Product Reviews and Information for Skin
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Product Review
Collagen Supplements Review
See our Top Picks for Wrinkles and Joints

CL Answer
5 Tips for Finding a Soap or Body Wash That Won't Irritate Skin
Get 5 tips for finding soap or body wash that won't cause skin irritation. See which soaps we rate best, ingredients to avoid, and phrases on labels that can mislead.

CL Answer
What is the best sunscreen based on safety and efficacy?
We’ve boiled down the latest research about mineral and chemical sunscreens, including product tests, to help you choose the best sunscreen (which will depend on whether you expect to be in or out of the water). We also list popular sunscreens that have, or have not, been found to contain cancer-causing compounds (benzene and benzophenone).

CL Answer
What are phytoceramides? Do phytoceramide supplements really work to improve aging skin?
Phytoceramide supplement information, including what they are, what they claim to do, and if they have anti-aging effects.

CL Answer
Do any supplements reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin?
Learn about collagen, biotin, CoQ10, cocoa, soy isoflavones, phytoceramides, and other supplements for reducing wrinkles and improving aging skin.

Product Review
Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Review
Oils Tested for Authenticity and Purity

Product Review
Vitamin A Supplements Review, Including Beta-Carotene and Cod Liver Oil
Find the Best Vitamin A Supplement. Best Quality Vitamin A Supplements Identified, Including Cod Liver Oil.

Product Review
B Vitamin Supplements Review (B Complexes, B6, B12, Biotin, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin & More)
See Our Top Picks and Which 5 Failed Testing

CL Answer
Do collagen or hyaluronic acid supplements really help aging or wrinkled skin?
Find out if collagen & hyaluronic acid supplements really help for aging or wrinkled skin and for skin care.

CL Answer
Estrogen Creams for Wrinkles?
Find out if estrogen creams can help reduce wrinkles, whether they are safe, and how "prescription" estriol and estradiol creams and gels differ from those sold over-the-counter.

Product Review
Vitamin C Supplements Review
Find the Best Vitamin C Supplements

Product Review
Glutathione Supplements Review
Learn How Glutathione Products Differ, Which Failed, and Our Top Picks

CL Answer
Can bloodroot or "black salve" treat skin cancer? Is it safe?
Bloodroot salve and black salve made from bloodroot and zinc - are they effective and safe treatments for skin cancer?'s answer explains.

Product Review
Tuna, Salmon, Sardines & Herring Review (Canned and Packaged)
Find Products With the Least Mercury and Most Omega-3s

Product Review
Bone Broth Review
Find the Best Bone Broth. Find Out How Much Collagen and Sodium Is Really In Popular Bone Broths.

CL Answer
Do any supplements or foods help prevent sunburn or skin damage from sun exposure? Can any increase your risk of sun-related skin damage?
Find out which supplements may help protect from sunburn and sun-related skin damage, including beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, and cocoa.

Product Review
Avocado Oil Review
Find the Best Avocado Oil for Purity, Freshness and Taste. Some Others May Include Rotten Avocado or Other Oils.

CL Answer
What are the best bug sprays to prevent tick and mosquito bites? Is the insecticide permethrin safe to use?
Find out how permethrin sprays differ and which can be used on sheets and sleeping bags versus clothing

Product Review
Lycopene Supplements Review
Find the Best Lycopene Supplements. CL Tests Reveal That Not All Lycopene Supplements Contain What They Claim.

CL Answer
Does red and near infrared light therapy reduce pain, improve skin or cognition, or have other benefits? Is it safe?
Red light and near infrared light therapy devices are promoted for numerous conditions, including acne, fibromyalgia, pain, cognitive function and other uses. Find out if these devices work and if they are safe.

CL Answer
Do hair loss supplements, such as Viviscal, Hair La Vie, and Nutrafol, or topical essential oils work?
Vitamins and supplements that may help with hair loss and thinning, including saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, protein, iron, and vitamin D.

Product Review
Aloe Juices, Gels, and Supplements Review
How Much Aloe is Really in Aloe Products? Find Out and See Our Top Picks.

CL Answer
Do glutathione supplements work to prevent aging or for other conditions?
Do glutathione supplements help with aging or other conditions such as cancer and diabetes?

CL Answer
Which is the best mask to prevent COVID-19 and how do cloth, disposable, N95, and KN95 masks compare? How can I stop glasses from fogging?
See our Top Picks for masks. Learn how to make COVID-19 masks from materials at home that can be almost as effective as surgical mask and N-95 masks.

Product Review
Vitamin D Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K, and Boron)
Find the Best Vitamin D Supplement and Avoid Problems

Product Review
Resveratrol Supplements Review (From Red Wine, Knotweed, and Other Sources)
See Which Resveratrol Supplements Were Best In Our Tests and Comparisons. Learn What Resveratrol Can and Can't Do.

CL Answer
Which vitamins and supplements are good for acne, and are there any that make it worse?
Information about supplements for acne and clearer skin. Plus, find out which vitamins and supplements can make acne worse.

CL Answer
Does silica have health benefits? What is BioSil, and can it really increase collagen production and strengthen hair, skin, nails and bones?
Information about the health effects of silica (silicon dioxide) and orthosilicic acid (an ingredient in BioSil), including whether these forms of silicon can really increase collagen production, thicken hair, strengthen nails & bones.

CL Answer
Supplements for Eczema: Some May Help, While Others Don’t
Certain supplements may reduce symptoms of atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema), while others don't seem to work. Find out if gamma-linolenic acid, L-histidine, phytoceramides, probiotics, and other supplements may be beneficial.

CL Answer
Which sunscreens and after-sun products are contaminated with benzene and which are not?
Over 200 sunscreens and after-sun products have been reported to be contaminated with benzene, a carcinogen. See the results, by brand, and find out what to look for, and what to avoid, when choosing a sunscreen or after-sun product.

CL Answer
What are the symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency?
Learn more about symptoms of B6 deficiency, who is more likely to be deficient in vitamin B6 as well as how much vitamin B6 you should be getting.'s answer explains.

Product Review
Vitamin E Supplements Review
Find the Best Vitamin E Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Vitamin E Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

CL Answer
Is it true that iodine can cause acne or other skin problems?
Information on iodine causing acne and other skin problems such as rashes and hives.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What is the difference between cysteine and cystine?
Find out the difference between cysteine and cystine amino acids, including where each is found and their functions.

CL Answer
Can eating almonds reduce wrinkles or have other health benefits?
Find out if eating almonds can reduce wrinkles or improve aging skin.

Product Review
Hoodia (Hoodia gordonii) Supplements Review Article
Hoodia Supplements for Weight Loss. Will Hoodia help you lose weight? Make sure you know the facts.

Product Review
Mangosteen Juice and Supplements Review Article
What Are the Benefits of Mangosteen Juice and Supplements? Find Out What Mangosteen Can and Cannot Do For Your Health.

CL Answer
Do face creams, anti-aging serums, and acne gel treatments containing vitamin A or retinol reduce bone density or increase the risk of fractures?
Find out if using face creams, anti-aging serums, or acne gel treatments containing vitamin A or retinol can reduce bone mineral density or increase the risk of fractures,

CL Answer
Is there evidence that d-limonene can help fight cancer?
Find out if d-limonene can help fight cancer or help for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder), including evidence from clinical studies.

Product Review
Apple Cider Vinegar Review — Bottled Liquids and Supplements
Find the Best Apple Cider Vinegar. See Which Apple Cider Vinegar Liquids and Supplements Passed Our Tests of Quality.

CL Answer
Does heat kill coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can it disinfect face masks and packages?
Find out if heat kills the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 infection. Learn what temperature kills the coronavirus and more. ConsumerLab explains.

CL Answer
Do collagen supplements impact cholesterol levels or reduce risk factors for atherosclerosis?
Collagen has been studied for its effects on cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis risk factors, but its effects are still not clear.

CL Answer
I thought resveratrol came from red wine or grape skins - what is the "Polygonum cuspidatum" I see listed on my supplement?
Find out where resveratrol in supplements comes from, including Polygonum cuspidatum and red wine extract.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of luteolin, and is it safe?
Find out if luteolin, a compound found in many fruits and vegetables, is beneficial for cancer, heart health, skin aging, age-related cognitive decline, and other conditions, and learn if it's safe.

CL Answer
I thought the B vitamins were all water soluble and did not build up in the body, so you would not build up toxic levels. Am I wrong?
Learn more about water-soluble B vitamins including niacin, B6, B12 and folic acid, and why taking too much of these vitamins can be toxic. See the symptoms of overdose and toxicity from B vitamins.'s answer explains.

Product Review
Dark Chocolates, Cocoa & Cacao Powders, Nibs, and Supplements Review -- Sources of Flavanols
Is Your Chocolate or Cocoa Healthful or Toxic? Find the Best Dark Chocolate, Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Supplements Based On Our Tests.

Product Review
Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review
Best Multivitamins In 2023 -- Caution with Gummies

CL Answer
Which supplements help with Raynaud's phenomenon?
Raynaud's phenomenon may be helped by some supplements. Learn more about fish oil, Gingko biloba, and ginseng.

CL Answer
I spend a lot of time in the sun, especially in the summer. Does this mean my vitamin D levels could get too high?
Find out if spending too much time outside, especially in the summer, can cause excess vitamin D levels in the body.

CL Answer
Body Odor: Supplements & Foods That May Help, or Make It Worse
Some people with adequate personal hygiene still experience body odor. Learn if taking supplements such as activated charcoal, champignon extract, copper chlorophyllin, L-carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), or other ingredients might help or make body odor worse.

CL Answer
Does tea tree oil work for getting rid of athlete's foot?
Learn more about tea tree oil and its effects on foot fungus (known as athlete’s foot, tinea pedis, or “ringworm” due to the lesion that can occur) and how it can be as effective as some, but not all, over-the-counter antifungal treatments. ConsumerLab explains.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of dark chocolate?
Information on the health benefits of dark chocolate, including how dark chocolate may improve heart health, decrease blood sugar levels and more.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of D-ribose and is it safe?
Find out if D-ribose supplementation is beneficial for heart failure, exercise performance, and fibromyalgia and learn if it is safe.

Product Review
Zinc Supplements, Lozenges, and Melts Review
Find the Best Zinc Supplements, Including Lozenges for Colds.

CL Answer
Are there side effects from collagen supplements?
Find out if there are collagen side effects from supplements (collagen hydrolysate, collagen peptides, etc.) such as nausea, constipation, skin rash and others.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
ConsumerLab’s Review of The 'Pause Nutrition Supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver – Are They Worth It?
Looking into The 'Pause Nutrition supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver? ConsumerLab examines the value of products like Omega-3 + Vitamin D3 & K2, Fiber GDX, Skin Boost Plus, and more. Find out if these supplements are worth the price and discover affordable alternatives.

CL Answer
Is ingesting colloidal silver helpful for any condition and is it safe to use?
Find out if there is evidence showing colloidal silver can help to treat infections, boost the immune system, help with arthritis and more, plus find out if colloidal silver can cause blue skin or other side effects.

CL Answer
Is topical menthol, such as Biofreeze, safe and effective for pain relief?
Menthol is commonly used in topical creams and gels for pain relief. Find out if it works and if it's safe.

Recalls & Warnings
April 25, 2022
Some OTC Skin Lighteners Contain Potentially Harmful Ingredient, Warns FDA
On April 19th, 2022, the FDA issued warnings to 12 companies for selling over-the-counter (OTC) skin-lightening products containing hydroquinone.
CL Answer
Is it true that taking calcium supplements increases the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?
Find out if calcium from supplements or antacids can increase the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What are the signs of iron deficiency anemia?
Find out the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and others.

CL Answer
I would like to try gotu kola for varicose veins but I've heard it's not safe to take. Is that true?
Learn more about gotu kola, including possible benefits for varicose veins and whether it is safe to take. ConsumerLab explains.

CL Answer
Why is beta-carotene still an ingredient in some supplements? Isn't it dangerous?
Beta-carotene can be found in supplements. Get clinical evidence from studies on beta-carotene's impact on mortality, smoking, and vision.

CL Answer
Do diamine oxidase (DAO) supplements for histamine intolerance really work?
DAO supplement info for histamine intolerance, including diamine oxidase safety, evidence from clinical studies, and dosage.

Product Review
L-Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) Supplements Review
Choose the Best L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP Supplements. CL Tests Identify High Quality L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP (5-Hydroxy-L-Tryptophan) at the Best Value.

Product Review
DHEA Supplements Review
Choose the Best DHEA Supplement. Beware of Big Differences in Dose and Price.

Product Review
Coconut Oil and Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Oil Review — Semi-Solid and Liquid Oils & Supplements
Find the Best Coconut Oil and MCT Oil. See How These Oils Compare on Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), Quality, and Value.

CL Answer
Which is the best pulse oximeter for home use?
Best pulse oximeter for home use (COVID-19, asthma and COPD). Differences between home use and FDA-approved medical pulse oximeters.

Product Review
Turmeric and Curcumin Supplements and Spices Review
See Our Top Picks Among Turmeric Products

CL Answer
Does Arthrozene help with joint pain, and is it safe?
Arthrozene by Fisico is promoted for joint stiffness, soreness and discomfort. Find out if it is likely to help and if it is worth the cost.

CL Answer
What are the symptoms of B12 deficiency?
B12 deficiency symptoms include fatigue, depression, numbness and tingling in the legs, loss of balance, changes in skin and hair, and others. Find out who is a greater risk for B12 deficiency, and how B12 supplements can help.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What are the benefits of Daily Synbiotic by Seed Health? Does it do what it claims, and is it better than other probiotics and prebiotics?
Review of Daily Synbiotic by Seed, including information about the prebiotic and probiotic strains in the supplement, and whether there is evidence of benefit for the synbiotic.

CL Answer
Do Sugar Bear Hair Vitamins make hair shine, nails stronger, and help both to grow? They taste good but are super expensive.
Info on Sugar Bear Hair vitamins. Do they make hair shine, nails stronger and help hair and nails grow?'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What is Pycnogenol, does it work, and is it the same as other pine bark extracts?
Learn more about Pycnogenol, including evidence from clinical studies on blood clots, osteoarthritis, cognition, vision, tinnitus, and the skin and safety.

Product Review
CBD Oils, Softgels, Gummies, Creams & Salves Review
See How Much CBD and THC We Found in Products.

Product Review
Probiotic Supplements Review (Including Pet Probiotics)
Probiotics: See What They Really Contain and Our Top Picks

Product Review
Cranberry Juices and Supplements Review
CL's Tests Show Which Cranberry Juices and Supplements Are Best and Cost the Least

CL Answer
What are the side effects of glucosamine and chondroitin?
Learn the side effects of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements for joint health and joint pain, including stomach upset, headache, and many others.'s answer explains.

