as “#1 Best Seller” and “Amazon’s Choice”) from its ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 28, 2021

FDA Issues Import Alert on Potentially-Dangerous Hand Sanitizers from Mexico

On January 26, 2021, the FDA announced that all alcohol-based hand sanitizers from Mexico will be placed on a countrywide import alert to limit the flow of potentially dangerous products into the US.

News Release

April 14, 2020

ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best Probiotic Supplements and Those With Quality Issues

White Plains, New York, April 14, 2020 — Probiotic supplements may be helpful for conditions including antibiotic-associated diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and respiratory infections.

Recalls & Warnings

December 17, 2020

FTC Crackdown on Six Deceptive CBD Products

On December 17, 2020, the FTC announced that it is taking action against six companies for selling CBD products with unsupported and deceptive health claims that they can treat a variety of conditions, including cancer, heart disease, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, and others.

Recalls & Warnings

June 04, 2021

COVID Antibody and Antigen Tests That May Give False Results Recalled

On May 28, 2021, the FDA warned consumers not to use the Lepu Medical Technology SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit and the Leccurate SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Rapid Test Kit (Colloidal Gold Immunochromatography) due to a "high risk of false results when using these tests." 

Recalls & Warnings

April 24, 2023

FTC Warns Almost 700 Companies: Unsupported Health Claims May Result in Substantial Civil Penalties

On April 13, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) notified approximately 670 companies that market over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, homeopathic products, dietary supplements, or functional foods that they could incur significant civil penalties if they make unsubstantiated claims about the ...

Recalls & Warnings

October 09, 2023

Organifi Settles Charges of Unsupported Claims

Organifi, LLC has agreed to pay $150,000 in civil penalties and $50,000 in investigative costs as restitution to settle charges that the company made unsupported claims that its Gold, Pure, Green Juice, and Red Juice products could balance hormone and cortisol levels, regulate the ...

Recalls & Warnings

September 01, 2022

FDA Warns Elderberry Fair & Co for Promoting Elderberry Supplements and Apple Cider to Treat Colds & Flu

On August 15, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to The Elderberry Fairy & Co., LLC after review of the company’s website found statements about the company’s Elderberry Syrup with Honey, Elderberry Syrup with Agave, and Organic Fire Cider to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

June 27, 2024

“Authentic” Rose Oil Often Is Not

Damask rose essential oil (Rosa × damascene) and products claiming to contain this oil, or “authentic rose oil” may often be adulterated or contain less expensive oils instead, according to a recent bulletin from the American Botanical Association (ABC).

Recalls & Warnings

January 03, 2025

Essential Oil Sold on Amazon Recalled

On January 2, 2025, Euqee Wintergreen Essential Oils, sold on Amazon were recalled because the packaging is not child-resistant and may pose a risk of poisoning for young children.

Recalls & Warnings

November 23, 2022

CBD Not Permitted in Gummies, Candies, Cookies, Candy, or Pet Treats, Says FDA

On November 16, 2022, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling products such as gummies, tea, cookies, lollipops, fruit snacks, hard candies, and pet treats containing cannabidiol (CBD) and/or delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC) as conventional food products.

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2022

Court Bars Salud Natural From Selling Aloe, Joint Supplements & More

On March 8, 2022, a federal court ordered Salud Natural Entrepreneur, Inc. to stop distributing nutritional supplements that violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).

Recalls & Warnings

February 09, 2022

FDA Warns Seller of Colloidal Silver Eye Drops, Copper Products & More

On February 1, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to New Earth Healing Essentials, LLC d/b/a 5D Full Disclosure following a review of the company’s website, which found statements made about some of the company's products, including Plasma Colloidal Silver Eyedrops, Gaia’s ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 23, 2023

FDA Warns Herbal Vitality for Promoting Supplements to Treat Cold & Flu, Kidney Stones & More

On March 7, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Herbal Vitality, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

April 27, 2023

FTC Returns over $1.1 Million to Consumers for RevMountain Teeth Whitening Products

On April 25, 2023, the FTC announced it will be returning over $1.

News Release

March 25, 2020

Trouble Sleeping? ConsumerLab Tests Reveal the Best Melatonin Supplements

White Plains, New York, March 25, 2020 — Melatonin supplements can help you fall asleep faster, and some may help you stay asleep.

