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Water Filter Pitchers

Has PUR Water Filter Changed?

June 28, 2024
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A ConsumerLab member asked if the current PUR 7-Cup Water Filter Pitcher is different from what we tested 2020, so we put the question to PUR. See their answer in our Water Filter Pitcher Review, which includes our Top Picks among water filter pitchers.

"Double" Filtering Water?

June 25, 2024
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We were asked if it is “overkill” to use a Brita filter on water already filtered by a reverse osmosis system. See our answer in the ConsumerTips section of our Water Filter Pitcher Review, which includes our Top Picks among water filter pitchers.

Water Pitcher Filters Compared

June 21, 2024
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Recent tests of Aquagear, Brita, Clearly Filtered, and Zerowater filter pitchers revealed big differences in how well they remove PFAS ("forever chemicals") from tap water. Get the details in the Top Picks section of our Water Filter Pitchers Review.

Have Kidney Disease? Watch What’s In Your Water

May 31, 2024
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People with chronic kidney disease are particularly susceptible to the toxic effects of heavy metals. Even low levels of lead in drinking water may be harmful, according to a recent study. See our Water Filter Pitchers Review for details. Also see our Top Picks among water filter pitchers.

PFAS Toxins in Drinking Water

April 16, 2024
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Separately, the EPA recently finalized limits on PFAS in drinking water, but this gives water districts until 2029 to take corrective action. Learn more and see our Top Pick water filter pitcher for removing PFAS.

Top Pick Water Filters

April 11, 2024
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We’ve chosen an overall Top Pick among water filter pitchers based on test performance, cost, and certification. We have also changed our Top Picks for certain uses due to changes in products and availability. See our current Top Picks in our Water Filter Pitcher Review.

Microplastics Cardiovascular Concern

March 29, 2024
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Microplastic particles were recently found in arterial plaque in many people, and this was associated with much higher risk of stroke, heart attack, and death. Get the details in the Microplastics section of our Water Filter Pitchers Review. Also see our Top Pick water filter pitcher for removing microplastics.

Berkey Filter Replacement?

March 01, 2024
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With Berkey water filters no longer being sold, how do replacement filters compare (such as those from Boroux, Kainasch, and ProPure)? Find out in our Water Filter Pitchers Review.

Exposure to Forever Chemicals

February 13, 2024
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Learn about a tool to help you estimate your exposure to PFAS ("forever chemicals") and ways to reduce exposure. For details, see the PFAS section of our Water Filter Pitchers Review, which includes our Top Picks for removing PFAS.

Berkey Filters & Aluminum

November 14, 2023
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Concerns have been raised that Berkey Fluoride filters may add aluminum to water. Find out if this is true, and if you should be concerned, in our Water Filter Pitchers Review. Also see our Top Picks among water filter pitchers.

Berkey Filters

October 10, 2023
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Find out why water filters for Berkey filtration devices are not currently available. Get the details in our Water Filter Pitchers Review, which includes our Top Picks among water filter pitchers.

Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher & PFAS

September 19, 2023
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Does Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher do a good job removing PFAS ("forever chemicals") from tap water? Find out in our Water Filter Pitchers Review, which includes our Top Picks for removing PFAS as well as chlorine, arsenic, microbes, and more.

Filtering PFAS from Tap Water

September 08, 2023
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Using a water filter pitcher or other home water filter was linked to significantly lower blood levels of PFAS in a recent study. Get the details in our Water Filter Pitchers Review, and find out how water filter pitchers compare on removing PFAS, our Top Picks for removing PFAS, and our Top Picks for removing other substances in water.

Brita Responds to Lawsuit

September 06, 2023
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Brita responded to the recent lawsuit alleging that its products do not remove all hazardous contaminants. Get the details in our Water Filter Pitchers Review, and see our Top Picks among water filter pitchers.

Brita Lawsuit

August 22, 2023
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A recently filed lawsuit alleges that Brita products do not live up to claims of removing hazardous contaminants from drinking water. Learn more and ConsumerLab’s take on the suit in our Water Filter Pitchers Review, which includes our Top Picks among products.

Filtering Out Forever Chemicals

July 18, 2023
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PFAS, or “forever chemicals” are now in many water supplies and can have adverse health effects. Recent tests show how effective water filter pitchers are in filtering them out. See the results and our suggested Top Pick among them in our Water Filter Pitchers Review.

Filtering Out PFAS

May 09, 2023
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We’ve added information about an add-on to Brita filters that claims to remove potentially dangerous PFAS from drinking water. See the PFAS section of our Water Filter Pitchers Review.

Also see our Top Picks among water filter pitchers.

Do Water Filter Pitchers Really Remove PFAS?

May 05, 2023
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In many parts of the U.S., drinking water exceeds proposed limits for potentially toxic PFAS compounds. How well do water filter pitchers remove PFAS? Find out in the PFAS section of our Water Filter Pitchers Review.

Also see our Top Picks for water filter pitchers.

Clearly Filtered vs. Other Water Filters

May 02, 2023
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After publishing our recent review of water filter pitchers, several readers asked us about the Clearly Filtered pitcher, which was not tested. We’ve added information about this product – including a questionable claim – to the ConsumerTips section of the review. Also see our Top Picks among tested water filter pitchers.

Five More Water Filter Pitchers Tested

April 21, 2023
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We tested five more water filter pitchers (Aquagear, Berkey, Brita, Kirkland, and LifeStraw) and found surprising results.

While all did an excellent job of removing the heavy metals lead, cadmium, and mercury, pitchers varied dramatically in their ability to remove chlorine, (which affects taste), fluoride, arsenic, total dissolved solids (TDS), and microplastic particles. Be aware that some pitchers actually increase the amount of microplastics in water after filtering!

See our Top Picks for: The Review also shows which additional contaminants products claim to reduce (such as PFAS, solvents, and microbes), explains why you shouldn't drink the first few pitchers of water when using a new filter, and what to do if your water pitcher is unusually slow.

See the Water Filter Pitchers Review and our video about it.

Removing Radium From Water?

October 11, 2022
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A CL Member asked if water pitcher filters can remove radium from drinking water. Find out in the What to Consider When Using section of our Water Filter Pitchers Review.

Microplastics & Blood Clots

September 28, 2022
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A recent study raised concern about microplastics causing blood clots. Get the details in our Water Filter Pitchers Review.