Clinical Update
Managing Dry Skin
Find out which ingredients in soap to avoid to keep skin from drying, as well 7 ways to keep skin hydrated in the tips for managing dry skin section of our article about soap.
Clinical Update
Collagen Plus MSM for Skin?
Does taking MSM along with collagen reduce skin roughness or wrinkles as much as collagen without MSM? See what a new study found in the Aging skin and wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among collagen supplements for skin.
Clinical Update
Collagen vs. Moisturizer?
Can taking collagen noticeably improve aged skin for people already using a daily moisturizer? Find out what a recent study showed in the Aging skin and wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for collagen supplements.
Also see: Does CoQ10 reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin? Are there any other supplements that can help?
CL Answer
What are the health benefits of bovine colostrum and is it safe?
Bovine colostrum is promoted for boosting immunity, preventing and treating diarrhea, and improving gut health, but does it really work? See the clinical evidence for bovine colostrum, including doses that have been used, as well as safety concerns, cost considerations, and the difference between regular bovine colostrum and hyperimmune bovine colostrum.

Recalls & Warnings
June 13, 2022
“Natural” and OTC Mole, Skin Tag Removal Products Can Be Dangerous, Warns FDA
On June 9, 2022, the FDA warned consumers not to use “natural” or over-the-counter (OTC) products promoted to treat or remove moles, skin tags, and seborrheic keratoses because they can contain potentially dangerous concentrations of salicylic acid or other harmful ingredients.
Clinical Update
Hyaluronic Acid for Wrinkles?
Does supplementing with hyaluronic acid reduce wrinkles or improve skin elasticity in middle-aged men and women? See what a new study found in the Aging Skin and Wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen supplements for skin and for joints.
Clinical Update
Vitamin D and Melanoma
Can vitamin D supplementation improve outcomes in people with melanoma skin cancer? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review.
Also see our answer to the question: Do any supplements or foods help prevent sunburn or skin damage from sun exposure? Can any increase your risk of sun-related skin damage?
Clinical Update
Phytoceramides for Aging Skin?
Can phytoceramide supplements reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of aging skin? See what a recent study found in our updated answer to the question: What are phytoceramides? Do phytoceramide supplements really work to improve aging skin?
Clinical Update
Ceramides for Skin Benefits?
Does having ceramides in topical skin products (such as those from QV Intensive and CeraVe) make them better for skin hydration? Find out what research suggests in our article about phytoceramides.
Also see our article about supplements for wrinkles.
Clinical Update
Vitamin E for Wrinkles?
Does vitamin E, taken as a supplement or applied topically, reduce skin damage and/or wrinkles? See what the evidence suggests in our Vitamin E Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among vitamin E supplements and oils and creams.
Also see: Do any supplements reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin?
Clinical Update
Bar Soap for Dry Skin -- New Top Pick
Find out which bar soap is our new Top Pick for dry skin and learn why we like it better than our previous Top Pick bar soap, in our article: 5 Tips for Finding a Soap or Body Wash That Won't Irritate Skin.
Clinical Update
Soy for Wrinkles?
Did taking soy protein with isoflavones reduce wrinkles, pigmentation, or dry skin in postmenopausal women? Find out what a recent study showed in the Soy section of our Menopause Supplements Review.
Also see our article about supplements for tightening skin as well as our Top Pick collagen supplement for skin.
Clinical Update
Konjac Ceramides for Skin?
Does taking konjac ceramides (found in the ingredient SkinCera) improve skin appearance? Find out what a study showed in the skin hydration and wrinkles section of our article about phytoceramides.
Clinical Update
Lava Soap For Dry Skin?
Is Lava Bar Soap a good option for people with dry skin? Find out in our article about soaps that won't irritate skin, which includes our Top Picks among soaps and body washes.
Clinical Update
Olive Oil Soap
A CL Member asked if olive oil soaps can help moisturize dry skin. Find out what the evidence suggests, plus, learn how olive oil may affect eczema, in our article about soaps for dry skin. Also see our Top Picks for soap and bodywash for dry skin.
Also, see our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Review, which includes our Top Picks among bottled olive oils.
Clinical Update
Alpha Hydroxy Acid for Dry Skin?
Do alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) help or hurt dry skin? Find out in our updated article about finding soaps that won’t irritate skin.
Clinical Update
Tallow Soap for Sensitive Skin?
Tallow soap might not be the best choice for people with dry or sensitive skin. Find out why in our updated CL Answer about finding a soap that won't irritate the skin.
CL Answer
What are the benefits of grape seed extract?
Learn about the health benefits of grape seed extract, and find out it improves venous insufficiency, leg swelling, swelling after surgery, or can help to lower blood pressure.

CL Answer
Do UV light sanitizing wands and boxes kill coronavirus (COVID-19)?
UV light is promoted as an effective and convenient alternative to chemical disinfectants, but can it work against the coronavirus? Learn the the pros and cons and see our reviews and comparisons of popular UV devices on the market.

Product Review
Astaxanthin Supplements Review
See Which Astaxanthin Products Passed or Failed CL's Tests

CL Answer
Can any supplements reverse gray hair?
Nearly 75% of adults aged 45 to 65 are affected by gray hair. Learn about what causes gray hair and find out if any supplements can help.

CL Answer
What is monolaurin? Can it really prevent colds, cold sores, or other infections?
Lauricidin (monolaurin) information for preventing colds, immune system function, and safety.

CL Answer
What is shilajit? Does it have any proven health benefits, and is heavy metal contamination a concern?
Shilajit information, including its potential health benefits, safety, proper doses and impact on male health.

CL Answer
How much resveratrol is in wine? Is it enough to have a benefit?
Find out how much resveratrol wine contains and if it is enough to have a benefit.

CL Answer
I developed a rash soon after starting a probiotic. Is it possible to be allergic to probiotics?
Find out if probiotics can cause allergic reactions, including skin rashes, and why.

Product Review
Menopause Supplements Review (Soy and Red Clover Isoflavones, Black Cohosh) and Progesterone Creams
Choose the Best Menopause Supplement. Find Out Now Which Soy Isoflavone, Red Clover, Black Cohosh, and Progesterone Products Have the Active Compounds You Want!

Clinical Update
Niacin Reduces Skin Cancer
A recent study suggests that high-dose niacin (vitamin B-3) may reduce the risk of developing certain types of skin cancer. A closer look at the study, however, raises questions about its relevance to people in North America. Get the details, as well as more information about niacin and our product test results & comparisons, in the B Vitamin Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Niacin & Skin Cancer
People who don't get enough niacin each day may be able to lower their risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer by getting a bit more niacin from their food or supplements suggests a recent analysis. However, this doesn't mean you should overdo it. For details, see the "Niacin" section of the B Vitamin Supplements Review. You can also find foods high in niacin using the food table in the report.
Clinical Update
Vitamin A and Skin Cancer
A study showed that people with higher intakes of vitamin A have a lower risk of developing squamous cell cancer of the skin. Does mean that taking a vitamin A supplement will help? Find out in the What It Does section of the Vitamin A Supplements Review, where we also discuss the risk of melanoma. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin A supplements.)
Clinical Update
Eggshell Membrane for Hair, Skin, Nails?
Does supplementing with eggshell membrane (which contains collagen and elastin) improve hair, skin, or nails? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among collagen supplements.
Clinical Update
Melatonin for Itchy Skin
Atopic dermatitis is an itchy inflammation of the skin, affecting up to 10% of adults and 30% of children. A recent study in children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis found that taking melatonin modestly reduced symptoms and, not surprisingly, reduced the time needed to fall asleep. For details about this and other uses of melatonin, as well our reviews of available melatonin supplements (including several similar to the one studied), see the Melatonin Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Niacin Helps Prevent Skin Cancers
A study published this week showed that taking a form of niacin daily significantly lowered the rate of new basal-cell and squamous-cell skin cancers in patients with a history of such cancers. For details about the supplement and dose, see the B Vitamins Review >>
Clinical Update
Collagen for Sun Damaged Skin?
A study suggests that fish-derived collagen can improve sun-damaged skin. For details, including dosage, see the What It Does section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen.
Clinical Update
Collagen for the Skin
Supplementing with collagen to improve aging skin is popular, but does it work? The latest study with collagen used a higher dose than other studies, but is a higher dose better? Find out in the What It Does section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen for wrinkles and for osteoarthritis.
Clinical Update
Collagen for Wrinkles?
A new study put a popular branded collagen ingredient to the test, measuring its effects on collagen content in the skin and on facial wrinkles, including wrinkles around the eyes. See the results in our updated answer to the question: Do collagen or hyaluronic acid supplements really help aging or wrinkled skin?
Clinical Update
Skin Rash from Ginkgo
Although not common, be aware that skin reactions have been reported from taking Ginkgo biloba. The most recent report involved a young man who experienced symptoms the same day he began taking a popular ginkgo supplement. See the details in the "Concerns and Cautions" section of the Ginkgo Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema?
A study recently tested whether soaking skin in diluted apple cider vinegar would improve skin integrity in people with eczema (atopic dermatitis). See the results in the What It Does section of Apple Cider Vinegar Review. Also see our Top Picks among the products we've tested.
Clinical Update
Collagen for Wrinkles
Can taking hydrolyzed collagen in low daily doses reduce wrinkles and improve skin hydration in older women? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks among collagen supplements for skin wrinkles.
Clinical Update
Vitamin C Serums for Wrinkles?
Can applying vitamin C to the skin reduce wrinkles or help prevent sun damage? Find out in the Skin Health section of our Vitamin C supplements review.
Also learn what features you should look for if selecting a vitamin C serum.
Clinical Update
B-12 Vitamin Deficiency and Darkening of the Skin
Low levels of vitamin B-12 can cause darkening of the skin, as evidenced in a recent case. Get the details and learn about other symptoms of B-12 deficiency in our B Vitamin Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks among B-12 supplements.
Clinical Update
Garlic-Induced Burns
Be aware that garlic applied to the skin may cause severe burns, and dozens of cases have been reported. Find out which form of garlic and type of skin application is particularly dangerous in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Garlic Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Citrus And Skin Cancer Risk?
Does consuming citrus fruits and juices increase your risk of skin cancer? See what a recent study found in our update to our answer about supplements, foods, and sun damage.
Clinical Update
Cranberry for Skin?
Did drinking a cranberry beverage improve women’s skin? Learn what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Cranberry Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among cranberry juices and supplements.
Also find out if cranberry helps treat or prevent urinary tract infections.
Clinical Update
Ritual Supplement for Wrinkles?
Does HyaCera by Ritual, a supplement promoted for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, work? Find out what research suggests in our article about phytoceramides.
Also see: Does CoQ10 reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin? Are there any other supplements that can help?
Clinical Update
Attitude Soap
Find out why Attitude brand bar soaps and shower gels are not among our Top Picks for sensitive skin in our article: 5 Tips for Finding a Soap or Body Wash That Won't Irritate Skin.
Clinical Update
Toothpaste Skin Reaction
Be aware that a variety of compounds in toothpaste have been linked with allergic skin reactions around the lips, according to a recent report. Get the details in our article about toothpaste and other dental products.
Clinical Update
Glutathione for Skin Lightening?
Are glutathione supplements or topical glutathione creams effective for skin lightening? Find out what research has shown in our updated answer to the question: Do glutathione supplements help prevent aging or other conditions?
Clinical Update
Skin Yellowing from Turmeric/Curcumin
Taking turmeric or curcumin has been reported to cause yellowing of the skin in some circumstances. Get the details in the updated Concerns and Cautions section of our Turmeric and Curcumin Supplements and Spices Review.
Clinical Update
Does Lycopene Cause Skin Discoloration?
High intake of lycopene-containing foods may cause skin discoloration, according to a recent report. Get the details in our Lycopene Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Biotin for Skin Health?
Biotin has been promoted for reducing wrinkles, but does clinical research support this? Find out in the Biotin (B-7) section of our B Vitamin Supplements Review, which also discusses the evidence for biotin for treating brittle nails and hair loss.
Also, see our CL Answer about supplements for reducing wrinkles and tightening the skin.
Clinical Update
Collagen "Boosters"?
A CL Member asked if taking Essential Skin Food -- or other non-collagen products marketed for collagen production -- reduces wrinkles. Find out in the ConsumerTips section of our Collagen Supplements Review.
Also see our Top Pick collagen supplements for skin health and for joint pain.
Clinical Update
Skin Reactions to Tea Tree Oil
Topical tea tree oil can cause skin reactions, but there may be ways to minimize the risk, according to a recent review. Get the details in the Cautions and Concerns section of our Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Review.
Also see our Top Pick for tea tree oil.
Clinical Update
Best Bug Sprays for Skin and Clothes
Find out which insect repellants (for ticks and mosquitoes) are our Top Picks for use on skin and on clothing and gear based on their ingredients.
Also find out:
- Why lotions and wipes are not among our Top Picks.
- If you should apply insect repellent before or after sunscreen.
- If mosquito repellents work against ticks.
Clinical Update
Goat’s Milk Soap?
A CL Member asked if goat’s milk soap is a better option than other soaps for people with sensitive skin. Find out in our updated article, 5 Tips for Finding a Soap or Body Wash That Won’t Irritate Skin, which includes our Top Picks for soap and bodywash.
Clinical Update
Collagen for Wrinkles?
How much did collagen supplementation reduce the severity of "crow’s feet" wrinkles around the eyes in a recent study? Find out in the Aging skin and wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among collagen supplements for skin and for joints.
Clinical Update
Better Skin With Bovine Colostrum?
Bovine colostrum supplements have been promoted for improving aging skin and reducing wrinkles, but is there any evidence of this? Find out in our article about bovine colostrum, which includes our top choice among products.
Clinical Update
Charcoal Soap
Are charcoal soaps safe and effective for cleaning the skin? Find out what evidence suggests in our article about soaps for dry skin.
Clinical Update
New Formulation of Ivory Soap
Ivory Original Bar Soap was recently reformulated, but is it right for dry skin? Find out in our article about soaps for dry skin.
Clinical Update
Omega-7s for Wrinkles?
Did taking an omega-7 supplement decrease wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”) in a recent study? Find out in our Fish, Krill, and Algal Oil Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick for getting omega-7s.
Also see: Do any supplements increase skin elasticity or tighten the skin?
Clinical Update
Vitamin A for Aging Skin?
Does taking high-dose vitamin A and vitamin E improve aging skin when combined with topical application of retinoic and glycolic acids? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin A Supplements Review.
Also see: if any other supplements reduce wrinkles.
CL Answer
Can taking too much vitamin B-12 be dangerous? The label on my B-complex states it contains 50,000% of the Daily Value!
Find out the daily value for vitamin B-12 and the potential side effects of taking too much B-12. ConsumerLab explains why taking too much vitamin B-12 can be harmful.