Recalls & Warnings

March 02, 2022

Seller of Holistic Tea Warned by FDA

On February 17, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Vital Health & Wellness following an inspection of the company’s website, which found statements made about the company’s product, Dr. Miller’s Holistic Premium Holy Tea, to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

May 05, 2022

Seller of CBD Tinctures, Creams & Pet Products Promoted for Pain, Cancer & More Warned by FDA

On February 11, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Rena’s Organic following a review of the company’s social media and website, which found statements about the company’s 300 mg CBD Full Spectrum Oil Cannabinoid Tincture, 600 mg CBD Full Spectrum Oil Cannabinoid ...

Recalls & Warnings

November 30, 2023

Discover Health, LLC Warned for Promoting CBD Products for Cancer, Epilepsy, & More

On November 16, 2023, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Discover Health, LLC d/b/a Discover CBD and Strain Snobs following a review of the company’s websites that found statements about the company’s Active CBD Oil – Full Spectrum Distillate Cartridge, Active CBD Oil – ...

News Release

March 12, 2020

ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Big Differences Among Elderberry Supplements

White Plains, New York, March 12, 2020 — Elderberry extracts have long been promoted for fighting colds and flu, and, more recently, as a natural remedy for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

December 13, 2021

Seller of Vitamin B12 Injections Without Prescription Pleads Guilty

On December 8, 2021, 46-year-old Des Moines resident Bradley Tomlinson plead guilty to a felony charge related to the sale of misbranded vitamin B12 injectable drugs. Tomlinson began selling these injectable drugs in May 2015 and marketed them as weight loss drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

December 01, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Saffron Supplements

On November 18th, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Saffron Health Sciences following a review of the company's website, social media, and Amazon product listings, which found statements made about the company's products Crocin Rich, Crocin Rich II, and Crocin Rich ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 14, 2021

Maker of Care by Design CBD Settles Charges of Unsupported Claims

On May 5, 2021, Cannacraft, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

February 22, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Melatonin & Other Sleep Supplements

On February 18, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to SANA Group LLC following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about the company's products Sleep Sana Sleep Drops and Sleep Shots to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

February 22, 2021

FDA Warns Sellers of St. John's Wort

On February 18, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to two companies following reviews of the companies' websites, which found statements made about the companies' St. John's Wort products to be drug claims. These products include St.

Recalls & Warnings

March 04, 2021

Federal Court Bars Confidence USA from Selling Supplements

On March 4, 2021, the FDA announced a permanent injunction has been entered, barring dietary supplement manufacturer Confidence USA Inc. and two of its executives from producing or selling products until they become compliant with current good manufacturing practices (cGMPs).

Recalls & Warnings

September 28, 2022

FDA Warns Muscle Sports for Joint Health, Immune & Workout Supplement, Vitamin C, Elderberry, and Other Claims

On September 23, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Muscle Sports Products, LLC following inspection of the company’s websites which found statements about company products, including Join Revolution Capsules, IMMUNITY + Powder, Rhino Rampage PUMPED Capsules, Attack Pre-Workout ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2022

FDA Warns Five Companies for Selling CBD Supplements, Gummies and Creams With Delta-8 THC

On May 4th, 2022, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling CBD and other products labeled as containing delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC).

Recalls & Warnings

May 23, 2020

BIOTA Biosciences Recalls Injectable CBD and Curcumin Products

On May 20, 2020, BIOTA Biosciences LLC issued a recall of five lots of three injectable products because they were marketed without FDA approval.

Recalls & Warnings

April 25, 2020

Injectable Curcumin, CBD Are Not Safe, Warns FDA

On April 9, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to BIOTA Biosciences LLC following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about some of the company's, products, including Canabidiol (CBD) Complex, Cannabidiol+Curcumin, and Curcumin Complex to be ...

Recalls & Warnings

July 26, 2023

Five Leaf Pet Botanicals Warned by FDA for Drug Claims

On June 22, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Five Leaf Pet Botanicals, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

February 02, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Ginger, Echinacea, and More

On December 10, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Prairie Dawn Herbs following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about the company's products Chest Tea, Ginger Oil, Dandelion root Tincture, Echinacea purpurea Tincture, Antispasmodic Tincture, ...