CL Answer
What is CELLFOOD and is it a healthy supplement?
Learn more about CELLFOOD (NuScience Corporation), including if the claims to improve athletic performance, fibromyalgia, weight loss, and cancer are true.

CL Answer
What are the side effects of magnesium supplements?
Info on magnesium supplement side effects, such as stomach upset, nausea and diarrhea. Learn about magnesium dosage, safety and drug interactions. answer explains.

CL Answer
Does collagen taken as a supplement help with arthritis? I'm seeing it in products for joint health.
Learn more about collagen supplements, including evidence from clinical studies on arthritis and muscle strength and safety.

Product Review
Shilajit Supplements Review (Resins and Extracts)
We Discovered Major Differences Among Shilajit Supplements

CL Answer
Risks of Too Many Vitamins & Supplements
Taking too many vitamin supplements -- or taking too much of a particular supplement -- can have short and long-term adverse effects.

CL Answer
Is P-5-P really better than "regular" vitamin B6?
Learn more about pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P) and vitamin B6.

CL Answer
What is Lutigold Lutein? And why is the capsule of one brand of lutein so much larger than that of another brand, if the amount of lutein on the label is the same?
Learn more about lutein supplements like Lutigold, FloraGlo, and XANGOLD, and understand the difference in capsule sizes.

Clinical Update
Body Wash Top Pick
Our Top Pick body wash for sensitive skin has been renamed and repackaged, but the ingredients remain the same.
Product Review
Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplements Review
Choose the Best Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplement — See the Amounts of Active "R-Isomer" We Found

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, and are they safe?
Chlorophyll supplements are promoted for reducing body odor, preventing cancer, removing toxins from the body, improving digestive conditions and other uses, but do they work and are they safe? Find out and learn if such supplements actually contain chlorophyll.

CL Answer
Is it possible to get too much vitamin D?
Too much vitamin D can lead to adverse effects, including hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood).

CL Answer
Is there a risk of liver toxicity with certain supplements?
Find out if there is risk of liver damage from supplements such as green tea, niacin, red yeast rice and vitamin A.

CL Answer
Which supplements and foods help relieve constipation and which can cause constipation?
Find out which supplements can cause constipation, including iron, calcium, protein powders and drinks and others.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
Can any supplements be used to reduce inflammation in people sensitive to NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, high-dose aspirin, or naproxen?
Find out if supplements such as turmeric, fish oil, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine), boswellia, ginger, white willow bark or arnica may, or may not, be helpful to people sensitive to NSAIDs.

CL Answer
Do any supplements naturally suppress appetite and help with weight loss?
Learn which natural ingredients can suppress appetite and find if these natural appetite suppressants help with weight loss.

CL Answer
My HDL (good) cholesterol level is low. Should I take niacin to raise my HDLs?
Learn more about niacin and find out if it can raise HDL ("good") cholesterol levels.

CL Answer
Conolidine: Evidence for Pain Relief, Safety, and CONOCB2™ Products Explained
Find out if conolidine, the main ingredient in CONOCB2 Blend, offers natural pain relief without the side effects of opioids. Also learn about the top conolidine products available today.

Clinical Update
Fish Collagen Allergy
Be aware that some people may be allergic to fish collagen even if they don't respond to common fish allergy tests, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen supplements for skin and for joints.
Clinical Update
Eggshell Membrane + Fish Oil for Joint Pain?
Both eggshell membrane and fish oil have been shown to bring modest reduction in joint pain, but does taking these ingredients together have greater benefit? Find out what a new study showed in the What It Does section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Pick among collagen supplements for joints and for skin.
Clinical Update
Probiotic for Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a recurrent, itchy inflammation of the skin. Taking a daily probiotic mixture was found to significantly reduce symptoms and the need for topical steroids in children with atopic dermatitis. Details are in the "What It Does" section of the Probiotic Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Vitamin D for Hives
If you suffer from chronic hives (or chronic urticaria) and are deficient in vitamin D, taking vitamin D may be helpful, according to a new study. (Vitamin D may also be helpful for other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.) Get the details in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.
Clinical Update
Niagen Form of Niacin May Cause Flushing
Niacin is known to cause flushing (redness) and skin tingling at moderate doses. Other forms of niacin are said cause less flushing. One of these is Niagen. However, results of a recently published study suggest that it can cause flushing and "hotness" after just a single dose. More details are in the "Niacin" section of the B Vitamin Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Magnesium Cream?
Is rubbing a cream into your skin a good way to get magnesium? We reviewed several studies of magnesium creams or sprays, including one just recently published. See what we found in the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review -- which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.
Clinical Update
NAC Reduces Compulsive Picking
A number of studies have shown that N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a supplement with wide variety of uses, may also reduce compulsive behaviors. The most recent study showed significant improvement in adults with skin picking disorder. Details about this and other studies with NAC, and our ratings of NAC supplements, are found in the N-Acetyl Cysteine Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Berberine Side Effect
Supplements that contain berberine (a compound extracted from goldenseal) can cause a range of side effects, in addition to drug interactions. It was recently reported that berberine can cause a rare, but severe, skin reaction. Learn more in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Berberine and Goldenseal Supplements Review. Also see our Top Pick among products in this category.
Clinical Update
Astaxanthin for Sun Protection?
Can taking an astaxanthin supplement improve the appearance of the skin or protect it from UV damage? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Astaxanthin Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among astaxanthin supplements.)
Clinical Update
Vitamin D and Sunscreen
Is it possible to protect your skin from sunburn but still produce vitamin D? See what a recent study found in the Getting vitamin D from sunlight section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.
Clinical Update
Cocoa for Wrinkles?
A study in older women found that drinking a high-flavanol cocoa drink each day increased skin elasticity. And while wrinkles deepened among those drinking a placebo, they stayed stable in the cocoa-drinking group. For details about the amount of cocoa consumed (and its flavanol content), as well as our tests of flavanols (and contaminants) in popular cocoa powders and chocolates, see the Cocoa Powders, Dark Chocolate, Extracts, Nibs, & Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Hand Sanitizer vs. Soap
How do hand sanitizers or disinfectant hand wipes compare to washing hands with soap and water to remove microbes without causing skin dryness and redness? Find out what a recent study showed in the Hand sanitizer section of our answer to the question: Does heat kill coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Clinical Update
Silica for Dental Implant Inflammation?
Can a form of silica typically promoted for hair, skin, nail and bone health also help reduce inflammation and bone loss around dental implants? See what a recent study found in our updated article about Silica Supplements.
Clinical Update
Severe Reaction to Multivitamin
A middle-aged woman developed a skin rash, hives and difficulty breathing immediately after taking a multivitamin, according to a recent report. Learn why in our update to the Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Danger With Too Much B-6
A CL member recently told us about a friend who developed progressively worsening neuropathy (nerve damage) after taking very high dose vitamin B-6. It's important to be aware of the upper daily limit for vitamin B-6 and that taking too much can cause nerve damage, as well as skin lesions and other adverse effects, as discussed in detail in our B Vitamin Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Sanitizer Warning
Consumers are being warned not to use a specific hand-held UV sanitizing wand that could cause skin or eye injury within seconds of use. Details are in our updated article about UV Light Sanitizers and COVID.
Clinical Update
Collagen for Joint Pain?
Can collagen supplementation reduce joint pain or stiffness in the knee, hip or wrist? See what a new study found in the Joint Pain section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among collagen supplements for joints and for skin.
Clinical Update
Probiotic for Eczema
Can applying a probiotic to the skin reduce eczema in children? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of the Probiotic Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for probiotics.
Clinical Update
Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency
Zinc deficiency can cause a wide range of problems involving the skin, hair, mouth, and immune system. A recent report showed that it can also cause an eczema-like rash. Get the details and learn about the symptoms of zinc deficiency in the What It Is section of our Zinc Supplements and Lozenges Review. Also see our Top Picks for zinc supplements and lozenges.
Clinical Update
Collagen for Wound Healing?
Can collagen supplements improve the healing of skin and tendon injuries? Find out in the What It Does section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen.
Clinical Update
Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency
Although not common, be aware of signs of vitamin A deficiency involving the eyes, skin, and nails, as exemplified by a recent case. Get the details (including medical conditions which can cause it) in the What It Does section of our Vitamin A Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin A supplements.
Clinical Update
More Soaps Reviewed
At the request of readers, we reviewed two additional soaps – Dove Sensitive Skin Beauty Bar and Vanicream Cleansing Bar. Find out if these meet our criteria for avoiding irritation in our article 5 Tips For Choosing a Soap or Body Wash.
Clinical Update
Zinc Rash
Zinc supplementation can trigger an allergic skin rash in some people, as seen in a recent case report. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Zinc Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Shiitake Mushroom Rash
If not properly prepared, shiitake mushrooms can cause a distinctive skin rash, as noted in recent reports. The details are in our article about ergothioneine, a potentially beneficial compound found in shiitake and other mushrooms.
Clinical Update
Best Bug Sprays
Find out which insect repellants (for ticks and mosquitoes) are our Top Picks for use on skin and on clothing and gear based on their ingredients.
Also find out:
- Why lotions and wipes are not among our Top Picks.
- If you should apply insect repellent before or after sunscreen.
- If mosquito repellents work against ticks.
Clinical Update
SPF of Sunscreens
How can sunscreens that contain the same concentrations of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide have different SPFs? Find out and learn what to look for in sunscreens in our updated article about Finding the Best Sunscreens.
Also find out if any foods or supplements can help prevent sunburn and learn which foods might increase sun-related skin damage.
Clinical Update
Caution with Wrinkle Creams
Be aware of skin reactions to creams containing alpha-lipoic acid. See the Concerns and Cautions section of our Alpha-Lipoic Acid Review for details.
Clinical Update
D-Ribose: For Wrinkles? Effect on Cognition?
Find out if D-ribose can reduce skin wrinkles, and learn if it might worsen cognitive function in our updated article about D-ribose.
Clinical Update
Concerning Chemical in Soap
A recent study found that some personal care products, including hand soaps, contain an ingredient known to the State of California to cause cancer. Get the details, including what to look for on the label if you want to avoid it, in our article about soaps that won’t irritate the skin.
Also, see our Top Picks for body wash and bar soap.
Clinical Update
Avoiding Soap Allergen
Isothiazolinone compounds are found in some soaps and other personal care products and may cause allergic skin reactions. Learn which products contain them or don't contain them and what to look for on labels to avoid them.
Clinical Update
Do Insect Repellents Expire?
The shelf-life of repellents depends on the compounds they contain. Get the details in our article about bug sprays for preventing tick and mosquito bites.
Also, see our Top Pick insect repellent for skin and clothing.
Clinical Update
Pain Reduction with Lavender Oil?
Does spraying the skin with lavender oil reduce the pain of an injection? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Review.
Also see our Top Picks among lavender and tea tree oils.
Clinical Update
Vitamin D Cream?
Can you absorb vitamin D if applied to the skin as a cream? Find out what research suggests in the Topical Vitamin D section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.
Clinical Update
Insect Repellent Link to Parkinson's?
Does wearing clothing treated with the insect repellent permethrin increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease? Find out what research suggests in our updated CL Answer about insect repellents which includes our Top Pick repellents for use on skin and on clothing.
Clinical Update
Fly Repellents
Do mosquito and tick repellents work against biting flies? Find out in our article about bug repellents, which includes our Top Picks on skin and on clothes.
Clinical Update
Does Collagen Reduce Gum Inflammation?
Learn if taking a daily collagen supplement after dental cleaning reduced subsequent swelling and bleeding of the gums in the Healing of skin and tendon injuries section of our Collagen Supplements Review.
See our separate article about the best toothpaste and mouthwash for reducing bleeding gums.
Clinical Update
Colloidal Silver & Discoloration
Regular ingestion of colloidal silver can cause a permanent change in skin color and, as recently reported, discoloration of nails. Learn more in our article about colloidal silver.
Clinical Update
Sunscreen Allergy
Although uncommon, sunscreens can cause allergic skin reactions upon exposure to sunlight. Get the details about a recently reported case, and find out who is most likely to be affected, in our article about the best sunscreen based on safety and efficacy.
Clinical Update
How to Take C15:0 Fatty Acid
Should C15:0 fatty acid (in fatty15, which is promoted for improving hair, skin, and sleep and for slowing aging) be taken on an empty stomach or with food? Find out in the How to take section of our article about C15:0 fatty acid.
Also, learn whether C15:0 fatty acid is "essential," as some claim.
Clinical Update
Vegan Collagen?
Find out if VeCollal, a vegan collagen alternative, actually contains collagen and if there is evidence that it reduces wrinkles. Also see our Top Pick collagen supplement for skin.
Also, learn whether adding collagen to coffee is likely to reduce the heart benefits of coffee.
Clinical Update
Ceramides and Blood Pressure?
Does supplementing with phytoceramides (“plant” ceramides), which are promoted for hydrating and plumping the skin, increase blood pressure? Find out in the Safety and Side Effects section of our article about phytoceramides.
Clinical Update
Avoiding Allergens in Soap
A recent review of products purchased on Amazon suggested terms to look for on labels to help avoid potential allergens. Learn more in our article about finding a soap that won’t irritate skin, which includes our Top Picks for soap and body wash to avoid irritation.
Clinical Update
Body Wash: New Top Pick
Find out why we’ve selected a new Top Pick body wash in our article 5 Tips for Finding a Soap or Body Wash That Won't Irritate Skin, which also includes our Top Pick bar soap.
Clinical Update
Collagen For Bone Health?
Is there evidence that collagen peptides (as in Fortibone) strengthen bones? Find out in the bone health section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen for skin and joint health.
Also see: Do any supplements or diets help prevent or treat osteoporosis?
Clinical Update
Mad Cow Disease from Collagen or Gelatin?
Can collagen or gelatin (including gelatin capsules) be contaminated with the infectious agent that causes "mad cow disease"? Find out. Also see our tests of collagen supplements and our Top Picks for skin & wrinkles and Top Picks for joints & tendons.
Clinical Update
Allergic Reaction to Minoxidil
Some people have allergic skin reactions to minoxidil liquid. Learn why and how to avoid it in our article about hair growth.
Clinical Update
Near Infrared Light for Cognition?
Find out if near infrared (NIR) light therapy improved cognitive function in healthy people or those with dementia in our article about red and NIR light therapy.
Also, learn whether red light therapy is beneficial for actinic keratosis (scaly patches on the skin caused by long-term sun exposure).
Clinical Update
Tick and Mosquito Repellents
Are petroleum distillates (which can be toxic) used in insect repellents and insecticides? Find out in our article about insect repellents, which includes our Top Pick insect repellent (for skin) and insecticide (for clothing and gear).
Clinical Update
Ring-Type Pulse Oximeters
What are the pros and cons of ring-type pulse oximeters? Find out in our article about pulse oximeters, and learn why these may be particularly useful to people with darker skin.
Clinical Update
Eggshell Membrane for Osteoarthritis?
Did taking an eggshell membrane supplement (a source of collagen) improve symptoms and joint space in people with knee osteoarthritis? Find out what a recent study showed in the Joint Pain and Function section of our Collagen Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick collagen for joints and tendons as well as our Top Pick collagen for skin.
Clinical Update
Top Pick Foaming Hand Soap
We’ve selected a Top Pick foaming hand soap. Get the details and learn the pros and cons of foaming versus liquid hand soap, in our article about choosing soaps that won’t irritate the skin.
Clinical Update
Caution: Vitamin Patches
Vitamin patches applied to the skin are not as effective as supplements taken orally. One person who relied on a transdermal multivitamin patch developed a life-threatening vitamin deficiency, according to a recent report. Get the details in our article: Do vitamin patches really work?
Clinical Update
Estrogen Cream for Wrinkles?
After we wrote about OTC estriol cream for aging skin earlier this week, readers asked about using prescription estradiol cream. We’ve added information about that to our article about estrogen creams for wrinkles.
Clinical Update
When Taking Niacin Is Crucial
Although not common, be aware that niacin deficiency can cause pellagra – a condition characterized by delusions, diarrhea, and scaly skin sores. Taking niacin can rapidly reverse these symptoms. Learn more, including conditions that can cause niacin deficiency, in the Niacin section of our B Vitamins Review, which includes our Top Pick for niacin.
Clinical Update
Cocoa Flavanols for Wrinkles?
Does taking a cocoa supplement reduce wrinkles or increase skin moisture in middle-aged men and women? See what a recent study found in our Cocoa & Dark Chocolate Review, which includes our Top Picks among cocoa powders, supplements, and dark chocolate bars.
Clinical Update
MCT Oil for Dandruff?
Is there evidence that applying medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil to the scalp reduces dandruff? Find out in the Skin and hair section of our Coconut Oil and Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Oil Review, which includes our Top Picks among products.
CL Answer
Which vitamins and supplements should be stopped before getting blood work, laboratory tests, or medical imaging?
Find out which vitamins and supplements can interfere with blood, urine or stool tests, and imaginging tests, like bone scans and MRIs. Learn how B vitamins such as biotin, niacin and riboflavin, as well as calcium supplements, St. John’s wort, vitamin C, and others supplements can affect test results, as well as common foods that may interfere with tests.

CL Answer
Which deodorants and antiperspirants are contaminated with benzene and which are not?
Benzene, a carcinogen, has been detected in over 40 spray deodorants, antiperspirants, and body sprays. Tests were conducted on brands including Axe, Bath & Body Works, Brut, Degree, Dove, Gold Bond, Right Guard, Secret, Speed Stick, Suave, Old Spice, Victoria's Secret and others. Find out which products contained benzene, and how much they contained.

Product Review
Fruits, Veggies, and Other Greens Supplements Review (Including Spirulina and Chlorella)
Avoid Lead in Greens, Problems with Pills, and Don't Give Up Eating Whole Foods.

Product Review
Magnesium Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamins D & K, and Boron)
Find Out What Magnesium Does, Who Needs It, and Our Top Picks Among Supplements

CL Answer
How do the COVID-19 vaccines compare in terms of efficacy, safety and side effects? How, when and where do I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Find out how the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna compare and learn how when and where you can get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Product Review
Noni Juice and Supplements Review Article
What Are the Benefits of Noni Juice? Get the Facts About Noni Juice and Supplements.

CL Answer
What is acrylamide? Is it true that coffee and cocoa contain this toxin?
Find out what acrylamide is, how much is found in coffee and cocoa, and how you can minimize your intake of acrylamide.

CL Answer
Do sea moss and carrageenan have health benefits? Are there risks?
Sea moss is promoted for thyroid health, boosting immunity, improving gut health, and other uses. Find out if it works and learn about possible side effects of sea moss and its constituent, carrageenan.

CL Answer
Which supplements may help with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)?
Many supplements are promoted to help treat symptoms of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), but do they really work? See the clinical evidence for inositol (myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol), alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B-12, folic acid, vitamin D and more.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of amla and is it safe?
Learn about amla (Indian gooseberry), including its potential health benefits and possible safety concerns.

CL Answer
What is C15:0 fatty acid (found in fatty15), and does it have health benefits?
C15:0 fatty acid in fatty15 is promoted for “healthier hair & skin, balanced metabolism, and deeper sleep,” as well as “slowing the aging process.” Find out if it works.

CL Answer
Are Hormone Harmony and other Happy Mammoth Supplements Worth Taking?
Are the supplements Hormone Harmony, Hormone Harmony Plus+, Prebiotic Collagen Protein, or Bloat Banisher by Happy Mammoth likely to be beneficial for menopause symptoms or digestive health? Find out.

CL Answer
I have been having neurological symptoms. My blood test showed a toxic level of vitamin B-6. My multivitamin contains 75 mg of B-6 -- below the upper limit of 100 mg. Is the label wrong?
Find out if multivitamins contain excessive amounts ofvitamin B-6, symptoms of vitamin B-6 toxicity, and the daily Tolerable Upper Intake Level for B-6.

CL Answer
Do detox supplements work and are they safe?
Detox supplements are promoted for removing toxins such as heavy metals from the body, but does research support their use and are such supplements safe?

CL Answer
Do detox foot pads or ionic foot baths remove heavy metals or other toxins from the body?
Detox foot pads and ionic foot baths are promoted for removing heavy metals and other toxins from the body. Find out if there is evidence to support these claims.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of coconut oil and medium chain triglycerides, such as those used in Bulletproof Coffee?
Learn the health benefits of coconut oil and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), including evidence from Bulletproof Coffee, clinical studies on obesity, skin, and Alzheimer's disease.

CL Answer
Do any supplements help for varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency?
Find out which supplements help for varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, including citrus bioflavonoids and grape seed extract.

CL Answer
Do vitamin patches, such as for B12 or multivitamins, really work? How about those from PatchMD?
Do vitamin B12 Patches like PatchMD really work? Can you absorb vitamin B12 through patches?

CL Answer
Which supplements can help treat anemia? Do any supplements cause a low red blood cell count?
Find out which vitamin and nutrient supplements can help prevent and treat anemia in people who are nutrient deficient and learn which supplements may cause low blood cell counts, especially when used in excess.

CL Answer
I have IBS and don't want to take medication if I can help it. I've heard that peppermint works for IBS, but is there good research to support this?
Information about using peppermint oil for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including clinical evidence, dosage, safety and more.

CL Answer
What are the side effects of curcumin and turmeric?
Do curcumin and turmeric supplements have possible side effects? Get information about drug interactions with curcumin and turmeric supplements and more.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
Mullein Tea: Possible Health Effects and Safety
Mullein tea is often promoted for relieving symptoms of lung conditions, including coughing, hoarseness, sore throat, and shortness of breath. Find out if there is evidence to support these uses, and learn about possible side effects of mullein.

Product Review
Kelp Supplements Review
Choose the Best Kelp Supplement. Be Cautious With Kelp! Only 50% of Supplements Pass CL's Review.

Product Review
Selenium Supplements Review
Choose the Best Selenium Supplement. Find Out If You Need Selenium and Which Supplement Is Our Top Pick.

Product Review
Garlic Supplements Review
Find the Best Garlic Supplements. CL Tests Reveal Big Differences in Garlic Strength -- Some Have Little to No Garlic!.

Recalls & Warnings
June 13, 2024
Suntegrity Tinted Sunscreen Lotion Recalled Due to Presence of Mold
On June 11, 2024, Suntegrity Skincare issued a recall of nine lots of Suntegrity Impeccable Skin Sunscreen Foundation (Multiple Shades) after discovering that certain products had higher than acceptable levels of mold, specifically the Aspergillus Sydowii species, which can cause ...
Product Review
Black Seed Oil Review
Find Out Which Black Seed Oil Supplements Passed or Failed Our Tests. See Our Top Picks.

Product Review
Bilberry Supplements Review
Choose the Best Bilberry Supplement. Some Bilberry Is Not Authentic!

Product Review
Pomegranate Juice and Supplements Review Article
What Are the Benefits of Pomegranate Juice and Supplements? Find Out What Pomegranate Can and Cannot Do For Your Health.

CL Answer
Do arnica pills, gels, creams, or sprays reduce bruising, pain, or swelling?
Find out if arnica pills, gels, creams, or sprays can reduce bruising, pain, or swelling, help with varicose veins, or muscle pain after exercise.

CL Answer
Is it better to get vitamins from foods or supplements, and are natural vitamins better than synthetic vitamins?
Learn more about the benefits of getting vitamins from food versus supplements, natural versus synthetic vitamins, and more.

CL Answer
Can beetroot juice or supplements lower blood pressure or improve exercise performance, and are they safe?
Learn more about beetroot juice and beetroot supplements and if beetroot can really help lower blood pressure.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of tart cherry juice?
See the evidence for tart cherry juice health benefits from clinical studies. Find out if tart cherry has anti-inflammatory effects, if it can improve sleep, lower high blood pressure, or help for muscle pain and osteoarthritis.

CL Answer
Top 8 vitamins and nutrients for vegetarians and vegans
Find out which 8 supplements may be needed by vegetarians or vegans to meet all their daily nutrient requirements and learn ways to find supplements that do not contain ingredients objectionable to people following vegetarian or vegan diets.

Product Review
Green Tea Review: Tea Bags, Matcha Powders, and Supplements
Some green teas provide barely any green tea polyphenols, while some others are high strength. See the Test Results and Our Top Picks for Green Tea.

News Release
April 11, 2024
Best CoQ10 & Ubiquinol Supplements According to ConsumerLab Tests
White Plains, NY, April 11, 2024 — CoQ10 and its active form, ubiquinol, are among the most popular supplements, taken by 42.2% of supplement users, often taken by people on cholesterol-lowering statin medication and for a variety of other conditions.
CL Answer
What are trace minerals and do I need them?
Trace minerals include boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, zinc, and others. Find out what they do, how much of each trace mineral you should be getting, and who's most likely to be deficient in these minerals.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of andrographis? Can it treat colds, help with joint pain, or other conditions, and is it safe?
Learn about the health benefits of andrographis, whether it can help relieve cold symptoms, reduce pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, decrease symptoms of ulcerative colitis, or slow the growth of cancer. See the clinical evidence for the branded andrographis extract ParActin. Plus, learn about dosage, side effects and drug interactions with andrographis.

CL Answer
Are antioxidant supplements good or bad for you?
Learn more about whether antioxidants like astaxanthin, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, curcumin, resveratrol, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E are safe and if they help prevent chronic diseases.

CL Answer
Dietary Supplements and Herbs to Avoid When Breastfeeding
Find out which supplements should be avoided when breastfeeding, including medicinal herbs, soy, and flaxseed.

CL Answer
What is inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and myo-inositol? Are they helpful in treating cancer or other conditions?
Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6): Find out if IP6 (also known as phytic acid) can prevent or treat cancer. Clinical evidence, dosage, safety and how IP6 differs from myo-inositol.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What' the Best Way to Take Vitamin B-12? Dosage and Absorption Tips
Discover the optimal dosage and ways to take vitamin B-12, an essential nutrient, for better absorption and effectiveness and learn about possible side effects.

CL Answer
Which oils can help lower my cholesterol and risk of heart attack? How are coconut oil, olive oil, and fish oil for example?
Find out which fats and oils, such as coconut oil and fish oil, lower cholesterol and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

CL Answer
Can taking too much vitamin B-6 be dangerous?
Find out if multivitamins contain excessive amounts of B-6, how much B-6 is too much, and symptoms of toxicity and overdose.

News Release
August 09, 2023
ConsumerLab Tests Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplements and Selects Top Picks
White Plains, New York, August 9, 2023 — Alpha-lipoic acid supplements may modestly improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, and aid in weight control when combined with a low-calorie diet.
News Release
July 26, 2023
Best Collagen Supplements for Skin and Joints, According to ConsumerLab Tests
White Plains, New York, July 26, 2023 — Collagen supplementation may modestly reduce wrinkles and the appearance of cellulite, and moderately decrease joint and tendon pain and improve flexibility in people with osteoarthritis.
Recalls & Warnings
September 24, 2024
Supplement for Eczema Recalled
On September 18, 2024, 123Herbals LLC issued a recall for all lots of Vail-Bon Jie Yang Wan capsules, which are promoted to treat eczema and other skin conditions, because they contain undeclared dexamethasone and chlorpheniramine.
CL Answer
Which supplements and foods can help treat constipation?
Find out which supplements and foods can help for constipation, including fiber, flaxseed, probiotics, magnesium and fruit.

CL Answer
Do any supplements reduce the side effects of chemotherapy? Should any be avoided?
Find out if there are any supplements that can help with the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, nerve damage and others.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What is magnesium stearate, what is it made from, and is it dangerous?
Learn more about magnesium stearate and its safety, based on evidence from clinical studies.

CL Answer
Supplements for multiple sclerosis (MS): Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse?
Find out if vitamins or supplements such as ginkgo, fish oil, biotin, vitamins A, C, E, D, and B12, or selenium reduce symptoms or relapse in people with multiple sclerosis (MS).

CL Answer
Do any supplements help with COVID-19? Do supplements like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?
Find out if natural remedies & supplements for coronavirus such as zinc, vitamin C, garlic, or elderberry help to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Product Review
Melatonin Supplements Review
Trouble Sleeping? See CL's Tests of Melatonin Supplements and Top Picks.

Product Review
Protein Powders, Shakes, and Meal Replacements Review
Find Out Which Protein Products Passed or Failed Our Tests

Product Review
Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) Supplements Review
Choose the Best Ginkgo Biloba Supplement. Finding Real Ginkgo Isn't Easy — 60% Fail ConsumerLab's Tests of Quality.

Product Review
Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review (Sterols/Stanols and Policosanol)
Find the Best Cholesterol-Lowering Supplement. See Which Plant Sterol and Policosanol Supplements Passed Our Tests and Are Our Top Picks.

Product Review
Seaweed Snacks and Foods Review
Tests Reveal Seaweed Snack Risks

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), and is it safe?
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is commonly promoted for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Find out if it works.