Recalls & Warnings

April 28, 2020

Natures CBD Oil Distribution Warned for Joint Pain Claims

On April 20, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Homero Corp DBA Natures CBD Oil Distribution, following an inspection of the company's website which found the company's products, including Natures Pure CBD Oil, CBD Froggies 25mg, CBD Froggies 50mg, CBD Edibles 200mg Frogs, CBD ...

Recalls & Warnings

July 28, 2022

FDA Warns Three Manufacturers of Sanitizer for Manufacturing and Misbranding Violations

Between July 8 and July 21, the FDA issued warning letters to three companies selling hand sanitizer products that violate Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), are adulterated and misbranded, and for refusal to allow the agency to access and copy company records.

Recalls & Warnings

April 27, 2022

FDA Tests Find Imported Hand Sanitizer Contains Less Active Ingredient Than Claimed

On April 19th, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Guangzhou Zhongkebaishi Health Industry Co., Ltd.

Recalls & Warnings

May 16, 2020

CBD Oil Recalled, Risk of High Lead Exposure

On May 15, 2020, Summitt Labs issued a recall of one batch of KORE ORGANIC Watermelon CBD Oil Tincture due to contamination with lead. A random sample of this product tested by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services found it to contain lead levels at 4.7 ppm.

Recalls & Warnings

September 08, 2020

Holistic Healthy Pet Warned for Drug Claims

On August 25, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Savvy Holistic Health dba Holistic Healthy Pet following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about some of the company's products, including Doctor's Best for Your Pets, Savvy Holistic Health Pet Essences, ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 18, 2021

Hand Sanitizer Recalled Because Packaging Resembles Water Bottle

On March 17, 2021, PNHC, LLC d/b/a Heal the World recalled all lots of Heal the World hand sanitizer because the product is packaged in containers resembling water bottles.

Recalls & Warnings

July 06, 2021

Limar Hand Sanitizer Recalled

On July 1, 2021, Ardil Comercial recalled one lot of Limar Hand Sanitizer packaged because its packaging resembles water bottles which could pose a risk of ingestion.

Recalls & Warnings

June 22, 2021

Prairie Wolf Hand Sanitizer Recalled

On June 21, 2021, Prairie Wolf Spirits, Inc. recalled all lots of Prairie Wolf Distillery hand sanitizer packaged in 16.9 fluid ounce and 20 fluid ounce containers that resemble water bottles because the products pose a risk of ingestion.

Recalls & Warnings

November 24, 2021

FDA Warns Sanitizer Corporation For Manufacturing and Misbranding Violations

On September 24, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Chameleon Beverage Co. Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

December 19, 2020

FDA Finds Unapproved Drugs in Many Weight Loss and Sexual Enhancement Products Sold Online

On December 18, 2020, the FDA warned consumers that certain products promoted for weight loss, body building, sexual enhancement, pain relief, sleep, and other uses because may contain harmful ingredients.

Recalls & Warnings

May 12, 2020

FTC Halts Deceptive Supplements & Cosmetics "Free Trial" Scheme

On May 8, 2020, the owners of AH Media Group, LLC agreed to halt their allegedly deceptive practice of luring consumers with supposed "free trial" offers for cosmetics and dietary supplements, then enrolling them in subscriptions and billing them without their consent.

Recalls & Warnings

September 08, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Multivitamin for Manufacturing Violations

On August 14, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Revival Products, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

July 29, 2020

Herbacil Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer Recalled

On July 27, 2020, Broncolin S.A. de C.V. recalled Herbacil Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer 70% Alcohol because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.

Recalls & Warnings

July 28, 2020

FDA Warns Eskbiochem for Hand Sanitizers That May Contain Toxic Ingredient

On July 23, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Eskbiochem SA de CV which found the company's products, including ClearCare Nogerm ADVANCED HAND SANITIZER and LAVAR GEL HAND SANITIZER, to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that violate ...

Recalls & Warnings

July 17, 2020

Two More Hand Sanitizers That May Contain Toxic Ingredient Recalled

Update: (8/10/20) Soluciones Cosméticas has recalled additional products that may contain methanol, as listed in red below.

Recalls & Warnings

August 10, 2020

Gelbac T Antibacterial Handgel Recalled

On August 6, 2020, Incredible Products Sa De Cv recalled Gelbac T Antibacterial Handgel because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.