CL Answer
Are fruit and vegetable “washes” more effective than water for cleaning produce and removing pesticides? Are they safe?
Fruit and veggie washes was such as Fit Organic Spray are often promoted for cleaning, reducing bacteria that can cause food poisoning, and removing pesticides from produce. Vinegar and baking soda are sometimes also recommended. But are they any more effective than rinsing with water, and are they safe? Find out.

Product Review
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) Supplements Review
Choose the Best N-Acetyl Cysteine Supplement. See Our Tests of Popular NAC Supplements and Top Picks for Quality and Value.

Product Review
Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages Review
Find the Best Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages. See Which Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages Passed Our Tests of Quality.

Recalls & Warnings
April 25, 2024
Drug Found in Umary Supplement
On April 18, 2024, CTV News in Canada reported tests suggesting that Umary Hyaluronic Acid Dietary Supplement may be adulterated with the prescription anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac, which may explain side effects that have been reported with its use.
Product Review
Potassium Iodide (KI) and Iodate (KIO3) Radioprotective Pills Review
Learn How to Choose the Best Radioprotective Iodine Pill and Use It Properly

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of manuka honey, and is it safe?
Manuka honey health benefits, how it differs from common, store-bought honey, safety, evidence for using manuka honey for wounds, sore throat and cough, constipation and more.

CL Answer
Which supplements are best for seasonal allergies?
Find out which supplements are best for allergies and can help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms, including bromelain, curcumin, vitamin D, and CLA.

CL Answer
I'm interested in using Himalayan salt. What are the health benefits with it and other specialty salts? Are there contaminants in these salts?
Himalayan salt health benefits, along with other gourmet salts like Hawaiian and Mediterranean. Info including what's in them and their safety.

Product Review
Black Currant, Borage, Evening Primrose, Flax and Hemp Oil Review
Choose the Best Flaxseed and Other Oils Based on Our Tests.

Product Review
Ashwagandha Supplements Review
Find the Best Ashwagandha Supplement. Only 38% of Ashwagandha Products Pass Tests.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of nutritional yeast and is it safe?
Learn about the nutritional content and health benefits of nutritional yeast (nooch), evidence for or against nutritional yeast for boosting the immune system, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, plus safety and side effects of nutritional yeast.

CL Answer
Are cranberry supplements helpful for men? Can they help with symptoms of an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, or urinary tract infections?
Learn more about how cranberry pills, cranberries, cranberry juice and supplements can help prevent urinary tract infections.

CL Answer
What are the side effects of melatonin supplements?
Melatonin side effects - are there any? Read about drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, mood & behavior, the risk of fractures and others.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
Can castor oil eye drops improve or dissolve cataracts? Is castor oil or tea tree oil helpful for other eye conditions such as blepharitis or dry eye?
Can castor oil eye drops help cataracts or for other conditions such as blepharitis? Find out if castor oil eye drops are safe to use, and if they help for other conditions.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
What supplements should I stop taking before surgery?
Info on which supplements to avoid before surgery due to increased risk of bleeding or interference with anesthesia.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of serrapeptase?
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme. Learn more about its health effects, including whether evidence supports its use for pain, inflammation, and heart health.

CL Answer
Does Restore (Biomic Sciences LLC) really improve gut health? What is in Restore?
Learn more about Restore, including clinical studies on gut health, dosage, cost, and safety.

CL Answer
What is lactoferrin and will it really strengthen my immune system?
Info about lactoferrin supplements, clinical evidence for strengthening the immune system, preventing or treating colds, gut health and treating H.

CL Answer
What are the health benefits of zinc carnosine, also called polaprezinc, and is it safe?
Find out if zinc carnosine is beneficial for any GI conditions, including stomach ulcers, Helicobacter pylori infection, taste disturbances, aspirin-induced small-bowel injury and oral mucositis, and learn if it is safe.

CL Answer
Does Provitalize work for weight loss and is it safe?
Find out if taking Provitalize, a probiotic supplement that also contains turmeric extract, moringa leaf extract, curry leaf extract and piperine (BioPerine), relieves joint pain, decreases abdominal fat, or helps with weight loss.

CL Answer
What is hydrogen water? Is it beneficial for alertness, athletic performance, arthritis or other conditions, and is it safe?
Find out if hydrogen water has benefits with regard to alertness, side effects of radiotherapy in cancer patients, metabolic syndrome, athletic performance, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, and other conditions, and learn if it is safe to use.

CL Answer
Does ergothioneine help prevent age-related problems such as impaired cognition, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or cataract, and is it safe?
Learn about ergothioneine and its potential use for cognitive impairment, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cataract, or kidney disease, as well as its safety and cost of supplements containing this ingredient.

News Release
August 10, 2022
Best Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Identified by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, August 10, 2022 — Lavender essential oil as aromatherapy may reduce anxiety and tea tree essential oil is used topically for various skin ailments.
Product Review
Iron Supplements Review (Iron Pills, Liquids and Chews)
See Which Iron Supplements Are CL's Top Picks for Different Needs

Product Review
CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements Review
Find the Best CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements and Learn How They Differ

Product Review
Fish Oil, Krill Oil, and Algal Oil Omega-3 (DHA & EPA) Supplements Review
See Our Omega-3 Top Picks and Avoid Rancid Fish Oils.

News Release
December 15, 2021
How Much Aloe Is Really in Aloe Products? ConsumerLab Tests Show Some Products Contain None
White Plains, New York, December 15, 2021 — Recent ConsumerLab tests of popular aloe juices, gels and supplements sold in the U.S. found substantial amounts of aloe in some products, while others contained very little.
News Release
October 04, 2019
ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best Collagen Supplements for Wrinkles and Joints
White Plains, New York, October 4, 2019 — Collagen supplements are promoted to reduce wrinkles and decrease joint pain and stiffness, but do they really work, and if so, which products on the market provide the best quality collagen and the best value? To find out, ConsumerLab carefully ...
Recalls & Warnings
December 05, 2024
Liquid Multivitamin Recalled
On November 6, 2024, Armonia Natural Store LLC issued a recall of 64 bottles of OneMultivitaminic GAF-PLUS Advance 300 ml because they contain undeclared acetaminophen and dexamethasone phosphate (which are not permitted in dietary supplements) and the undeclared sweetener aspartame.
Recalls & Warnings
August 12, 2024
FDA Warns "Apricot Power" Apricot Seeds Contain Toxic Compound
On May 24, 2024, the FDA warned consumers not to consume three Apricot Power bitter apricot seed products because they were found to contain the toxic compound amygdalin.
Recalls & Warnings
July 16, 2024
Infla-650 Herbal Dietary Supplement Recalled
On July 16, 2024, Guru Inc. issued a recall of one lot of Infla-650 Herbal Dietary Capsules because they were found to contain acetaminophen, diclofenac, and phenylbutazone.
Recalls & Warnings
June 26, 2024
FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Infla-650 Due to Undeclared Drugs
On June 20, 2024, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use Infla-650 after FDA laboratory analysis found them to contain acetaminophen, diclofenac, and phenylbutazone.
Recalls & Warnings
July 15, 2024
Hard Steel Supplements for Men Recalled
On July 12, 2024, Supercore Products Group issued a recall of Hard Steel Capsules and Gold Hard Steel Liquid which are used for male erectile dysfunction. The FDA analysis found the capsules to contain sildenafil and acetaminophen.
Recalls & Warnings
June 19, 2024
DBH Beverly Hills Sunscreen Falsely Promoted as Octinoxate Free, Says FDA
On June 12, 2024, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Aqualex Co., Ltd.following inspection of the company’s website, manufacturing facility, and sunscreen products, which found its DBH Beverly Hills, EGF FGE DNA, UV Shield sunscreen to be misbranded.
Recalls & Warnings
March 16, 2023
Omega-3 Supplements for Dogs and Cats Recalled Due to Potential for Vitamin A Toxicity
On March 9, 2023, Stratford Care USA issued a recall of 62 brands of omega-3 supplements for dogs and cats due to potentially elevated levels of vitamin A.
Recalls & Warnings
October 21, 2020
FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Dangerous Black Salve Products
On October 13, 2020, the FDA warned consumers not to use any products containing black salve, which is often sold as salves or creams with claims to treat or cure cancer, boils, moles, and skin tags.
Recalls & Warnings
April 06, 2022
Mandalorian and Mickey Mouse Hand Sanitizers Recalled Due to Benzene, Methanol
On April 1, 2022, Best Brands Consumer Products, Inc.
Product Review
Joint Health Supplements Review (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Boswellia, Collagen and Turmeric)
18% of Joint Health Supplements Failed to Pass Our Tests. See Which Passed or Failed, and Our Top Picks.

CL Answer
Which supplements and foods reduce or increase the risk of kidney stones?
Find out which supplements, foods and beverages may increase or decrease the risk of kidney stones, including information about potassium, calcium, choline, turmeric and curcumin, vitamin C, as well as foods and beverages such as green tea, lemon juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, chocolate and almonds.

Recalls & Warnings
May 10, 2021
Collagen & Biotin Supplement Recalled Due to Allergen Risk
On May 6, 2021, Bloommy, Inc. issued a recall of Bloommy Biotin Collagen Keratin Capsules for Skin, Joint, and Hair due to the presence of a fish allergen for the collagen-based ingredient.
CL Answer
Do any supplements, foods, or oils help reduce muscle pain, muscle cramps, or nighttime leg cramps?
Find out which supplements, and topical products such as magnesium creams, can help reduce muscle pain, leg cramps, and nighttime leg cramps, and which may worsen muscle cramps. Also, learn about vitamin and mineral deficiencies and common medications that can cause muscle cramps and nocturnal leg cramps.

CL Answer
Are supplements such as Thyroid Care Plus helpful for hypothyroidism? Can supplements worsen thyroid function? And what is nascent iodine?
Learn about supplement ingredients such as iodine, selenium, zinc, acetyl-l-carnitine, ashwagandha and guggul used for thyroid conditions and find out if they are beneficial. Also learn why ingredients such as alpha-lipoic acid, soy, resveratrol, quercetin may impair thyroid function.

CL Answer
Can cranberry juice or cranberry supplements help prevent urinary tract infections or improve overactive bladder?
Learn more about how cranberries, juice, and supplements can help prevent urinary tract infections, including safety.

Recalls & Warnings
July 26, 2023
Five Leaf Pet Botanicals Warned by FDA for Drug Claims
On June 22, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Five Leaf Pet Botanicals, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
August 07, 2023
Aerosol Bed Bug & Flea Killer Recalled Due to Injury Risk
On August 3, 2023, Maggie’s Farm issued a recall of the company’s Aerosol Bed Bug & Flea Killer products because the aerosol can can rupture and expel shrapnel, posing an injury and laceration hazard to consumers.
Recalls & Warnings
November 09, 2023
FDA Warns Biorica International for Cholesterol, Kidney & Cancer Claims
On August 4, 2023, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Biorica International Corp. following review of the company’s websites and social media, which found statements about the company’s Plaquex Oral Supplements to be drug claims, which are not permitted for dietary supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
February 28, 2024
Microbial Contamination Found in LightEyez MSM Eye Drops
On February 15, 2024, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to LightEyez Limited after testing by the agency found the company’s MSM Eye Drops V2.0 — Eye Repair (MSM Eye Repair Drops) to have microbial contamination in samples of the drops.
Recalls & Warnings
July 22, 2024
Umary Hyaluronic Acid Supplement Recalled
On July 15, 2024, SoloVital.
Recalls & Warnings
December 19, 2024
Gout and Arthritis Supplement Recalled Due to Undeclared Drugs
On December 12, 2024, Buy-herbal recalled all lots of Nhan Sam Tuyet Lien Truy Phong Hoan capsules within expiry after FDA testing found them to contain undeclared furosemide, dexamethasone and chlorpheniramine. These drugs are not permitted in dietary supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
November 21, 2024
Umary Hyaluronic Acid Sold on Amazon Recalled
On November 20, 2024, MXBBB issued a recall of one lot of Umary Hyaluronic Acid or Amazy Hyaluronic Acid supplements, which were sold on Amazon.
Recalls & Warnings
September 05, 2024
Don’t Buy or Use Umary and Amazy Supplements, Warns FDA
On September 5, 2024, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use Umary Hyaluronic Acid or Amazy Hyaluronic Acid supplements because testing by the agency found them to contain diclofenac and omeprazole.
News Release
June 25, 2019
ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best B Vitamin Supplements -- 19% of B Vitamin Supplements Fail CL's Tests of Quality
White Plains, New York, June 25, 2019 — B vitamins and complexes are among the most popular supplements sold in the U.S. because B vitamins are essential for a wide range of functions in the body.
CL Answer
L-Serine & D-Serine: Health Benefits and Safety
Serine exists in two forms: L-serine and D-serine. Find out how these two forms differ and learn if either form has health benefits and if it is safe.

CL Answer
What is lumbrokinase, does it have heart benefits, is it safe, and what should you look for, or avoid, in a lumbrokinase supplement?
Lumbrokinase is marketed as promoting healthy circulation and supporting heart health. Find out how and if lumbrokinase supplements actually work, possible safety concerns, and what to consider when choosing a lumbrokinase supplement.

CL Answer
8 Supplements That May Help Treat Peptic Ulcers – And Some to Avoid
Peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori infection are typically treated with antibiotics, but certain supplements may also help. Find out which 8 supplements might be beneficial - and which should be avoided.

CL Answer
Can biotin supplements really strengthen nails or improve hair? Can other supplements help?
Learn more about strengthening brittle nails with vitamin B-7 (biotin), based on clinical evidence.

CL Answer
Can any vitamins or minerals help prevent or reduce canker sores or cold sores?
Find out which, if any, supplements, including iron, L-lysine, monolaurin, olive leaf extract, vitamin B-12, and zinc, may be beneficial for canker sores or cold sores.

CL Answer
Do water filters remove microplastics from tap water?
Find out if water filter pitchers and faucet mounted filters from Brita, Pur, Lifestraw and other brands remove microplastics from tap water.

CL Answer
Do any supplements help prevent or reduce eye floaters?
Find out eye floaters (vitreous floaters) be treated with supplements like vitamin C, lutein, ginkgo, milk thistle, collagen or hyaluronic acid, or with products such as VitreousHealth.

CL Answer
Does Qualia Mind boost memory and mental function and is it worth cost?
Learn about the ingredients in Qualia Mind, whether or not we think the formula works and is safe, and if we think it's worth the cost.

CL Answer
What is Perque Bone Guard Forté? It is safe and effective for bone health?
Find out about the ingredients in Perque Bone Guard Forté, including which ingredients may be beneficial for osteoporosis and bone health and which may be a safety concern.

CL Answer
What is desiccated beef liver? What is it used for, and is it safe?
Description of desiccated beef liver, including what it is used for, its nutrient content, and safety concerns.

CL Answer
Are light boxes effective for preventing and treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as "winter depression," or circadian rhythm disorders such as jet lag? Which light boxes are best?
Learn about the benefits and safety of light boxes (including who is most likely to benefit), how to use these devices, which commercially available products appear to meet the technical requirements, and who should not use light boxes.

CL Answer
Do supplements help with Parkinson’s disease treatment or prevention?
Learn what has been shown with vitamins D and E, niacin, CoQ10, melatonin, creatine, SAMe, NAC, valerian, CoQ10, and CBD, as well as with coffee and the Mediterranean and MIND diets for treating and/or preventing Parkinson's disease.

Recalls & Warnings
March 16, 2021
Albek de Mexico Hand Sanitizer Contains Dangerous Ingredient
On March 11, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Albek de Mexico S.A. de C.V. because laboratory tests showed that their product NEXT ADVANCED ANTIBACTERIAL HAND SANITIZER contains methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
March 09, 2021
FDA Warns Sellers of Three More Hand Sanitizers, One with Toxic Ingredient
On March 1, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to three sellers of hand sanitizers because laboratory tests showed that their products do not contain the amount of ethanol as stated on their labels. The products are MEDICALLY MINDED Hand Sanitizer Gel from Plasticos Las Palmas, S.A. de C.
Recalls & Warnings
May 01, 2021
Hand Sanitizer Sold at Ulta, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls Recalled Due to Toxic Chemicals
On April 28, 2021, Scentsational Soaps & Candles, Inc.
News Release
March 07, 2019
Best Coconut and MCT Oils Identified by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, March 7, 2019 — Coconut oil is often promoted as a "healthy fat" and an alternative source of energy to help with weight loss and in conditions such as Alzheimer's disease because it contains medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).
News Release
January 15, 2019
Not All Lycopene Supplements Contain What They Claim, ConsumerLab Tests Reveal
White Plains, New York, January 15, 2019 — Foods rich in the antioxidant lycopene, like tomato juice and paste - may reduce the risk of certain cancers and have heart-health benefits, and preliminary studies suggest that lycopene supplements may also be helpful.
Recalls & Warnings
October 24, 2022
Dove, Suave, Tresemme & Other Dry Shampoos Recalled Due to Benzene
On October 18, 2022, Unilever issued a recall of 19 dry shampoo products including Dove, Suave, and Tresemme after an internal investigation found the products to contain benzene. According to Unilever, the propellants of these products were the source.
Recalls & Warnings
July 21, 2022
UV Light Wands That May Cause Injury, According to the FDA
The FDA recently warned consumers of potential exposure to unsafe levels of ultraviolet-C (UV-C) radiation associated with the use of certain brands of ultraviolet (UV) wands, as found from testing conducted by the agency.
Recalls & Warnings
July 28, 2022
FDA Warns Three Manufacturers of Sanitizer for Manufacturing and Misbranding Violations
Between July 8 and July 21, the FDA issued warning letters to three companies selling hand sanitizer products that violate Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), are adulterated and misbranded, and for refusal to allow the agency to access and copy company records.
Recalls & Warnings
November 10, 2022
Adam’s Polishes Hand Sanitizer Recalled Due to Toxic Methanol
On November 5, 2022, Adam’s Polishes, LLC issued a nationwide recall of 20 lots of Adam’s Polishes Hand Sanitizer following FDA testing, which found the presence of methanol in one lot.
Recalls & Warnings
May 22, 2018
FDA Warns Companies Selling "Sun Protection" Supplements
On May 18, 2018, the FDA issued warning letters to four companies selling supplements for sun protection because statements made on product labels, websites and in marketing materials were found to be drug claims, which are not permitted for dietary supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
August 10, 2020
Gelbac T Antibacterial Handgel Recalled
On August 6, 2020, Incredible Products Sa De Cv recalled Gelbac T Antibacterial Handgel because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
July 29, 2020
Herbacil Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On July 27, 2020, Broncolin S.A. de C.V. recalled Herbacil Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer 70% Alcohol because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
July 17, 2020
Two More Hand Sanitizers That May Contain Toxic Ingredient Recalled
Update: (8/10/20) Soluciones Cosméticas has recalled additional products that may contain methanol, as listed in red below.
Recalls & Warnings
September 11, 2020
M Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On September 9, 2020, Medek, LLC recalled M Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Antiseptic 80% 128 oz/3,785 mL because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested. The product may also have a sub-potent ethanol content, which leads to a lack of efficacy.
Recalls & Warnings
September 05, 2020
Bio aaa Advance Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On September 3, 2020, AJR Trading LLC recalled one lot of bio aaa Advance Hand Sanitizer because different lots of the product may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
September 01, 2020
Mislabeled Open Book Extracts Hand Sanitizers Recalled
On August 29, 2020, Open Book Extracts recalled Always Be Clean Hand Sanitizer and Just Hand Sanitizer because, according to the product labels, they contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
August 26, 2020
Asiaticon Hand Sanitizers Recalled
On August 25, 2020, Asiaticon SA de CV recalled V-Klean Hand Sanitizer Gel, Medically Minded Hand Sanitizer Gel, and Protz Real Protection Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer because they may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
August 25, 2020
Florence Morris Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On August 17, 2020, Grupo Asimex De Mexico Sa De CV recalled Florence Morris Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested. The products also may have a sub-potent ethanol content, which leads to a lack of efficacy.
Recalls & Warnings
August 20, 2020
Yacana Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On August 18, 2020, Grupo Yacana México S.A.S De C.V. recalled Yacana Hand Sanitizer because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested. The products also may have a sub-potent ethanol content, which leads to a lack of efficacy.
Recalls & Warnings
July 10, 2020
Seller of Hand Sanitizer "Alternative" Warned for Coronavirus Claims
On July 7, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ionogen, LLC for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).
Recalls & Warnings
July 07, 2020
All Clean Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On July 6, 2020, ITECH 361 recalled All Clean Hand Sanitizer, Moisturizer and Disinfectant because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
June 27, 2020
Hand Sanitizer That May Contain Toxic Ingredient is Recalled
Update: (6/29/20) Saniderm has extended the recall of hand sanitzer nationwide.
Recalls & Warnings
March 02, 2021
FDA Warns Makers of Four Hand Sanitizers, Two With Toxic Ingredient
Between February 18 and 25, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to four sellers of hand sanitizers because laboratory tests showed that their products do not contain the amount of ethanol as stated on their labels.
News Release
October 26, 2018
Best Vitamin A Supplements, Including Cod Liver Oils, Identified by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, October 26, 2018 — Vitamin A is necessary to maintain good vision, skin, and immune functioning, and supplementation can be beneficial for certain conditions — although most people get enough from food and getting too much vitamin A can be dangerous.
News Release
January 04, 2018 Reveals Its Top Picks for Best Iron Supplements
White Plains, New York, January 4, 2018 — Iron supplements not only treat iron deficiency, but can help reduce unexplained fatigue in women and symptoms of some forms of restless legs syndrome. But choosing an iron supplement and knowing how to use it can be difficult.
News Release
November 27, 2017
Flaxseed and Other Popular Omega 3 & 6 Oil Supplements Tested, But Not All Brands Pass -- Tests of Black Currant Oil, Borage Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Flaxseed Oil, and Hemp Oil Supplements
White Plains, New York, November 27, 2017 — Flaxseed oil and other popular seed oil are popular supplements that provide omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and may help with inflammatory conditions. But which seed oil supplements are the best? To find out, ConsumerLab.
News Release
July 22, 2015 Tests DHEA Supplements, Warns of Differences in Dose and Price
White Plains, New York, July 22, 2015 — DHEA is a controversial hormone supplement touted for anti-aging effects — but what can it really do? reviewed the evidence and purchased many popular brands of DHEA to test their quality.
News Release
February 19, 2015
Only 50% of Aloe Products Pass Tests
White Plains, New York, February 19, 2015 — "Choose aloe products carefully," cautions president Tod Cooperman, M.D. after recent tests found only five of 10 aloe pills, gels and drinks selected for review to contain what the company expected based on labels.
News Release
September 27, 2012 Reveals How Much Caffeine is in Energy Drinks -- Also Finds Some Drinks and Dietary Supplements Don't Contain Claimed Amounts of B Vitamins
White Plains, New York — September 27, 2012 — Energy shots and drinks are promoted to keep you alert and energized, attributing their effects to special formulas often "packed with B vitamins and nutrients to make it last," as a commercial for 5-hour Energy proclaims.
Recalls & Warnings
November 27, 2020
FDA Warns Seller of Potentially Toxic Hand Sanitizer
On November 19, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Liq-E S.A. De C.V. because laboratory tests showed that their product Optimus Lubricants Instant Hand Sanitizer contains methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
February 09, 2021
Three More Hand Sanitizers Contain Toxic Ingredient
Between February 3 and 5, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to three sellers of hand sanitizers because laboratory tests showed that their products contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
January 28, 2021
FDA Issues Import Alert on Potentially-Dangerous Hand Sanitizers from Mexico
On January 26, 2021, the FDA announced that all alcohol-based hand sanitizers from Mexico will be placed on a countrywide import alert to limit the flow of potentially dangerous products into the US.
Recalls & Warnings
December 31, 2020
Herbacil Hand Sanitizer Contains Dangerous Ingredient
On December 21, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Broncolin, S.A. de C.V. because laboratory tests showed that their product HERBACIL Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer contains methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
December 24, 2020
Wash-Free Hand Sanitizer With Potentially Toxic Ingredient Recalled
On December 23, 2020, Shane Erickson, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
August 17, 2020
SkinGuard24 Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On August 14, 2020, SG24 LLC recalled SkinGuard24 — All Day Hand Sanitizer because it is labeled as containing methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
August 04, 2020
Two More Companies Recall Potentially Toxic Hand Sanitizers
Between July 30 and 31, 2020, two more companies recalled hand sanitizers because they may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested:
Recalls & Warnings
October 01, 2020
Cleaner Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On September 8, 2020, DMM VISSION, S.A. DE C.V. recalled five lots of Cleaner Hand Sanitizer because they may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Recalls & Warnings
June 23, 2020
Nine Hand Sanitizers May Contain Toxic Ingredient That Can Cause Serious Illness or Death
Update: (7/14/20) The FDA has warned consumers not to use forty-six more hand sanitizers that may contain methanol.
Recalls & Warnings
July 06, 2020
FDA Warns Five More Hand Sanitizers May Contain Toxic Ingredient
Update: (7/14/20) The FDA has warned consumers not to use forty-six more hand sanitizers that may contain methanol.
Recalls & Warnings
June 23, 2020
FTC Sends Refund Checks to Consumers of Deceptive "Free Trial" Scheme
On June 22, 2020, the FTC announced it is mailing 187,425 checks totaling more than $8.
Recalls & Warnings
December 15, 2020
FDA Warns JC Ayur Life LLC for Drug Claims
On October 29, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to JC Ayur Life LLC following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about the company's product Heritage of Ayurveda Dia-Tonic Incudil Herbal Dietary Supplement to be drug claims.
Recalls & Warnings
December 20, 2021
Pantene, Herbal Essences, & Other Brands of Dry Shampoo and Conditioner Recalled Due to Benzene
On December 17, 2021, Procter & Gamble issued a recall of 26 aerosol spray dry shampoos and conditioners from six brands, including Aussie, Herbal Essences, Hair Food, Old Spice, Pantene, and Waterless Hair Care, because some of the products were found to contain benzene.
Recalls & Warnings
November 24, 2021
FDA Warns Sanitizer Corporation For Manufacturing and Misbranding Violations
On September 24, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Chameleon Beverage Co. Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
September 14, 2023
FDA Warns CVS, Walgreens, Similasan & Others for Eye Drop Violations
On September 11, 2023, the FDA issued Warning Letters to the following eight sellers of homeopathic and other types of eye drops regarding the products noted in italics due to a variety of violations of FDA regulations, most notably that they were marked with claims suggesting that they could cure, ...
CL Answer
What are the health benefits of green tea, and is it safe?
ConsumerLab explains green tea's potential health benefits for everything from fighting cancer to helping your heart.

Recalls & Warnings
February 09, 2019
Herbal Skin Remedy Recalled, Can Cause Serious Injury
On February 8, 2019, McDaniel Life-Line LLC issued a recall of all lots of Indian Herb a product marketed to be taken orally or applied topically, as a remedy for abnormal skin growths.
CL Answer
What are the health benefits of black cumin seed (black seed) oil?
Find out if black seed oil has health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure or cholesterol, asthma, weight loss, and others. Dosage, forms, including black seed oil and black seed powder, safety information, using black seed oil in foods and more.'s answer explains.

CL Answer
Do any supplements help with restless legs syndrome?
Find out whether supplements or vitamins like iron, magnesium, vitamin E and others can help for restless leg syndrome (RLS).'s answer explains.

CL Answer
I read that famotidine (Pepcid) may help treat COVID-19. Is this true? Might a proton pump inhibitor, like Prilosec, help?
Pepcid (famotidine) was reported to improve outcomes in people with COVID-19 in China. But is there evidence that Pepcid really helps to treat COVID-19?

CL Answer
Is it safe to drink coffee regularly? Does drinking coffee increase or decrease the risk of cancer?
Learn more about coffee, its safety, if it's good for you, and if it impacts your risk of cancer.

Recalls & Warnings
July 21, 2020
Optimus Instant Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On July 20, 2020, LIQ-E S.A. de C.V. recalled Optimus Instant Hand Sanitizer because it may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
News Release
August 22, 2012
Contamination and Other Problems Found in Fish Oil Supplements -- Large Review by Reveals Excessive PCBs or Mislabeling in Over 30% of Omega-3 Supplements
August 22, 2012 — The quality of fish oil / omega-3 supplements varies across brands, according to recent tests by, which independently reports on the quality of health products. Analyses of 35 products selected and purchased by ConsumerLab.
News Release
June 18, 2012
What is "Natural" Vitamin E? It Depends On the Brand Selling It, Finds -- New Review of Vitamin E Supplements, Oil and Cream, Including Tocopherols and Tocotrienols
White Plains, New York, June 18, 2012 — What is in a "natural" vitamin E supplement, cream, or oil? According to recent tests by independent evaluator,, this depends completely on the brand selling it.
News Release
January 11, 2011
Spoilage and labeling errors found with some omega-3 and -6 supplements; Review of evening primrose, flaxseed, borage, and black currant oil supplements
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 10, 2011 — A new report on the quality of omega-3 and -6 fatty acid supplements made from seed oils was released by today. Only 11 of 17 products selected for testing met quality criteria for freshness and labeling.
Recalls & Warnings
April 30, 2021
FDA Warns Seller of Fish Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Collagen, and Elderberry Supplements
On April 13, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Orphic Nutrition following a review of the company's websites, which found statements made about the products Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, Ashwagandha Capsules, Garcinia Cambogia Capsules, Premium Collagen Peptides Capsules, Elderberry ...
Recalls & Warnings
June 23, 2020
North Isle Wellness Center Warned for Coronavirus Claims
On June 19, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to North Isle Wellness Center for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).
Recalls & Warnings
December 11, 2020
Goldenseal Recalled Due to Microbial Contamination
On December 4, 2020, WishGarden Herbs, Inc. issued a recall of 14 lots of Cord Care Powder and Goldenseal Powder because they were manufactured using ingredients that were potentially contaminated with the bacterium Cronobacter sakazakii.
Recalls & Warnings
August 13, 2020
FDA Warns Soluciones Cosmeticas for Hand Sanitizers That May Contain Toxic Ingredient
On August 4, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Soluciones Cosmeticas, SA de CV which after FDA testing found samples of the company's BERSIH Antiseptic Alcohol 70% Topical Solution Hand Sanitizer and BERSIH HAND SANITIZER GEL Fragrance Free to contain methanol, a toxic ...
Recalls & Warnings
June 16, 2020
FDA Warns Four Companies for Unsafe "Homeopathic" Injectables
On June 16, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to four manufacturers of unapproved injectable drugs labeled as homeopathic.
Recalls & Warnings
June 05, 2020
Seller of Silver and Vitamin C Lozenges & More Warned for Coronavirus Claims
On June 1, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Dr.
Recalls & Warnings
May 12, 2020
FTC Halts Deceptive Supplements & Cosmetics "Free Trial" Scheme
On May 8, 2020, the owners of AH Media Group, LLC agreed to halt their allegedly deceptive practice of luring consumers with supposed "free trial" offers for cosmetics and dietary supplements, then enrolling them in subscriptions and billing them without their consent.
Recalls & Warnings
May 02, 2020
Seller of Botanical and CBD Oil Patches Warned for Coronavirus Claims
On April 27, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Santiste Labs LLC for promoting its transdermal patches containing botanical oils and/or CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).
Recalls & Warnings
April 17, 2020
Seller of Vitamin D, MSM, Selenium & More Warned for Drug Claims
On March 31, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to KetoKerri LLC following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about some of the company's products, including Dr.
Recalls & Warnings
April 14, 2020
Teami Tea Settles Charges of Unproven Claims and Deceptive Celebrity Endorsements
On March 6, 2020, the FTC announced that Teami, LLC, a marketer of tea and skin care products, agreed to settle charges that it was selling products with unproven claims and misleading celebrity endorsements.
Recalls & Warnings
February 26, 2020
Company Failed to Report Adverse Events Associated With Its Nutrition Shakes
On February 12, 2020, the FDA sent a warning letter to Market America Inc for failure to submit serious adverse event reports about two of its products, as required by federal regulation. The company received two reports following serious adverse events but did not submit the proper forms:
Recalls & Warnings
July 28, 2020
FDA Warns Eskbiochem for Hand Sanitizers That May Contain Toxic Ingredient
On July 23, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Eskbiochem SA de CV which found the company's products, including ClearCare Nogerm ADVANCED HAND SANITIZER and LAVAR GEL HAND SANITIZER, to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that violate ...
Recalls & Warnings
July 28, 2020
Four More Companies Recall Hand Sanitizers
Between July 9 and 27, 2020, four more companies recalled hand sanitizers because they may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested:
Recalls & Warnings
May 15, 2021
Toxic Hand Sanitizer Recalled
On May 11, 2021 Dibar Nutricional S. de R.L. de C.V. issued a recall of various lots of DIBAR Labs Hand Sanitizer and ProtectoRx Hand Sanitizer because they were confirmed to contain methanol.
CL Answer
Sugar Substitutes: Pros, Cons, and Best Choices
Learn about the pros and cons of using sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners in place of table sugar. Sweeteners discussed include stevia, monk fruit, and other high-intensity sweeteners; xylitol, erythritol, allulose and other low-calorie sweeteners; and agave syrup, coconut sugar, honey, molasses and other sugar alternatives.

News Release
December 14, 2010
DHEA supplements, touted for anti-aging and strength, reviewed by Testing finds one brand with only 14.7% of labeled amount
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — DECEMBER 14, 2010 — Recent tests of DHEA supplements showed that most products contained their claimed amounts of the controversial ingredient, but one provided only 14.7% of its listed amount, the testing company reported today.
Recalls & Warnings
November 09, 2019
Biotin Supplements Can Cause False Lab Test Results
On November 5, 2019, the FDA reminded consumers and health care providers that high amounts of biotin (vitamin B-7), found in many supplements, can significantly interfere with certain lab tests and cause incorrect results that may go undetected.
Recalls & Warnings
April 02, 2019
FDA Issues Strong Warnings to Sellers of CBD
On March 28, 2019, the FDA issued warning letters to three companies for making unsubstantiated claims about the health benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) products on their websites.
Recalls & Warnings
March 19, 2019
FDA Calls Promotion of Nyloxin Homeopathic Products for Pain a "Health Fraud Scam"
On March 11, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to Nutra Pharma Corp. following a review of the company's website ( and social media sites found that the company was making drug claims about its homeopathic products promoted for arthritis and cancer pain.
Recalls & Warnings
January 30, 2013
Seller of Omega-3 and Emu Oil Supplements Warned For Drug Claims, Misbranding
On November 19, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Emu Products & Management, Inc. after a review of the company's website found statements that promoted the dietary supplements Multi-Omega Gel Caps, Recovery Gel Caps, ARP Gel Caps and the topical skin products Extreme Cryo Gel, F.A.C.E.
Recalls & Warnings
September 08, 2018
Homeopathic Oral Sprays Recalled Due to Possible Bacterial Contamination
On September 5, 2018, Beaumont Bio Med, Inc., issued a recall of all of its water and alcohol-based homeopathic products because they have the potential to contain microbial contaminants.
News Release
September 28, 2010 finds quality problems with nearly 30% of fish oil supplements reviewed; "Fishy" claims identified -- Softgels and liquids for adults, children and pets tested, including krill oil and algal oil supplements
White Plains, New York — September 28, 2010 — Tests of fish, algal and krill oil supplements revealed quality problems with 7 out of 24 products selected by independent testing organization
News Release
March 31, 2009 Warns of Problems with Multivitamins and Vitamin Water -- Defects Found in Over 30% of Supplements Selected for Testing; Several Popular Children's Multis Exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 31, 2009 — Over 30% of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed or were contaminated with lead.
Recalls & Warnings
May 26, 2015
Skin Measurement Device Used to Select Nutritional Supplements Not Approved for This Use, FDA Warns
On May 8, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to ZYTO Technologies, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
September 10, 2014
Seller of Joint Pain Supplement Warned for Drug Claims
On August 24, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to CreAgri, Inc., following a website review, which found statements made about the company's products, including Olivenol plus Easeflex, Olivenol plus Essence Capsules, and Olivenol plus Essence Elixer, to be drug claims.
Recalls & Warnings
May 11, 2006
Weight-Loss Marketers Pay $3 Million for Deceptive Advertising
On May 11, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that sellers making questionable weight-loss and fat-loss claims to peddle skin gels and diet supplements will pay $3 million to settle charges that their deceptive claims violated federal law.
Recalls & Warnings
January 02, 2004
Health Canada Warns Consumers Not to Use Health Products Containing Comfrey
On December 12, Health Canada advised Canadian consumers not to ingest the herb comfrey or any health products that contain comfrey because they might contain a compound called echimidine, which may cause liver damage.
News Release
December 10, 2007 finds improvement in quality of omega-3 and -6 supplements — Results for 22 products made from evening primrose, flaxseed, borage and black currant oils
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — DECEMBER 10, 2007 — A new report on the quality of omega-3 and -6 fatty acid supplements made from seed oils was released by today. Two products were slightly low in one fatty acid, but this is an improvement over results from ConsumerLab.
Recalls & Warnings
June 07, 2013
Seller of Red Rice Yeast With CoQ10, Respiratory Supplement And More Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims
On February 25, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Altasource, LLC, dba Meta Labs LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's dietary supplements, including Respiratory Response, African Mango, Coffee Black Salve, Meta-Cell, Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Red Yeast Rice with ...
Recalls & Warnings
July 14, 2020
Forty-Six More Hand Sanitizers May Contain Toxic Ingredient, Ten More Recalled
Between July 6 and 10, 2020, the FDA announced that forty-six more hand sanitizers may contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested.
News Release
January 19, 2007
Consumers warned of problems with multivitamins — uncovers defects in over half of products tested
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 19, 2007 — Fifty-two percent of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to be contaminated with lead, unable properly break apart, or to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed.
News Release
September 19, 2006
DHEA supplements, touted for anti-aging and strength, reviewed by — Testing finds one brand with 215% of the labeled amount
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 — New tests of supplements containing the hormone DHEA found most to contain their claimed amounts of the controversial ingredient, but one provided 215% of its stated amount, the testing company reported today.
Recalls & Warnings
June 02, 2018
FDA Warns Seller of Cough Suppressant & Grape Seed Supplements
On March 29, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Yoder's Good Health Products following a facility inspection which found a number of the company's products, including Respiratory & Cough Formula and Life Drops to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or ...
Recalls & Warnings
December 01, 2018
Seller of 5-HTP, Potassium & More Warned for Manufacturing Violations
On September 7, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to The Delano Company, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
April 17, 2018
FDA Warns Seller of Echinacea, Iron, Aloe Supplements & More for Manufacturing Violations
On March 30, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ozark Country Herbs following a facility inspection which found a number of the company's products, including Echinacea-Goldenseal, Natural Iron, and Aloe-Vera Goldenseal Salve, to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under ...
Recalls & Warnings
February 10, 2018
Warning to D-Limonene, Vitamin C Seller
On January 31, 2018 the FDA issued a warning letter to Long Life Unlimited, LLC following a review of the company's website which found promotional statements and testimonials made about products including Balance 600, D-Limonene, Rapha Remedy, Rapha Remedy w/ p73 Wild Oregano, Vitamin C, ...
Recalls & Warnings
June 06, 2017
Seller of Herbal Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims
On May 25, 2017 the FDA issued a warning letter to Life Rising Corporation, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Stomach Regulator, Fang Feng Formula, Skin Regulator, Regulate Liver, Circulation Regulator, Pancreas Support, Lung Regulator, Pure Tea, ...
Recalls & Warnings
November 29, 2016
Bentonite Clay Promoted for "Detoxification" Contaminated With Lead
On June 17, 2016, the FDA issued a warning letter to Best Bentonite, following a facility inspection and laboratory analysis of product sample which found the company's Best Bentonite to be contaminated with lead.
Recalls & Warnings
April 18, 2013
Cardio, Energy and Sexual Enhancement Supplement Distributor Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims
On December 21, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to ForMor Inc, dba ForMor International, following a facility inspection which found the company's Cardio Cocktail and Argenix dietary supplements to be adulterated because because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do ...
Recalls & Warnings
August 22, 2013
UK Warns Against a Weight Loss Supplement Still Available to Americans
The British government has identified the "fat-burner" supplement "I Force Dexaprine XR" as an unlicensed medical product and is instructing its retailer to remove it from the market, according to a report published in
Recalls & Warnings
January 02, 2004
Canada Reiterates Warning on Products Containing Kava
On December 23, 2003, Health Canada reminded Canadian consumers of the serious risks associated with the use of products containing kava.
Recalls & Warnings
August 16, 2013
Ginkgo, Milk Thistle, Cleanse and Nopal Supplement Maker Warned For Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims
On July 23, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Natural Products Services, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
December 21, 2016
Seller of 5-HTP, Chromium, Curcumin and More Warned for Drug Claims
On December 1, 2016, the FDA issued a warning letter to Aurora Health and Nutrition following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about its products, 5-HTP, Alpha Lipoic Acid, the Argentyn 23 product line, Artecin 90 Vegetarian Capsules, ...
Recalls & Warnings
October 01, 2016
Homeopathic Teething Tablets and Gels May Pose Danger, FDA Warns
On September 30, 2016, the FDA warned consumers that homeopathic teething tablets and gels may be dangerous for infants and children. The agency has received adverse events reports, including seizures, associated with the use of these products.
Recalls & Warnings
June 13, 2012
FDA Warns NatureMost of Failing to Follow Good Manufacturing Practices
The U.S. FDA recently sent a Warning Letter to NatureMost of New England regarding violations of FDA regulations int the manufacture and marketing of its dietary supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
October 22, 2010
Enzyte "Male" Supplement Found to Affect Heart
The journal Archives of Internal Medicine (August 2010) includes a report of a small clinical trial of the dietary supplement Enzyte, which is marketed for "male enhancement."
Recalls & Warnings
December 18, 2006
Doctor Disciplined for Use of Black Salve Containing Bloodroot
The Casewatch website recently reported that Jerome W. Craft, M.D., a surgeon who practices in West Palm Beach, Florida, has signed a settlement agreement under which he was fined and ordered to stop using an escharotic paste, referred to as "black salve.
Recalls & Warnings
August 18, 2006
Restitution Program for Purchases of Lane Labs' Products
On August 17, 2006 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it was notifying consumers of a restitution (refund) program for purchasers of three of Lane Labs-USA, Inc.'s products. The products are BeneFin, MGN-3 and SkinAnswer.
Recalls & Warnings
October 09, 2013
Use of Chinese Supplement Linked to Rare But Serious Condition
On October 9, 2013, Health Canada warned consumers that Compound Danshen Dripping Pills, manufactured by Tianjin Tasly Pharmaceutical Co., have been associated with a case of methemoglobinemia, a rare but serious condition which may result in coma or death.
News Release
November 15, 2005
Testing by identifies many problems with popular supplements for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control
Westchester, NY — November 15, 2005 — In a series of reports released today, revealed test results for supplements used for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control. Among the twenty-three products that ConsumerLab.
News Release
July 12, 2005 finds some supplements lower in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than claimed — Report available for 23 products made from oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose and flax
WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 12, 2005 — has released its latest report on the quality of supplements made from the seed oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose, and flax.
News Release
March 30, 2005 finds most B-vitamins of high quality but three lacking in ingredients — Test Results for 41 Products Reported Along with Information on Use
WHITE PLAINS, NY — MARCH 30, 2005 — reported test results today for B vitamin supplements that it recently purchased in the U.S. and Canada.
News Release
August 25, 2004 finds not all vitamin E products meet claims — Results for 33 vitamin E supplements and skin products released today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — Wednesday, August 25, 2004 (Updated 10/24/04) — announced today that five vitamin E products failed to pass recent testing for having either too little vitamin E and/or for containing synthetic vitamin E when claiming to be natural.
Recalls & Warnings
August 25, 2002
Canadian Recall and Stop-Sale Order on All Kava Products
Health Canada is issuing a stop-sale order for all products containing the herb kava after a safety assessment concluded there is insufficient evidence to support their safe use. The department is also requesting the recall of these products from all levels of the market.
Recalls & Warnings
November 28, 2014
Seller of Herbal Extracts Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims
On November 3, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Avena Botanicals, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
August 31, 2004
Two Makers of Weight Loss and Sex Enhancement Supplements Stopped From Making Unsubstantiated Claims
On August 27, 2004, the Federal Trade Commmission (FTC) reported that two Maine-based dietary supplement marketers and their principals have agreed to settle FTC charges that they made deceptive advertising claims about their dietary supplement products, in violation of federal law.
Recalls & Warnings
November 21, 2014
Seller of Silver Supplement Warned for Claiming to Treat Ebola and Other Viruses
On November 19, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to, following a review of the website, which found statements made about Silver sol to be drug claims.
Recalls & Warnings
November 17, 2014
Probiotic Powder Recalled
On November 14, 2014, Solgar, Inc. issued a voluntary recall of Solgar ABC Dophilus Powder (NET Wt. 1.75 oz (50 g)) because it was found to contain Rhizopus oryzae, a fungus which may cause Mucormycosis infection.
Recalls & Warnings
November 04, 2016
Energy Drink Linked to Case of Acute Hepatitis
A case of acute hepatitis has been linked to daily consumption of energy drinks, according to a report published on November 1, 2016, in BMJ Case Reports.
Recalls & Warnings
October 21, 2015
Imported Supplements Can Be Dangerous, FDA Warns
On October 15, 2015, the FDA warned consumers that some supplements sold at nontraditional places, such as ethnic or international stores, flea markets, swap meets, as well as online, are often imported from other countries, and some can potentially be harmful.
Recalls & Warnings
July 01, 2015
Undeclared Drugs Found In Male Enhancement Supplements
On June 10, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter American Lifestyle, following tests which found the company's sexual enhancement supplements Vicerex and Sudibil-Xr to contain the undeclared drugs propoxyphenyl thioaildenafil and tadalafil.
Recalls & Warnings
October 18, 2017
FDA Warns Seller of Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Diabetes Supplements For Making Drug Claims
On August 15, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Years to Your Health, Inc., following an inspection of the company's website which found a number of their products to be misbranded, as they contained drug claims.
Recalls & Warnings
August 01, 2017
FDA Warns Seller of Acai, Garcinia & More for Drug Claims
On July 25, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Absonutrix, following a review of the company's website,, which found statements made about some of its products to be drug claims.
Recalls & Warnings
August 05, 2016
U.S. Marshals Seize $150,00 Worth of Kratom
On August 4, 2016, the FDA announced that U.S. Marshals seized approximately $150,000 worth of dietary supplements labeled as containing kratom from Nature Therapeutics (dba Kratum Therapy). The action was taken at the request of the FDA.
Recalls & Warnings
February 09, 2016
St. John's Wort Supplements Recalled
On February 8, 2016, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (the British equivalent of the FDA) announced that certain St. John's wort supplements are being recalled because they contain excessive levels of a toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA).
Recalls & Warnings
February 06, 2016
Seller of Turmeric, Milk Thistle and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims
On January 15, 2016, the FDA issued a warning letter to Terra Firma Botanicals, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
January 12, 2016
Over $400,000 Worth of Kratom Supplements Seized by U.S. Marshals
On January 6, 2016, U.S. Marshals seized nearly 90,000 bottles of dietary supplements labeled as containing kratom (brand name RelaKzpro) valued at over $400,000, from Dordoniz Natural Products LLC in South Beloit, Illinois. The action was taken at the request of the FDA.
Recalls & Warnings
May 30, 2017
Maker of Collagen Supplement Warned for Manufacturing Violations
On July 17, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Morhaim Pharmalab, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
January 31, 2017
Vegetarian Protein Drink Recalled Due to Undeclared Milk
On January 28, 2017 NSE Products, Inc. (a subsidiary of Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.) issued a recall of its vegetarian ageLOC TR90 Protein Boost protein drink because it contains undeclared milk.
Recalls & Warnings
January 28, 2017
FDA Testing Confirms Elevated Levels of Belladonna in Some Homeopathic Teething Products
On January 27, 2017, the FDA announced that its laboratory analysis found "inconsistent amounts of belladonna, a toxic substance, in certain homeopathic teething tablets, sometimes far exceeding the amount claimed on the label.
Recalls & Warnings
January 25, 2018
Bulletproof Collagen Protein Recalled
On January 25, 2018, Bulletproof 360, Inc issued a recall of its Bulletproof Collagen Protein supplement because it contains undeclared milk.
Recalls & Warnings
December 14, 2003
"Herbal" Eczema Creams Found to Contain Potent Steroids
A recent British study reported that 20 of 24 creams used to treat eczema in children were found to illegally contain unlabeled amounts of corticosteroids.
Recalls & Warnings
January 09, 2014
Marketers of "Genetically Customized" Supplements Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Health Claims
Two marketers of "genetically customized" nutritional supplements have agreed to a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over charges that the companies made deceptive advertising claims and did not adequately protect customers' medical and financial information.
Recalls & Warnings
March 21, 2014
Products Containing Kratom Recalled Following FDA Import Alert
On March 14, 2014, SNI National issued a voluntary recall of all kratom supplements, including kratom XL 4 Pack, Maeng Da Kratom 10 Pack, Max Kratom 20 Pack, and Bali Kratom 40 pack, following an FDA-issued import alert on all products containing this ingredient.
Recalls & Warnings
January 21, 2014
"Stem Cell" Supplement Recalled Due to Allergen Risk
On January 19, 2014, Stemvida recalled StemAlive 90 Capsules because they were found to contain undeclared milk (labeled as bovine colostrum).
Recalls & Warnings
February 21, 2013
Nutrition Drink Recalled Due To Bacterial Contamination
On February 21, 2013, Sequel Naturals Ltd. issued a voluntary recall of three lots of Vega One French Vanilla nutritional shake due to bacterial contamination.
Recalls & Warnings
July 26, 2014
Marketers of Nopal Cactus Drink Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Claims
TriVita Inc., and marketers of the company's "prickly pear" fruit drink Nopalea have agreed to pay $3.5 million in consumer refunds to settle FTC charges they made deceptive claims that the drink treats health problems ranging from skin conditions to joint pain and respiratory problems.
Recalls & Warnings
May 31, 2014
Sellers of "Cancer" Supplements Warned for Drug Claims
Two sellers of graviola supplements promoted to treat cancer have been issued warning letters by the FDA. Graviola (Annona muricata), also known as soursop, is the fruit of a tree native to South America and Puerto Rico.
Recalls & Warnings
May 16, 2015
FTC Mails Refund Checks to Nopalea Consumers
On May 15, 2015, the FTC announced it is mailing almost 500,000 checks totaling approximately $3 million to consumers who purchased the cactus-based fruit drink Nopalea (TriVita Inc).
Recalls & Warnings
December 02, 2014
Seller of Energy & Joint Supplements, Aloe, Silver and More Warned for Drug Claims
On November 24, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Jansen Enterprises, LLC, dba HealthWorksUSA, following an inspection of the company's website which found statements made about Nutra Blast Natural Energy, Ionic Silver Water, Nutra Complete, and Nutra Gel to be drug claims.
Recalls & Warnings
September 30, 2014
U.S. Marshals Seize $5 Million Worth of Kratom
On September 25, 2014, U.S. Marshals seized more than 25,000 pounds of raw kratom valued at over $5 million from Rosefield Management, Inc. in Van Nuys, California. The action was taken at the request of the FDA.
Recalls & Warnings
September 13, 2014
Three Weight Loss Supplements Found to Contain Drugs
On September 12, 2014, the FDA warned consumers not to buy or use the weight loss supplements listed below because they were found to contain drugs.
Recalls & Warnings
March 19, 2009
QVC Settles Charges of False Claims for Supplements
On March 19, 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that QVC, Inc., a TV home shopping channel and one of the world’s largest multimedia retailers, has agreed to pay $7.
Recalls & Warnings
June 19, 2008
FDA Warns Groups to Stop Selling Fake Cancer 'Cures'
On June 17, 2008, the FDA reported that it had sent Warning Letters to 23 U.S. companies and two foreign individuals marketing a wide range of products fraudulently claiming to prevent and cure cancer.
Recalls & Warnings
July 19, 2012
FDA Warns Company Selling Mineral Supplements as Treatments
On June 28, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Prismic Light International for multiple Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) violations, promoting dietary supplements as drugs, and misbranding products.
Recalls & Warnings
July 03, 2012
Standard Process Recalls Three Supplements Due to Possible Salmonella Contamination
On June 29, 2012, Standard Process issued a voluntary recall of the company's Cataplex ACP, Cataplex C and Pancreatrophin PMG, after a routine FDA inspection uncovered potential Salmonella contamination in an ingredient found in these three products.
Recalls & Warnings
January 24, 2013
Food for Health Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims on Supplements
On October 5, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Food for Health International, LLC following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Activz brand Vitamin D, Potassium Iodine, Organic Vitamin C, Whole 9 (a fruit and vegetable meal replacement shake) Control and VMA ...
Recalls & Warnings
October 24, 2012
FDA Seizes Many Supplements from New York Company Due To Drug Claims
On October 23, 2012, U.S. Marshalls, acting on behalf of the FDA, seized dietary supplements and unapproved drugs from Confidence, Inc., a supplement manufacturer in Port Washington, N.Y. The products included dietary supplements Dr.
Recalls & Warnings
August 30, 2012
Supplement Company Warned For Medical Claims and Misbranding Of Omega-3, CoQ10, Noni Juice And More
On July 12, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
July 29, 2009
FDA Warns Against Body Building Supplements with Steroid-like Compounds
On July 28, 2009, the U.S. FDA notified the public about new safety information concerning products marketed for body building and increasing muscle mass.
Recalls & Warnings
May 01, 2009
FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut -- Product Being Tested by
On May 1, 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned consumers to immediately stop using Hydroxycut products by Iovate Health Sciences Inc., of Oakville, Ontario and distributed by Iovate Health Sciences USA Inc. of Blasdell, N.Y.
Recalls & Warnings
June 22, 2011
Recall of Calcium & Magnesium Softgels Containing Excessive and Potentially Toxic Amounts of Vitamin D
On or about June 7, 2011, NOW Foods announced the following recall to retailers. was subsequently made aware of the recall by a member.
Recalls & Warnings
April 16, 2014
Weight Loss Supplements Found To Contain Prescription Antidepressant and Other Drugs
On March 7, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Deseo Rebajar Inc. because the company's following weight loss products were found to contain drugs:
Recalls & Warnings
April 16, 2014
Seller of Aloe, Thyroid and Other Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims
On March 21, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Aloe Man International Corp.
Recalls & Warnings
February 13, 2013
Manufacturer of Heart, Multivitamin, Cranberry, and Longevity Supplements Warned For Adulteration and Drug Claims
On January 29, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to M.D.R. Fitness Corp. following a facility inspection which found violations of good manufacturing practices which cause the company's products to be adulterated.
Recalls & Warnings
January 09, 2014
Four Companies Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Weight Loss Claims
On January 7, 2014, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that marketers for four weight loss products have agreed to settlements over charges of deceptive weight loss claims.
Recalls & Warnings
March 25, 2002
FDA Advises Consumers of Risk of Severe Liver Toxicity with Kava
On March 25, 2002 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)issued a Consumer Advisory, as well as a letter to health care providers, advising of the potential risk of severe liver injury associated with the use of kava-containing dietary supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
February 15, 2006
New Zealand Warns of Liver Toxicity from Black Cohosh
On February 9, 2006, New Zealand's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) announced new labelling and consumer information for medicines containing Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa).
Recalls & Warnings
November 21, 2017
Health Canada Calls for Stronger Warnings of Liver Risk on Green Tea Extract Products
On November 15, 2017, Health Canada (the Canadian equivalent of the FDA) recommended stronger warning statements about the risk of liver toxicity on labels of supplements containing green tea extract sold in Canada.
Recalls & Warnings
November 07, 2015
Seller of "NaturalDoctor" Vitamin C, Echinacea and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations
On October 16, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter Sound Healing Arts, PC, dba Grounds for Tea, LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including NaturalDoctor Vitamins C & K3, NaturalDoctor Goldenseal & Echinacea Plus, NaturalDoctor Centella ...
Recalls & Warnings
October 03, 2014
Seller of Green Tea, Prostate, Pain Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims
On July 25, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to AMS Health Sciences, LLC following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including saba ACE, UROPOWER, UROSure, Digest-Eze, Shark Cartilage, Colloidal Silver, and Mobilite to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, ...
Recalls & Warnings
March 31, 2005
FDA Warns Marketer of "Vitamin O" Product to Cease Unsubstantiated Claims
The U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) has sent a Warning Letter (dated February 8, 2005) to Donald L. Smyth, President, R-Garden Inc., and Rose Creek Health Products, Inc. warning that its "Vitamin O" product was, among other things, being marketed with unsubstantiated health claims.
Recalls & Warnings
November 07, 2005
FTC Stops Bogus Ads for "Bio Trim" and Other Weight-loss Products
On November 7, 2005, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that under the terms of a consent agreement that it has approved, Tustin, California based Natural Products, LLC, All Natural 4 U, LLC and their owner, Ana M.
News Release
May 21, 2004
Consumers warned of pitfalls with some multivitamins and vitamin waters — Testing by uncovers problems with many brands
WHITE PLAINS, NY — FRIDAY MAY 21, 2004 — (Updated June 2, 2004) — reported the results today of a major new analysis of popular multivitamin products.
News Release
January 08, 2002 finds most B vitamin supplements contain what they claim, but often exceed safe levels — Consumers cautioned to be aware of side effects with high dose products
WHITE PLAINS, NY — January 8, 2002 — announced today that all but one of the twenty-one products analyzed in its B Vitamin Product Review contained the claimed amounts of B vitamins.
News Release
February 14, 2001
Problems found with multivitamins and multiminerals by
WHITE PLAINS, NY — February 14, 2001 — announced today that only 14 of 27 products evaluated in its Multivitamin and Multimineral Product Review achieved full "CL Approved Quality" status.